2 11/16" Pinetree. KY. Nicely serrated. Ex-Brockman,
2.1/4" Pine Tree, Tip has moder retouch, Ex Mike Hosier, Ex Montie Milner CollectionFeb 25, 20244.1/2" Nicely Made Knife, Cortex on base. Ex Mike Hosier, Ex Montie Milner CollectionFeb 25, 20242.1/2" Robinson Point, Nicely Made and Creek Found, Ex Steve McCabe Coll. Sullivan Co Missouri.Feb 25, 20242.11/16" Super Kirk Corner Notch, Barron Co KY, Ex Rocky Hall.Feb 25, 20243.1/2" Benton, Barron Co KY, Ex Rocky Hall.Feb 25, 20242.5/16" Super Colorful Blunt Tip Point, Barron Co KY, Ex Rocky Hall.Feb 25, 20242.5/8" Dalton Knuckles, Barron Co KY, Ex Rocky Hall.Feb 25, 20242 1/4" Merkle. White and Blue Chert. Mercer Co, KY. Ex Dale RectorMar 09, 20242 7/16" Lost Lake. Ft. Payne Chert. Meade Co, KY. PicturedMar 09, 20242 11/16" Clovis. White and gray Ft. Payne Chert. Ex Dale RectorMar 09, 20242 1/2" Pinetree. Hornstone. Grayson Co, KY. Ex Dale RectorMar 09, 2024Frame of 5 Various Points. Longest 3 1/4".Mar 09, 20242 11/16" 3/4 Groove Axe. Illinois. Ex Zack SmithMar 09, 20242 3/4" Serrated Kirk Stem. Ex Charles Henderson.Mar 09, 20242 1/4" Drilled Pendant. Northern Kentucky. Ex Rex AllenMar 09, 20242 1/4" Dalton-Greenbrier. Sonora Flint. Ex Dale RectorMar 09, 20243 1/2" Transitional Paleo Blade. Hardin Co, KY. Ex Dale RectorMar 09, 20243 1/2" Watts Cave. Sonora Flint. Grayson Co, KY.Mar 09, 20243 3/16" Serrated Pinetree. Meigs Co, TN. Putty COAMar 09, 20242 11/16" Serrated Kirk. Bracken Co, KY. Ex-Dale RectorMar 09, 20242 3/8" Hornstone Decatur. Hardin Co, KY. Ex-Dale Rector. PicturedMar 09, 20243 1/2" Thebes. Made of well patinated Hornstone. KentuckyMar 09, 20243.1/2" Archaic Knife, Barron Co KY, Ex Rocky HallMar 10, 20242.7/8" Quad Concave Gorget, Williams County Ohio, Nicely Banded Slate, Ex Bill Kacer FamilyMar 10, 2024