SoldOVAL PANELED FRAMES GOBLET, colorless with amberOVAL PANELED FRAMES GOBLET, colorless with amber staining, hexagonal stem and foot, polished table ring. Probably French. Mid 19th century. 6 1/8" h. Reference: Metz II, p. 10. Provenance: CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldHORIZONTAL OVAL FRAMES WITH CAMEO SULPHIDE GOBLET,HORIZONTAL OVAL FRAMES WITH CAMEO SULPHIDE GOBLET, colorless lead glass with a silver nitrate/amber stained medallion, encased sulphide bust of a winged female, hexagonal stem and foot, polished baseSee Sold Price
SoldOVAL PANELLED FRAMES GOBLETS, LOT OF THREEOVAL PANELLED FRAMES GOBLETS, LOT OF THREE, colorless lead glass, one with worn gilt decoration and one with amber staining, each with hexagonal stem and foot, polished table ring. Third quarter 19thSee Sold Price
SoldOVAL PANELLED FRAMES GOBLETOVAL PANELLED FRAMES GOBLET, colorless lead glass with worn gilt decoration, with polished table ring. Mid 19th century. 6 3/8" H.Provenance: Collection of Virginia & Vladimir Weiss, Audubon, PA.See Sold Price
SoldOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLEOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, colorless with excellent gilt decoration, molded neck ring with cut flutes above, factory polished top of rim and pontil mark, original stopper number in gilt to maSee Sold Price
SoldWAISTED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, colorlWAISTED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, colorless with original gilt decoration, hexagonal bottle with panel-cut bulbous neck, factory polished lip and pontil mark, original solid hexagonal stoppeSee Sold Price
SoldOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, light amber, hOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, light amber, hexagonal bottle with panels cut above the neck ring, factory polished lip and pontil mark, original lily-form stopper numbered to match the bottle. PrSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLEPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, medium amber with elaborate gilt decoration, hexagonal form with ringed and panel-cut neck, factory-polished top of mouth and pontil mark, original lily-forSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLEPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, honey amber with gilt decorations, hexagonal form with a ringed and panel-cut neck, factory polished flanged mouth and pontil mark, original pressed lily-foSee Sold Price
SoldTWO BLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLTWO BLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLES, honey amber and clambroth with a slightly sanded finish, each of small-size hexagonal form with a short neck and flanged mouth, raised on slight fSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF BLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BPAIR OF BLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLES, light amber with gilt decorations, each small-size bottle with cut panels above the neck ring and a polished pontil mark, lacking stoppers. UnSee Sold Price
SoldBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE / PERFUMEBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE / PERFUME BOTTLE, honey amber with gilt floral and berry decoration, small-size hexagonal form with a short neck and flanged mouth, raised on a slight foot, poSee Sold Price
SoldBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLEBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, light honey amber, hexagonal bottle with polished neck panels, factory polished lip and under base, original air-trap panel-cut stopper. Probably FrancSee Sold Price
SoldBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES VARIANT COLOGNE BBLOWN-MOLDED OVAL PANELED FRAMES VARIANT COLOGNE BOTTLE, honey amber, small size hexagonal form with a sharp shoulder and a panel-cut neck, factory polished lip and pontil mark, original hexagonal pyrSee Sold Price
SoldOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLEOVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLE, light honey amber, hexagonal form with polished neck panels, factory-polished lip and under base, original air-trap panel-cut stopper. 1845-1870. 6 3/4" HOA, 2 3/4"See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLES, LOT OF TWOPRESSED OVAL PANELED FRAMES COLOGNE BOTTLES, LOT OF TWO, colorless and deep electric blue, each hexagonal form with panel-cut neck, one with molded neck ring, factory-polished top of mouth and pontilSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED TOY SPOON HOLDERS, LOT OF THREEASSORTED PRESSED TOY SPOON HOLDERS, LOT OF THREE, comprising a colorless Paneled Ovals variant, amber Paneled Ovals, and a blue Smocking. Various makers. 1850-1870. 1 3/4" to 2 1/2" H, 1 1/8" to 1 1/2See Sold Price
SoldPANELED OVALS SET OF FIVE GOBLETSPANELED OVALS SET OF FIVE GOBLETS, colorless lead glass. Third quarter 19th century. 6 1/4" to 6 3/8" H.Provenance: Lillian "Lil" and Walter "Bud" Marchant Collection/Lil-Bud Antiques.See Sold Price
SoldHORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL FRAMED OVALS GOBLETHORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL FRAMED OVALS GOBLET, colorless lead glass with a silver nitrate/amber stained medallion, encased sulphide bust of a winged cherub, hexagonal stem and foot, polished base with cSee Sold Price
SoldPANELED OVALS GOBLET AND WOODEN PATTERN / MODELPANELED OVALS GOBLET AND WOODEN PATTERN / MODEL, colorless flint, model being turned and carved mahogany model for the same. Goblet 6 1/2" high; model 7 1/4" h, 3" and 3 1/4" dia. Prov. CatNotes.: ProSee Sold Price
SoldPANELED OVALS GOBLET AND WOODEN PATTERN / MODELPANELED OVALS GOBLET AND WOODEN PATTERN / MODEL, colorless lead glass, model being turned and carved mahogany model for the same pattern. Third quarter 19th century. Goblet 6 3/8" H, 3 3/8" D rim, 3 3See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED COLOGNE BOTTLES, LOT OF TWOASSORTED PRESSED COLOGNE BOTTLES, LOT OF TWO, medium honey amber, each hexagonal open-salt form body with panel-cut neck; one Oval Paneled Frames pattern, the other raised on a hexagonal foot; each wiSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH PANELLED OVALS WITH SULPHIDE GOBLETFRENCH PANELLED OVALS WITH SULPHIDE GOBLET, colorless lead glass, hexagonal bowl with applied amber panel containing a sulphide bust inclusion of Madame de Sevigne after a medal by Gayrard, polished tSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED FLINT EAPG GOBLETS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED FLINT EAPG GOBLETS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass with gilt decoration, including an unlisted Eight Panelled with polished rim, a Horizontal Oval Frames with petal foot, a Framed Ovals, aSee Sold Price
Venini Murano Glass Brass Mounted Framed ClockAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Oval Wooden Frame Carved Roman Imperial Marble Relief BustChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Oversized Gold, Quartz and White Sapphire Serpent RingDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(169)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Mother-of-Pearl Relicario Medallion, framed.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
World War I oval picture frame with bent glass (includes photograph).Lotus International Auctions, LLC4.6(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Gilt Carved Wooden Mounted Cherub HeadThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Antique Italian Figural Ornate Onyx and Brass Two Tier Coffee TableJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Czech Jeweled and Glass Vertical Salt Cellar HolderAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
attributed to Sanford Thayer (American, 1820-1880), Snared HareLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Export Black Lacquer and Gilt Decorated Chinoiserie Cabinet on StandBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Framed Painted Miniature Portrait of Girl, In CaseDirect Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
18TH C. H.F. FUGER MINIATURE PORTRAIT, GENTLEMAN.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Imperial ZODIAC Pattern Art Glass Footed BowlPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024