Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SoldStone Age French Implement GroupPalaeolithic to Neolithic, 80,000-3,000 years BP. A mixed group of flint tools comprising: a blue blade flint tool, Belloy type ex Henry Dewey collection, old inked markings 'Leon Longpré / top ofSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age French Flint Implement GroupMesolithic, 37000-12000 BC. A mixed group of lithic implements comprising: a scraper marked 'Levallois from tortoise core Dordogne 1972'; an awl marked 'Aurignacian, Dordogne'; a retouched blade markeSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age French Flint Implements GroupMesolithic era, 10000-6000 BC . Two crude implements in grey cobble flint with considerable cortex evident; each with 19th century French label. 233 grams total, 8 cm each (3"). Ex Dr M. G. Weller colSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Mousterian (Neanderthal) Tool GroupMousterian, 80,000-40,000 BP. A group of eight 'Neanderthal' flint flake implements; in the typical orange-brown opaque flint of the region. 375 grams total, 54-89mm (2 - 3 1/2"). Ex an old French colSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Implement GroupPalaeolithic Period, 100,000 - 50,000 Years BP. A group of three flint tools with knapped edges and points, one with rounded butt and elongated point. 106 grams total, 57-89mm (2 1/4 - 3 1/2"). ProperSee Sold Price
Stone Age Implement GroupNeolithic, 4th-3rd millennium BC. A mixed group of stone tools comprising: a small axehead with rounded edge and flat butt, D-shaped in section; a leaf-shaped bifacial scraper; a crescentic scraper; aSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped Implement GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A group of knapped bifacial flint tools comprising: a curved sickle with serrated cutting edge, showing some wear polish; a leaf-shaped small javelin head with squareSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Spanish Implement Group50,000-10,000 years BP. A mixed group of five chert implements including burins, blades and an auger, mounted on an old collector's card. 95 grams total, card: 16cm, tools: 65-97mm (6 1/4"). Ex Dr M.See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Spanish Implement GroupLower Palaeolithic, 600,000 years BP. A mixed group of three Spanish 'pebble tools'. 1.2 kg, 10-12.5cm (4-5"). Ex Dr M. G. Weller collection, Cornwall, UK; formerly Museo Archaeologia, Seville; foundSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Bone Implement GroupNeolithic, 4th-3rd millennium BC. A mixed group of bone implements comprising: one long with small shallow cuts; one tongue-shaped with chamfered end, cracked; one with transverse grooves. 37 grams toSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Mesolithic Implement GroupMesolithic, 30000-15000 BP. A mixed group comprising: a 'Thames Pick' flint axe; two massive flint cleavers formed on heavy flakes; a small flint cleaver and a massive stone pestle. 3.28 kg, 7.5-17cmSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Mesolithic Implement GroupMesolithic, 30000-15000 BP. A mixed group of knapped flint tools with cortex to the surface. 2.1 kg, 9.5-15cm (3 3/4 - 6"). Dr Brian Poole Collection, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK; found by the vendor, AsSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Bone Implement Group3rd-1st millennium BC. A group of bone objects of various forms and shapes. 80 grams total, 2.2-10cm (1 - 4"). Property of a professional; acquired on the European art market in the 1980s. [12, No ResSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Spanish Implement GroupLower Palaeolithic, 600,000 years BP. A mixed group of three Spanish 'pebble tools'. 1 kg, 10.5-13cm (4 - 5"). Ex Dr M. G. Weller collection, Cornwall, UK; formerly with Museo Archaeologia, Seville; fSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Neolithic Implement Group4th-3rd millennium BC. A group of knapped flint implements comprising mainly scarpers and flakes, all with pencilled collector's notes. 147 grams total, 31-82mm (1 1/4 - 3 1/4"). From the Arthur HalcrSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Blade Implement GroupPalaeolithic to Neolithic, 40000-3000 BC . A group of seven items comprising: a single-edged blade knife (with inked reference 'DORDORGNE Pergordian Culture') dating to circa 40000 BC; a Mesolithic blSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Bone Implement Group7th-5th millennium BC. A pair of bone tools, one a straight round-section awl and the other curved and triangular in section. 18 grams total, 60-95mm (2 1/2 - 3 3/4"). Property of a professional; acquSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Neolithic Implements GroupCirca 5,000 BC. A mixed group of stone implements of various Neolithic cultures comprising: a Saharan hafted scraper (with an inked old collection number); a southern European small handaxe; two scrapSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Tool and Implement GroupNeolithic, 4th-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of stone implements comprising: a large and a smaller square-section axe-hammer; two tanged arrowheads; a small axehead with square butt; a triangular-sSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British 'Avebury' Implement GroupNeolithic, 3000-2000 BC. A mixed flint group comprising: two D-shaped scrapers, one with old inked museum collection number '1146' and circumflex above; a globular nodule with one worked edge; a facetSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Large Bone Implement GroupNeolithic, 4th-3rd millennium BC. A mixed group of bone points, one triangular with carved flange to rear, one slender with T-section blade, one T-section, short with sturdy butt. 170 grams total, 11.See Sold Price
SoldStone Age British 'Avebury' Implement GroupNeolithic, 3000-2000 BC. A mixed flint group comprising: a narrow triangular point with curved profile; a D-shaped scraper; a nodule with one worked face; a trapezoidal scraper with old inked museum cSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scandinavian Mixed Implement GroupMesolithic, 16th-6th millennium BC. Flint group comprising: a neatly knapped ovate implement with retouched edges; a small implement with 'chisel' end formed by flaking; two heavy knapped implements aSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age North African Implement GroupNeolithic Period, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of stone tools comprising: a tongue-shaped blade with chamfered edge; one similar with lateral curved edge; one similar with inked accession numbSee Sold Price
Stone Age 'Trossencourt' Grey Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Superb Stone Age 'Dordogne' Toffee-Brown Knapped Flint Ficron Bifacial HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Large Stone Age 'Somme' White Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age 'Somme' Grey Speckled White Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age 'Somme' Grey Speckled White Knapped Flint AxeheadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Attractive Stone Age 'Dordogne' Orange-Brown Chalcedony Bifacially Worked HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scrapers with Reproduction Axes and SpearheadsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scraper and Other Implement GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024