SoldSaturn IV B Rocket Blueprint"Schematic, VSE, Propulsion DSV-4B-Battleship" Original Blueprint (72xz24") This original Douglas Aircraft 1965 engineering blueprint is related to the Saturn S IV B stage of the Saturn V launch vehicSee Sold Price
SoldSaturn IV B Rocket Blueprint"LOX System at SIVB-TS" Original Blueprint (45x36") This original 1965 schematic blueprint will enable you to reproduce this system with complete accuracy. Talk about authenticity !! Rare.See Sold Price
SoldSaturn IV B Rocket BlueprintsSaturn S IV B Original Blueprints (20x16") Lot of two different reduced blueprints as issued by Marshall Space Flight Center. One is labeled "GN2 System at SIVB-TX", the other "Instrumentation LocatioSee Sold Price
Saturn SIVB Blueprints, Checklists +++Saturn IV B Memos, Blueprints, Countdown Checklists, etc. Lot of 4+ handbooks of memos and documents, all relating to the Saturn IV B stage of the Saturn V rocket. These are original working documentsSee Sold Price
SoldBlueprint for a Saturn IB Rocket Container AssemblA wonderful blueprint dated May 18, 1971 of the "Saturn IB Container Assembly Battery Substitute S-IVB Stage", completed for the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center by Eagle Picher Industries of MiSee Sold Price
SoldSATURN IV-B ROCKET STAGE MODELA plastic model of the Douglas made Saturn IV-B rocket stage with original metal carts. 11 1/2 by 4 by 3 1/4 inches (overall)See Sold Price
SoldSaturn S-IVB Rocket Model(8x15.5") Spectacular model of the Saturn IV-B third stage. The model is on a pivot on its wooden base, so it rotates and moves. Chip on the upper edge of the model does not detract. The gold toned plSee Sold Price
SoldSaturn "S-IVB Test Stand" Blueprint"H2, He & N2 Systems, S-IVB Test Stand" Original Blueprint (78x36") This original 1965 blueprint is highly detailed, both with original labels AND with added pencil notations. You can recreate almostSee Sold Price
Sold1967 Saturn V Third Stage Fuel Tank Relief ValveA Saturn V rocket Third Stage (S-IVB) Fuel Tank Relief Valve used for the liquid hydrogen storage tank and fuel distribution system. Manufactured by subcontractor W.O. Leonard Inc., Pasadena, CA on beSee Sold Price
Saturn Rocket MemorandaOfficial NASA memoranda regarding the Saturn Rocket, 8.5 x 11, consisting of a one-page Launch Operations Center memo regarding analysis of the "Umbilical Support Foot for S-II Forward, S-IVB Aft, andSee Sold Price
Sold1960s SATURN IVB PROPELLANT DISPERSION UNITDirectly from the launch center at the Cape, this unit was removed from its rack to be placed in your collection. It has 11 switches, two meters (with ASTP NASA operational checks) and numerous rectanSee Sold Price
SoldKennedy Space Center Saturn IVB "APS Chamber PressKennedy Space Center Saturn IVB "APS Chamber Pressure" Panel (19x5.25x18") A KSC instrument panel used to monitor the pressure in the Auxiliary Propulsion System for the Saturn IVB. Each meter has anSee Sold Price
SoldWalter Cunningham Saturn IVB third stage over CapeWalter Cunningham Saturn IVB third stage over Cape Canaveral, Apollo 7, October 1968Vintage chromogenic print, 18.2 x 17.7cm (7 1/8 x 7in), on "A Kodak Paper", description printed verso, numbeSee Sold Price
SoldWalter Cunningham (American, b. 1932)Walter Cunningham (American, b. 1932) The expended Saturn IVB stage, rendezvous over the Earth, Apollo 7, October 1968. Numbered 'NASA AS7-3-1545' in red (scratched out with black pen) on the rectoSee Sold Price
SoldWalter Cunningham (American, b. 1932)Walter Cunningham (American, b. 1932) The expended Saturn IVB stage, separation and transposition maneuvers in space, Apollo 7, October 1968. Numbered 'NASA AS7-3-1528' in red on the recto u.l. margSee Sold Price
SoldWalter Cunningham (American, b. 1932)Walter Cunningham (American, b. 1932) The simulated docking target of the orbiting Saturn IVB stage, Apollo 7, October 1968. Numbered 'NASA G-69-2601' (NASA Goddard) in black on the recto l.l. margiSee Sold Price
Sold1960s USA SIVB COMPONENT MODELSSix different pieces of the Saturn IVB booster, each on its original green or yellow metal moveable (wheeled) transport trailers. This 'Douglas' contractor's model is quite scarce. Some faults due toSee Sold Price
SoldApollo "Saturn Technical Information Handbook"(SA-203, approx. 150+ pp., hard cover, loose leaf notebook) The purpose of Apollo 203 was to check out the behavior of the fuel used the Saturn-IVB stage in weightlessness, which was crucial to allowSee Sold Price
SoldWalter Cunningham Signed Color Photo of Apollo 7 Rocket StageWalter Cunningham Signed Color Photo of Apollo 7 Rocket Stage A beautiful image of the Apollo 7 S-IVB rocket stage floating over the Earth signed by astronaut Walter Cunningham. Measuring 20" x 16", nSee Sold Price
SoldApollo 7 Cunningham and Schirra Autographson a color photograph (8 x 10") of S-IVB rocket stage in orbit. Cunningham has signed in blue Sharpie, Schirra in black. Excellent condition.See Sold Price
SoldSkylab 3 Fractured Saturn S IVB Paperweight(4.5x2.25") This titanium (?) paperweight is inscribed: "The crack that went around the world / Saturn S IV B / 11-16-73". This refers to an important fault discovered in the Saturn launch vehicle useSee Sold Price
Saturn S IV B PaperweightSaturn S IV B Paperweight (4.5x2.25") This titanium (?) paperweight is inscribed: "The crack that went around the world / Saturn S IV B / 11-16-73". This refers to an important fault discovered in theSee Sold Price
Soldc.1970s MODEL PARTS & PIECESAn unusual lot in two cartons that includes model parts and pieces made from wood, metal, plastic, etc. We note model parts from Saturn S-IV-B, Thor, Delta, including a red metal Apollo Escape tower,See Sold Price
SoldSaturn S-IVB Stage Orientation ManualAn early 8.5"x 11" Saturn S-IVB Stage Orientation Manual from Douglas dated Oct 1967 with over 50 pages of photos, illustrations, information and a foldout. Some front cover flaws but great shape insiSee Sold Price
Byzantine Architectural Electrum Ring with Emerald Engraved with a DoveTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Babylonian Cuneiform Tablet, a Clothes Receipt from Puzur-Akum to AstaqarTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Western Asiatic Bronze Arrowheads, Javelin Heads and DaggersTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
English Medieval Coins - Edward IV - Bristol - AR GroatTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Andy Warhol "Beethoven" Limited Edition Silk Screen Print from Sunday B Morning.Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Romero Britto (Brazilian, b. 1963) Large " Flower Power IV (Blue)" Litho Mirror Digital PrintAuction Wallstreet4.5(49)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Disney World Hollywood Studios Park Layout Architectural BlueprintEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
[Soviet. Shvarts, B.V., cover]. I.V. Stalin: Photo series in 72 sheets / Comp. L.B. Gabrielov; Ed.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024