SoldMISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE ZOOMORPHIC POTTERY VESSEL2 Headed possible ivory bill woodpecker. Alabama, Florida panhandle provenance, former private museum collection stands 5 inches including figures, 19 inch circumference.See Sold Price
SoldMISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE ZOOMORPHIC POTTERY VESSELHas animal facial features eccentrically placed and the nose and mouth resemble a pig if so this would suggest post discovery or later than Mississippian culture, dug and restored believed from FloridSee Sold Price
SoldMISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE VESSELS ZOOMORPHIC & PAINTEDLot of 2 pottery vessels from the Mississippian culture: One zoomorphic frog vessel measuring 4 inches by 5 inches. The vessel is in good condition with some darkening of the pottery in some places. OSee Sold Price
SoldMississippian Culture Pottery VesselThis is a Mississippian Culture pottery vessel. The piece shows a unique tapered design with a domed top. The original handle is missing, however, the spout is present and does show a repair. The piecSee Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having wide globular body, tapering neck and round bottom, approximate size 9'' diameter, 8'' height. CONDITION: Some chips.See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having globular body, tapering neck and round bottom, etched decoration, approximate size 6 1/2'' diameter, 5 3/4'' height. CONDITION: Pedestal from bSee Sold Price
MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL69067 MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL An incised rim 5.5 inch complete pottery vessel, ex. Scott Young , Mississippian culture probable St. Johns river basin area. $300-400See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having globular body with long neck and flat bottom, approximate size 6'' diameter, 7'' height. CONDITION: Cracked, chip on rim.See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having globular body, long neck and flat bottom, approximate size 6 1/4'' diameter, 7 1/4'' height. CONDITION: Chips on rim.See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having wide globular body, tapering neck and round bottom, approximate size 7 3/4'' diameter, 7 1/4'' height. CONDITION: Cracked, small chips on rim.See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having globular body, tapering neck and flat bottom, approximate size 6'' diameter, 6'' height. CONDITION: Small chips on rim.See Sold Price
SoldPREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL|PREHISTORIC MISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE POTTERY VESSEL| Having globular body, long neck and flat bottom, approximate size 6 1/4'' diameter, 7 1/2'' height. CONDITION: Small hole, chips and scratches.See Sold Price
SoldPottery Vessel2" Tall x 2-1/2" wide cute little strap handle Mississippian Culture pottery vessel, decorated rim.See Sold Price
SoldPottery VesselMiniature lug handle Mississippian Culture pottery vessel only 2" tall x 2-1/2" wide.See Sold Price
SoldMississippian Culture Effigy Pottery VesselThis is a Mississippian Culture clay effigy pottery vessel. The piece is all handmade showing the animal figure in wonderful detail. A large handle spout extends from the back of the figure upward witSee Sold Price
Mississippian Culture Effigy Pottery VesselThis is a Mississippian Culture clay effigy pottery vessel. The piece is all handmade showing the animal figure in wonderful detail. A large handle spout extends from the back of the figure upward witSee Sold Price
SoldMississippian Culture Pottery Effigy VesselThis is a Mississippian Culture clay effigy pottery vessel. The piece is all handmade showing the horned creature on the animal figure. The pottery shows wonderful detail and hand painted design usingSee Sold Price
SoldThree Mississippian Culture Pottery Effigy VesselsThree Mississippian Culture Pottery Effigy Vessels. Comprising vessel with everted mouth, waisted neck, bulbous body with snake wrapped around; bulbous vessel with turtle form spout; and a vessel withSee Sold Price
SoldMississippian Culture Pottery Jar VesselThis is a Mississippian Culture pottery jar vessel. The piece shows a wonderful tapered design with a wide inside out lip at the top. The jar has retained much of the original red pigmented paint. TheSee Sold Price
SoldMISSISSIPPIAN CULTURE STAMPED POTTERY VESSELVery good original condition, from a longtime Memphis collection, provenance to southeast Arkansas. Measures 5 3/4 inches.See Sold Price
Sold2 Mississippian Culture Arkansas Pottery Vessels, incl.Two (2) Native American Mississippian Culture Arkansas pottery vessels, including Caddo human effigy. 1st item: Caddo grey ware human effigy jar with four human faces applied to top of rounded body beSee Sold Price
SoldMISSISSIPPIAN RATTLESNAKE QUAPAW POTTERY VESSELA Mississippian culture rattlesnake incised Quapaw tribal pottery vessel standing 5.5 inches and free of damage. The rattlesnake design is highly detailed and encircles the entire vessel.See Sold Price
SoldRED CERAMIC SHELL TEMPERED POTTERY MISSISSIPPIANOne identifying feature of Mississippian culture pottery is the shell tempered clay. This vessel is 7.5 inches tall with a 3.5 inch diameter. Was likely used as a water vessel. Appears to be in very gSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Bahia Culture Figural Ceremonial Terracotta Ocarina Vessel Flute Ecuador 500BCE-500CEHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Colima Culture Redware Pottery Standing Duck Vessel Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Chinese Kangxi Mark Porcelain Ginger Jars, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
8" Mississippian Fish Effigy Pottery Vessel, Solid found in Mississippi Co Arkansas Ex Sam JohnsonHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
6" Mississippian Fish Effigy Pottery Vessel, found in Lee Co Arkansas, restored, deconsessionedHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Amlash Redware Footed Drinking Vessel, Thin-WalledArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Four 14th C. Thai Sawankhalok Pottery Vessels & 1 LidArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Ancient Bactrian Pottery Kohl Jar Zoomorphic FormArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024