4Pcs Birds Of Great Britain JOHN GOULD Hand Colored
LATE 18TH C. VERY LARGE CHART OF NORTHEAST CANADA BY DES BARRES (1721-1824), 1780, FRAMEDFeb 24, 2024John Gould & H.C. Richter Hand Colored Bird Lithograph Odontophorus GuianensisMar 03, 2024John Gould & H.C. Richter Hand Colored Bird Lithograph Hydrocoloeus MinutusMar 03, 2024John Gould & W. Hart Hand Colored Bird Lithograph Harpactues ErythrocephalusMar 03, 2024John Gould & H.C. Richter Hand Colored Bird Lithograph Caprimulgus RuficollisMar 03, 2024John Gould (English 1804-1881) Hand Colored Lithograph Pitta GranatinaMar 03, 2024John Gould (English 1804-1881) Hand Colored Lithograph Columba LiviaMar 03, 2024John Gould (English 1804-1881) Lithograph Diphogena Aurora HummingbirdsMar 03, 2024(13) 19th C. Prints Great Homes of Britain PrintsMar 02, 2024Henry Alken, The National Sports of Great Britain, Four Hand Colored Engravings Ca. 1821Feb 25, 2024Audubon - Whip-poor-will. 42Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Golden Eagle. 12Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Common Osprey Fish Hawk. 15Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Barn Owl. 34Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Snowy Owl. 28Feb 24, 2024Donovan's The Natural History of British Shells - 5 Volumes in 3 Books with 180 EngravingsFeb 24, 2024Gould - Natterer's Aracari or ToucanFeb 24, 2024Gould - Lemon-rumped ToucanFeb 24, 2024Great Blue Heron, Audubon Royal Octavo hand-colored lithographMar 07, 2024Great Horned Owl, Audubon, Royal Octavo hand-colored lithographMar 07, 2024Large map of the Americas 1794Mar 07, 2024John Gould (Hawk Owl) Surnia FunereaFeb 26, 2024ENGRAVING, Birds, GouldMar 12, 2024ENGRAVING, Birds, GouldMar 12, 2024