Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Pete Dexter, Randall Kenan, Gilbert, Selma Lagerlof, Marvin Schecter, Grimsley, David Feinberg, Michael halfhill, John Horne, Anthony BSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by John Morgan Wilson, JLM Stewart, Scott Heim, Michael Innes, Neil s Placky Rodney Garlland, David Rees, Jeremy Reed, Tom Wakefield, VikrSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Christopher Rice, James Wilcox, Fred Hunter, Mark Richard Zubro, Donald Rawley, Samuel Astrachan, Simon Raven, Wening, Gary Glickman, DSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by paul Russell, Gary Indiana, Rick De Marinis, Rufus Gunn, Greg Herren, Paul Kafka Gibbons, Keith Snyder, Peter Nadas, Gide, Joe Orton, JSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library.20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Stephen Fry, Joseph Hansen, Gordon Merrick, Joe R Lane, Stephen Hermlin, Joe Lansdale, Chester Himes, Charhadi Larbi Layachi, James AndSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Alex Sanchez, David Plante, Innes, Townsend, John Butler, Alexis Rogers, Phil Andros and Paul Russell. Provenance: A private PhiladelphSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Larry McMurtry, Lev Raphael, parks, Greg Bills, Geoff Ryman, Marc Brandel, William Corlett, Krandal Kraus, James Merrill, Swanson, LeavSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Graham Masterson, Gunnarsson, DH Lawrence, Christopher Leland, Simon Winchester, Henry De Montherlant, Colm Tolbin, Raven, Chester HimeSee Sold Price
Sold20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by George Baxt, Coleman Dowell, David Plante, Steven Cooper, CF Borgman, James W Ridout IV, Hayes, Dale Peck, Chris Hunt, Andre Tellier, BSee Sold Price
SoldFrom a Storied Gentleman's LibraryFrom a Storied Gentleman's Library. 20 titles including works by Yves Navarre, Lev Raphael, Lardo, Andrew Harvey, Dorien Gray, Kevin Esser, Friedman, Pete Fisher with Marc Rubin, Brad Windhauser, JanSee Sold Price
SoldFrom a Storied Gentleman's LibraryFrom a Storied Gentleman's Library. 20 works including titles by Thornley, David Watmough, Roger Peyrefitte, Coleman Dowell, Silas House, Christopher Rice, EM Forster, George Baxt, Bidulka, Edward MarSee Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including titles by Stephen McCauley, Robert Dessaix, Mark Richard Zubro, Witter Bynner, Brad Gooch, Phillip Scott, William Goyen, RD Zimmerman, Joseph HanSee Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library.20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including titles by Herve Guibert, Christopher Bram, Mark Behr, Patrick White, Edward Swift, James Purdy, Dorien Gray, Jack Robinson, Dennis Murphy, Colm TSee Sold Price
Sold15 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library15 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Isherwood, Virginia Woolf, V Sackville-West, Thornton Wilder, and Kierkegaard. Provenance: A private Philadelphia Estate.See Sold Price
Sold21 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library21 Titles From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Richard Yates, Mike Seabrook, Merlis, Gary Indiana, William Mann, Sitkin, Witold Gombrowicz, Felice Picano, Mishima, Orland Outland. DaSee Sold Price
Sold20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Lawrence Block, Guy Davenport, Joseph Hansen, David Plante, Wendell Berry,Alan Hollinghurst, John Morgan ilson, Michael Tremblay, PeterSee Sold Price
Sold20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Joseph Hansen, Radclyffe Hall, Eric Swanson, Anthony Powell, Ron Burns, ST Haymon, Paul Gervais, Jim Taylor, Joseph Torchia, Robert GlucSee Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including books by Alex Sanchez, Andrew Holleran, Douglas Sadnowick, Christopher Rice, Denis Belloc, Timothy Ireland, Francis King, Brian Pera, Camilo JoseSee Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including tomes by Peter Gilbert, Bit Wright, Reidinger, Quinn, Gavin Lambert, Jonathan Latimr writing as Peter Coffin, Robert Barnard, Anderson Ferrell, KSee Sold Price
Sold20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Angus Wilson, Patrick Gale, Reinaldo Arenas, Gore Vidal, James Merrill, Larry Woiwode, Hall, George MacBeth, Duplechan, Art Bosch, IsherSee Sold Price
Sold20 Tomes From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Tomes From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Michael Levey, Francis King, Mason Powell, Frederick Buechner, Todd D Brown, Gerald Leboati, Alex Sanchez, Andre Malraux, John Sandford,See Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Michael Doane, Edmund White, Lonnie Coleman, Jim Oliver,, Ken Anderson, RD Zimmerman, Mark Richard Zubro, Rich Merritt, Terry Miller, NSee Sold Price
Sold20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Works From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Joseph Holshan, Lansdale, Jon P Bloch, John Morgan Wilson, Joseph Hansen, Thornton Wilder, Michael Nava, James Merrill, Marasaki ShikibuSee Sold Price
Sold20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library20 Books From a Storied Gentleman's Library. Including works by Wayson Choy, Dan Foster, Christopher Kihlman, W Edward Blain, Armistead Maupin, Josh lanyan, Carson, Raymond, Radiguet, Nathan Aldyne, ASee Sold Price
Pamela Wright (Canada,Antigua,20C) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
J Arlet (Europe,early 20C) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Vintage mid 20C European oil painting signedBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Antique early 20C American oil painting signedBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Schmidt (German,mid 20C) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Antique early 20C Spanish oil painting signedBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Antique early 20C British oil painting signedBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
High Grade Patek Philippe 20 Jewel Historic Mens Pocket Watch Box PapersHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1709 ROMAN POETRY SATYRAE Juvenal & Persius Flaccus VELLUM antique in DUTCHJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Economics.- Marshall (Alfred) Principles of Economics, 1891; and 11 others relating to economicsForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SOLINGEN, CORNELIS. 1641-1687. Alle de medicinale en chirurgicale werken mitsgaders embryulcia v...Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceJun 18, 2024