Sold6 Rollfilm Cameras6 Rollfilm Cameras 1) Hüttig, Dresden. Lloyd 9 x 12 cm (square), c. 1905, for rollfilm and plates, Universal-Aplanat F:8 in Automatic, focusing screen back. (3–2/2–3) – 2) Eastman Kodak, USA. NSee Sold Price
Sold2 Strut Cameras, c. 1905/062 Strut Cameras, c. 1905/06 1) Ernemann, Dresden. Klapp-Camera 9 x 12 cm, c. 1905, Goerz Doppel-Anastigmat 4,6/120 mm, focal plane shutter (stuck), with very rare rollfilm back and magazine for platesSee Sold Price
Sold2 x Ernemann "Heag VI"2 x Ernemann "Heag VI" Ernemann, Dresden. 1) Heag VI, c. 1903, size 9 x 12 cm, dark-red bellows, Lacour Berthiot Eurygraphe Anast. No. 5 Serie IIb F:6, shutter C, B, T and focal plane shutter (broken)See Sold Price
SoldErnemann Tropen-Klapp 9 x 12 cm, c. 1924Ernemann Tropen-Klapp 9 x 12 cm, c. 1924 Ernemann, Dresden. Export version with "Yards" engraving, teak body with brass fittings, focal plane shutter (working intermittently), brown bellows, with focuSee Sold Price
Sold3 Ernemann Cameras (9 x 12 cm)3 Ernemann Cameras (9 x 12 cm) Ernemann, Dresden. 1) Early Heag, c. 1900, wooden body, dark-red bellows, nice early "Bob" shutter, focusing screen back. (3+/3+) – 2) Heag XII Mod. I, 1906, aluminumSee Sold Price
SoldCarl Zeiss Stereo Palmos (9 x 12), c. 1905Carl Zeiss Stereo Palmos (9 x 12), c. 1905 Carl Zeiss, Jena. Folding-bed stereo camera for plates of 9 x 12 cm and 9,3 cm wide rollfilm, lenses: Zeiss Tessar 6,3/84 mm, focal plane shutter T, 1/7 to 1See Sold Price
SoldDr. Krügener's Delta Teddy 525, c. 1905Dr. Krügener's Delta Teddy 525, c. 1905 Dr. Krügener, Bockheim/Frankfurt. Horizontal type 9 x 12 cm, dark-red leather bellows, brilliant finder. Dr. Krügener's Delta Teddy 525, um 1905 Dr. KrügeneSee Sold Price
Sold3 SLR Cameras and 1 Strut Camera3 SLR Cameras and 1 Strut Camera 1) Hermagis, Paris. Appareils Reflex, c. 1905, SLR camera, size 9 x 12 cm, with Hermagis Anastigmat 4,5/170 mm, shutter stuck, rare French reflex camera. (2-3/4) - 2)See Sold Price
SoldErnemann "Spiegelreflex-Camera", c. 1907Ernemann "Spiegelreflex-Camera", c. 1907 Ernemann, Dresden. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, focal plane shutter (needs servicing), Tessar 4,5/18 cm, no. 138781, focusing screen back (stuck). Ernemann "SpiegelreSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Field Camera, c. 1900German Field Camera, c. 1900 Presumably Ernemann. Size 9 x 12 cm, tropical wood with brass fittings, Unofokal 4,5/18 cm in Compur, focusing screen back. Deutsche Reisekamera, um 1900 Vermutlich ErnemaSee Sold Price
Sold6 Folding-Bed Plate Cameras6 Folding-Bed Plate Cameras 1) Wünsche, Reick b/Dresden. Knox 9 x 12 cm, c. 1906, green bellows, with black corners, focusing screen back. (5/5) – 2) Ernemann, Dresden. Heag, c. 1910, 9 x 12 cm, CeSee Sold Price
SoldErnoflex Mod. I (Early Version), c. 1922Ernoflex Mod. I (Early Version), c. 1922 Ernemann, Dresden. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, serial no. 1185766, focal plane shutter 1/1500 sec. (working!), lens: Ernon 3,5/16,5 cm (no. 186895), unusual chasedSee Sold Price
Sold4 Rollfilm and Plate Cameras4 Rollfilm and Plate Cameras 1) Ernemann, Dresden. Heag XVI, c. 1909, size 9 x 12 cm on rollfilm and plates, Ernemann Aplanat-Symetrical in Ernemann shutter. – 2) French camera for rollfilm and platSee Sold Price
SoldErnemann Globus 24 x 30 cm, c. 1905Ernemann Globus 24 x 30 cm, c. 1905 Unmarked, but all features of Globus camera, plate size 24 x 30 cm, polished wood with brass fittings, clean optics by Rodenstock "Eurynar Anastigmat 4,5/36 cm", noSee Sold Price
SoldDr. Krügener's Delta Plate Camera, c. 1898Dr. Krügener's Delta Plate Camera, c. 1898 Dr. Krügener, Bockheim/Frankfurt. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, shutter I + II, diaphragm f.12–36, dark-red leather bellows, focusing screen back. Excellent condSee Sold Price
SoldHermagis Hand Camera, c. 1897Hermagis Hand-Camera, c. 1897 Hermagis, Paris. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, mahogany body with nice brass fittings, with Hermagis Aplanastigmat 1:7 f=140 mm, no. 32790, with iris stop, roller-blind shutter (See Sold Price
SoldNoble Folding-Bed Camera from France, c. 1900Noble Folding-Bed Camera from France, c. 1900 Unmarked, plate size 9 x 12 cm, mahogany body with noble brass fittings, dark-red bellows, lens: "Aplanétique Hotel de Ville" F:8, iris stop, with focusiSee Sold Price
SoldLa Handy, c. 1900La Handy, c. 1900 Unmarked, France. Book-form camera, for plates 9 x 12 cm, body no. 118, lens Anastigmat Série F 7/7, shutter P. + T., bellows new, focusing screen back and original case. - Rare camSee Sold Price
SoldIca Tropical Magazine Camera, c. 1915Ica Tropical Magazine Camera, c. 1915 Ica, Dresden. Probably "Trilby" series no. 18, produced by Ernemann for Ica. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, serial no. 54394, polished wood with nickel fittings, Ica AchrSee Sold Price
SoldStegemann "Hand-Camera", c. 1895Stegemann "Hand-Camera", c. 1895 Stegemann, Berlin. Wooden strut camera for plates 9 x 12 cm, focal plane shutter (working), lens: Zeiss Jena No. 16888 Serie II F=140 mm, focusing screen back. CameraSee Sold Price
SoldMinimal by Wünsche, c. 1900Minimal by Wünsche, c. 1900 1) Emil Wünsche, Reick b/Dresden. Minimal 9 x 12 cm, aluminum baseboard, dark-red bellows, Universal-Rapid-Aplanat F:8 in Presto shutter. (3/3+) – And: 2) Flat-bed cameSee Sold Price
SoldErnemann Tropical HEAG X, 9x12 cm, 1913c, rare tropical camera with square backed body, 9 x 12 cm, horizontal or vertical plug-in camera back. Teak body, brass fittings, serial number 868285, Carl Zeiss Protar 18/141 mm lens, shutter 1/150See Sold Price
SoldGlobus K Serie I, 1911Globus K Serie I, 1911 Ernemann AG, Dresden, serial number embossed in wood: no. 26! Body walnut, 9 x 12 cm, with Aplanat 6,8/No. 1, no. 44049, Ernemann shutter 1 - 1/100 sec., Z and O, with 3 doubleSee Sold Price
SoldCarl Zeiss Stereo Palmos Folding Plate Camera GeCarl Zeiss Stereo Palmos Folding Plate CameraGerman, c. 1910, for two exposures 5 x 7cm oSee Sold Price
Archaeological Books - Pitt-Rivers - Excavations in Cranborne Chase, Vols 1-5TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Numismatic Books - Marno - Notes on the Coinage of Edward IIITimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Numismatic Books - Imhoof-Blummer - Porträtköpfe auf Römischen Münzen der Republik und derTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
KENNEDY, John F. (1917-1963). Photograph Inscribed to Illin...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(539)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
46061: Philip Russell Goodwin (American, 1881-1935) TraHeritage Auctions4.1(508)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Thomas Webb & Sons, Old Ivory vase with clematisToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(390)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Bohemian, Secessionist vases with metal mountsToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(390)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Tiffany Studios, attribution, Experimental vaseToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(390)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024