SoldSixty Pieces of Colorless Cut Crystal Glass and SSixty Pieces of Colorless Cut Crystal Glass and Stemware, eighteen tumblers, seven finger bowls, eight cordials, ten wines, seven sherbets, and ten champagnes.See Sold Price
SoldENGLISH RUBY CUT TO CLEAR GLASS PART STEMWARE SERVICELate 19th/early 20th Century. Comprising, 11 large goblets, 8 smaller goblets and 4 finger bowls; each ruby over clear bowl cut with flutes, on a colorless stem and square colorless foot. Together witSee Sold Price
SoldA Set of Nineteen English Cut Glass and Gilt FingeA Set of Nineteen English Cut Glass and Gilt Finger Bowls and Underplates, each of rectangular form, with canted corners, edged with Neoclassical decoration. Width of underplate 6 1/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish cut glass water tumblers and finger bowlsEleven of each. H. of waters: 12.5 cm (4 7/8 in.)See Sold Price
SoldTWENTY-FOUR INTAGILIO CUT COLORLESS GLASS BOWLS &English, possibly Stourbridge or American, Hawkes. Late 19th Century. Comprising: 12 shallow bowls and 12 plates, each decorated with foliage, ribbons and scrolls. Diameter of bowls 9", plates 10". (CSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH BLOWN AND CUT SWEETMEAT GLASSENGLISH BLOWN AND CUT SWEETMEAT GLASS, colorless lead glass, double-ogee bowl cut with a band of laurel leaves below rim and diamonds above base, raised on an eight-sided hollow pedestal stem and domeSee Sold Price
SoldSINATRA SET OF COLORLESS CUT GLASS WINE STEMS ANDIncluding 12 red wine, 12 white wine, and 17 finger bowls. Tallest, height 6 inches PROVENANCE From the Estate of Mrs. Nancy Sinatra Frank SinatraSee Sold Price
SoldFORTY-ONE PIECE COLORLESS CUT GLASS DRINKS SERVICE20th Century. Probably Waterford. Each with tight flutes. Comprising: 17 wines, 14 tumblers and 10 finger bowls. Together with six molded and cut glass dishes. (47 pcs) (Cond: on bowl with spider cracSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-two Pieces of Mostly Colorless Cut Glass TTwenty-two Pieces of Mostly Colorless Cut Glass Tableware, including a pitcher, two vases, a cruet, tazza, a set of nine finger bowls, and a set of six finger bowls.See Sold Price
Partial Set of Twenty-six Pieces of Colorless CutPartial Set of Twenty-six Pieces of Colorless Cut Glass Tableware, a Compote, and Two Bowls, a set of twelve plates, ten finger bowls, and four small dishes.See Sold Price
SoldENGLISH CUT GLASS SET OF SIX WINE GLASSESENGLISH CUT GLASS SET OF SIX WINE GLASSES, colorless lead glass, each conical bowl with tiny diamond band above basal flutes, raised on a button stem and circular foot with polished pontil mark. FirstSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH FREE-BLOWN, CUT, AND ENGRAVED FACET-STEM WINEENGLISH FREE-BLOWN, CUT, AND ENGRAVED FACET-STEM WINE GLASS, colorless lead glass, ovoid bowl cut and engraved with a rose, five buds, leaves, and upright flower, cut basal flutes, raised on a hexagonSee Sold Price
Group of Small Colored and Colorless Pressed GlassGroup of Small Colored and Colorless Pressed Glass Items, eighteen cup plates, two finger bowls, a pair of milk glass dishes with blue domed lids, and two pestles.See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY CUT CELERY GLASS, colorless, bowl cut withHEAVY CUT CELERY GLASS, colorless, bowl cut with 10 panels and pointed arches, raised on a panel-cut stem and star-cut foot. American or English. Mid 19th century. 7" h, 4 5/8" dia rim, 3 5/8" dia fooSee Sold Price
SoldA Set Of Five 19th Century Glass Finger Bowls.A Set Of Five 19th Century Glass Finger Bowls. Together with a set of three etched glass finger bowls, an American brilliant cut glass pitcher, a Czech cut glass footed bowl, an English porcelain presSee Sold Price
SoldHAWKES "RUSSIAN" BRILLIANT CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS, SETHAWKES "RUSSIAN" BRILLIANT CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS, SET OF SEVEN, colorless. T. G. Hawkes. Late 19th/early 20th century. 2 5/8" H, 5" D. Literature: Feller's "Dorflinger America's Finest Glass 1852-192See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BRILLIANT CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS, LOT OF SIXAMERICAN BRILLIANT CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS, LOT OF SIX, colorless, three various pattern pairs including a Libbey "Imperial", each signed in base; a strawberry-diamond pattern and remaining with a hobsSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH CUT GLASS PAIR OF MAGNUM DECANTERSENGLISH CUT GLASS PAIR OF MAGNUM DECANTERS, colorless lead glass, barrel-form with ringed broad-flute and finger flute cuttings, original teared stoppers, polished pontil marks. First half 19th centurSee Sold Price
SoldLAMBTON FAMILY CUT STRAWBERRY DIAMOND ARMORIAL FINGER /LAMBTON FAMILY CUT STRAWBERRY DIAMOND ARMORIAL FINGER / WASTE BOWL, colorless lead glass, featuring the Lambton family coat of arms above the motto "Le jour viendra" (The day will come), scalloped rimSee Sold Price
SoldCUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS FINGER BOWLS, LOT OF THREECUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS FINGER BOWLS, LOT OF THREE, green to colorless and ruby, floral and geometric designs. Stevens and Williams and others. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. 4 3/4" to 5 1/8"See Sold Price
SoldENGLISH FREE-BLOWN, CUT, AND ENGRAVED FACET-STEM WINEENGLISH FREE-BLOWN, CUT, AND ENGRAVED FACET-STEM WINE GLASSES, LOT OF FOUR, colorless lead glass, comprising a pair with ogee bowls cut and engraved with oval-and-star swags and tassels below the rim,See Sold Price
SoldSet of four English or Irish cobalt blue glass fingerSet of four English or Irish cobalt blue glass finger bowls, 18th/19th century having scallop cut beveled edge and sides having cut diamond and four pointed star design (one chipped and cracked). heigSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Cut Crystal GroupLikely Stourbridge, possibly Thomas Webb & Sons. Late 19th or Early 20th Century. Cut Glass "Rock Crystal" Tableware including 36 matching pieces: 12 stem bowls, 12 finger bowls, and 12 under plates.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Cut Glass Partial Stemware ServiceEnglish Cut Glass Partial Stemware Service 19th Century Comprising three red wine glasses, thirteen white wine glasses, eleven cordial glasses, seven liqueur glasses, eighteen bowls and five highballSee Sold Price
Rare Bowl ''Carrageenan Citron Ruby Running Gre 2420''Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
SET OF 6 ETCHED AND GILT GLASS FINGER BOWLS AND PLATESLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Tray 59 Pc Amber Cut To Clear Stemware Glasses, Pr Candlesticks, Finger BowlsGeorge Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Brass Base Compote Centerpiece W/ Cut Glass Bowl 15"H X 12" DiamGeorge Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Finger Bowl, ABCG, Chrysanthemum Pattern By HawkesWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024