SoldEnglish Georgian mahogany side chairEnglish Georgian mahogany side chair late 18th/early 19th century having a shaped crest above a pierced back continuing to the upholstered seat and rising on cabriole legs 37""hSee Sold Price
SoldPair of English Late Georgian Mahogany Side ChairsLikely English, Late 18th/Early 19th century. A pair of George IV period (circa 1790-1820) mahogany wood side chairs, each comprising a cyma curved crest surmounting curved stiles and a pierced splatSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIRS - Period EnglishPAIR OF CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIRS - Period English Georgian Mahogany Chairs with shaped crest rails, intricately carved, interlaced and pierced splats with vinework, molded gadroon leg, slip seats. 38"See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF COUNTRY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRSEnglish, late 18th century. Each with a straight rectangular back on single horizontal splat, with a plank seat, all above a ring turned leg with box stretcher.See Sold Price
SoldPair Antique 19th C English Georgian Side ChairsPair of Antique 19th C English Georgian Style Side Chairs. Carved mahogany frames with upholstered seats. Each measures 33 x 18 x 18 inches. Property of a Waccabuc, New York Estate.See Sold Price
SoldAntique mahogany Georgian Side ChairEnglish antique side chair, upholstered seat, upholstery has wear, wood possibly refinished, ensures ht 38 inches width 21 inches depth 18 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldSET OF SIX GEORGIAN SIDE CHAIRS.SET OF SIX GEORGIAN SIDE CHAIRS. English. Mahogany with mellow older finish. Carved crest with carved and pierced splats, over slip seats and carved front seat rail and straight legs. Minor repairs. ASee Sold Price
SoldTWO ENGLISH GEORGIAN SIDE CHAIRSTWO ENGLISH GEORGIAN SIDE CHAIRS Striped upholstery and mahogany frames, ca. 1800. 18'' x 21'' x 36''See Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Hepplewhite Side Chairs Georgian Hepplewhite Side Chairs English, ca 1790-1800. A pair of George III Hepplewhite carved mahogany side chairs, each with stepped crest, gothic-arched and reeded slats, and raised on taperingSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Side Chairs Georgian Side Chairs English, 18th century. A pair of George III side chairs in mahogany with carved crest rails and pierced splats above a slip seat within a blind fretwork decorated rail, and fronSee Sold Price
SoldTen (10) C1930 Georgian-style Mahogany ChairsTen (10) circa 1930 English Mahogany Georgian style carved chairs with balloon seats (8 sides, 2 arms), 38 1/2"h.See Sold Price
SoldSuite of Six (4+2) English Georgian Style CarvedSuite of Six (4+2) English Georgian Style Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, early 20th c., consisting of two armchairs and four sides, with balloon backs and highly figured burled splats with applied scrSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Side Chairs Georgian Side Chairs English, 18th century. An assembled group of five Chippendale side chairs - two pairs and a single - in mahogany and walnut, each having a serpentine crest rail with conformingSee Sold Price
SoldSet, 16 English Chippendale Style Dining ChairsEnglish, early 20th century. Set of sixteen Edwardian era mahogany dining chairs in the Georgian-Chippendale taste, comprising four arm and twelve side chairs having shaped crests, pierced and knottedSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 12) English mahogany dining chairs executed in(lot of 12) English mahogany dining chairs executed in the Georgian taste, each having a pierced vasiform splat, above a slip seat upholstered in blue and taupe, surmounting cabochon carved cabriole lSee Sold Price
SoldSet, 6 Mahogany Georgian Style Dining ChairsEnglish, early 20th century. A set of 6 mahogany dining chairs in the Georgian style, including 2 arm- and 4 side-, each with a diamond pattern splat back and inlaid detailing, upholstered in floral fSee Sold Price
SoldA Georgian Mahogany Side Chair.A Georgian Mahogany Side Chair. Together with a mahogany foot stool (19" x 23" x 17") Chair back height: 38"See Sold Price
SoldAn English Mahogany Side Chair Height 40 1/4 inches.An English Mahogany Side Chair 18th century having a serpentine crest and a vasiform splat above the trapezoidal drop-in cushion seat, raised on cabriole legs. Height 40 1/4 inches. Estimate $200-400See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian Mahogany Side Chair.A Georgian Mahogany Side Chair. Together a Georgian mahogany foot stool (18" x 20" x 15") Chair back height: 39"See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian Mahogany Side Chair.A Georgian Mahogany Side Chair. Together with a nest of four mahogany tables Chair back height: 38"See Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR 19TH.C.GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR 19TH.C., H 37", W 19 1/2":Needlepoint seat. Chamfered legs, peg construction. From the estate of Daniel Clancy, Voltaire Place, Grosse Pointe Farms.See Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR, pierced C-scroll spGEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR, pierced C-scroll splat, upholstered seat, raised on cabriole legs with carved knees.. Fourth quarter 18th century. 35" h overall, 17" h seat Provenance: Estate of PearleSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Georgian mahogany side tablewith shaped apron and straight legs with beaded edge. 28"H x 31.75"W x 14.75"D, Circa - 1820See Sold Price
19th Century Georgian Style Mahogany Casket BoxPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19th Century English Accent Chair with Butterfly FabricPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Chippendale Style High Back Mahogany Side Chairs 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
A NEAR PAIR OF GEORGE III MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A pair of Louis Phillipe mahogany side chairs with pierced, fanned back splats over sprung seats andClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A 19thC mahogany side chair with a moulded and shaped backrest, vase shaped back splat and a leatherClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An Edwardian mahogany side chair with satinwood marquetry decoration, swept arms and raised onClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Six British George III Mahogany Side Chairs in the Chippendale TasteBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
18TH C. SALEM MA QUEEN ANNE CHAIRS, ORIGINAL SURFACE.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SET OF 8 ENGLISH HEPPLEWHITE DINING CHAIRS CA. 1800.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024