SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT, D 1906/07, price liEnglish Description: DAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT, D 1906/07, price list of the replacement parts for Mercedes-cars 1906/07, 35 pages, cover is moldy, otherwise good condition Deutsche Beschreibung:See Sold Price
DAIMLER-MOTOREN- GESELLSCHAFT price list theDAIMLER-MOTOREN- GESELLSCHAFT price list the replacement parts 14/30 HP Mercedes-Cardan 1909/11, and list of replacement parts Mercedes-Cardan 14/30 HP and 1909/11 (in three languages), good conditionSee Sold Price
Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft May 1926, price listDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft May 1926, price list chassis 24/100 HP, 33/140 HP, 33/180 HP (Short chassis), 28/95 HP, English text, good condition German Description Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft May 19See Sold Price
DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT replacement parts priceDAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT replacement parts price list, 16/45 HP Mercedes-Cardan-car with engine without valves, volume 1 from 1918, moldy, extremely rare German Description DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHSee Sold Price
DAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT January 1912, DutchDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT January 1912, Dutch price list, Mercedes automobiles 90 HP tracked vehicle/ 70 HP tracked vehicle/ 50 HP tracked vehicle, and Cardan carriage type 18 HP to 50 HP German:See Sold Price
DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1905, fold-outDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1905, fold-out brochure with 4 pages, engines "System Marienfelde" with technical data, price and dimension table, and on the back with delivery and warranty condiSee Sold Price
DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany February 1905,DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany February 1905, fold-out brochurewith 4 pages Daimler omnibuses with images of the car types, technical data, and prices, delivery conditions, etc. good condition fSee Sold Price
DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany February 1905,DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany February 1905, with fold-out brochure with 4 pages Daimler omnibuses with car type pictures, technical data, and prices, delivery conditions, etc. very good conditSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT, the Netherlands 1914DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT, the Netherlands 1914, catalog Mercedes model program, 54 pages with brochure and price list, relief printing, condition 1-2, rare German Description DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSSee Sold Price
DAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1905, fold-outDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1905, fold-out brochure with 4 pages, engines "System Marienfelde" with technical data, price and dimension table, and on the back with delivery and warranty condiSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFTD c. 1909, table aboDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFTD c. 1909, table about size, weights and prices of the Mercedes types; 4 pages, condition: 2, rare German: DAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFTD ca. 1909, Tabelle über AbmessungenSee Sold Price
SoldPoster "Mercedes Daimler, Motoren Gesellschaft"Advertising Poster, "Mercedes Daimler, Motoren Gesellschaft Stuttgart-Unterturkheim" Werkstatte fur Graphische Kunst, 120 Stuttgart, E. Schrieber. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 44" x 29-1/2", frameSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT, Drand Prix ACF 1914English Description: DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT, Drand Prix ACF 1914, 1 original b/w photo, Mercedes Grand Prix racing car, probably at the approval, rare photo Deutsche Beschreibung: DAIMLER MOTORSee Sold Price
SoldDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 6 advertising stampDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 6 advertising stamps, around 1910 German Description: Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 6 Werbemarken, um 1910 Italian Description: Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 6 marche pubSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT / VEIGEL miles speedometerDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT / VEIGEL miles speedometer up to 100 mph by Veigel Cannstatt, with a diameter of 10.5cm, function wasn't checked German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT / VEIGEL MSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT badge "Zur Erinnerung anDAIMLER MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT badge "Zur Erinnerung an das Gordon-Bennett-Rennen 1904" participants badge for baron de Caters, de Caters came up to the 3rd place, very rare badge, 5 x 7 cm German DescrSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany c. 1912/13, bigDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany c. 1912/13, big sales catalog, bound with a cord, Daimler tracked vehicle and Cardan car, 114 pages inclusive sport-Phaeton-car body in aluminum version, Luxus-spoSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1922, list ofDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1922, list of replacement parts Mercedes-6-cylinder car 28/95 HP, binding with stronger traces of usage, the first 2 pages were fixed with sticky tape, inside otheSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car clock 8 days withDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car clock 8 days with enamelled clockface, 12 hours display, with Mercedes logo under the 12 clock tag, on the back marked Brevet Depose, must be restored, with a diameterSee Sold Price
SoldDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1921, sales brochure "DasDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1921, sales brochure "Das 16/45PS Mercedes Knight Fahrgestell Modell 1921", 12 pages, very good condition German Description Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1921, VerkaufsproSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1926 BergrekordDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1926 Bergrekord Freiburg, Christian Werner on 8 cylinder Mercedes-racing car, rare original photo, in postcard size German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFTSee Sold Price
SoldDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1911, small brochure "DieDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1911, small brochure "Die Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft", inside with historical backgrounds, racing successes, models etc., 44 pages, German text, punched, slightly moldy,See Sold Price
SoldDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1912, sales catalogDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1912, sales catalog company history, illustrated, 16 pages, cord bound, French text, good condition German Description Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1912, Verkaufskatalog FSee Sold Price
SoldDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1924. fold-out brochureDaimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1924. fold-out brochure Mercedes 24/100/140 HP, 12 pages, Spanish text, good condition German Description Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1924. Faltprospekt Mercedes 24/100/1See Sold Price