SoldOO-31 VARIATION HEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-31 VARIATION HEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, unlisted milky amethyst, oblong octagonal form with oval-bead rim above two drapes on each panel, base variation with eight rays arranged in two groups oSee Sold Price
SoldOO-31 VARIATION HEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-31 VARIATION HEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, oblong octagonal form with oval-bead and point rim above two drapes on each panel, oval rope under base. Probably extremely rare, possibly uniSee Sold Price
SoldHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, amethyst, oval form with rim conforming to eight groups of three drapes surrounding the body, conforming lobbed base with central bead. United States. 1840-1860. 1 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, golden amber, oval form with rim conforming to eight groups of three drapes surrounding the body, conforming lobed base with central bead. United States. 1840-1860. 1 1/See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, cobalt blue, oval form with rim conforming to eight groups of three drapes surrounding the body, conforming lobed base with central bead. United States. 1840-1860. 1 1/2See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, pale aquamarine, crude oval form with rim conforming to eight groups of three drapes surrounding the body, conforming lobbed base without central bead. United States. 18See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, red amber, very lightly sanded surface, oval form with rim conforming to eight groups of three drapes surrounding the body, conforming lobed base with central bead. UnitSee Sold Price
SoldHEAVY MEDIAL DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY MEDIAL DRAPE PRESSED OPEN SALT, amethyst, oblong octagonal form with concave corners and plain, curved rim, 12-petal florette in base. Probably Massachusetts, possibly New England Glass Co. 1825See Sold Price
SoldOO-4B PRINCESS FEATHER MEDALLION OBLONG OCTAGON PRESSEDOO-4B PRINCESS FEATHER MEDALLION OBLONG OCTAGON PRESSED OPEN SALT, deep amethyst, variation of OO-4a with rope underneath the even-scallop rim. Unlisted in Neal, extremely rare. Probably Boston & SandSee Sold Price
SoldNE-1 VARIANT NEW ENGLAND MARKED PRESSED OPEN SALTNE-1 VARIANT NEW ENGLAND MARKED PRESSED OPEN SALT, opaque white with opalescence at rim, embossed under base, scallop-and-point rim, very thick and heavy. Variation with taller rim and end flowers morSee Sold Price
SoldOO-4B PRINCESS FEATHER MEDALLION OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSEDOO-4B PRINCESS FEATHER MEDALLION OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, deep amethyst, even-scallop rim. Variation of OO-4a with rope underneath the rim. Unlisted in Neal, extremely rare. Probably Boston &See Sold Price
SoldOO VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OFOO VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWO, colorless, comprising an OO-25a variant with beaded rim, and an unlisted OO-26 variant with a heavy bead at each corner below the rim and muchSee Sold Price
SoldOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, honey amber, serrated rim, raised on a conforming foot. Base variation with longer prisms and corner bars like OO-13. Probably extremely rare. PossiblySee Sold Price
SoldRD-14A VARIANT ROUND PRESSED OPEN SALTRD-14A VARIANT ROUND PRESSED OPEN SALT, unlisted peacock green/teal, pattern variation with longer arrow points and smaller beads in the lower drape, even scallop rim. Probably extremely rare. PossiblSee Sold Price
SoldRD-14A VARIANT ROUND PRESSED OPEN SALTRD-14A VARIANT ROUND PRESSED OPEN SALT, unlisted peacock green/teal, pattern variation with longer arrow points and smaller beads in the lower drape, even scallop rim. Probably extremely rare. PossiblSee Sold Price
SoldOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, deep cobalt blue, crude pressing with serrated rim, raised on a conforming foot. Base variation with all-over inverted diamonds like OO-26. Probably extSee Sold Price
SoldOO-12A (VARIANT) OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-12A (VARIANT) OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, cobalt blue, serrated rim, unlisted base variation with all-over inverted diamonds running lengthwise. Probably extremely rare. Possibly Boston & SanSee Sold Price
SoldOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless, rim serrated on top and edge. Variation with base having three rows of six blocks, not seven as shown in Neal. Probably very or extremely rarSee Sold Price
SoldOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALTOO-12 VARIANT OCTAGON OBLONG PRESSED OPEN SALT, colorless with fiery opalescent base, crude pressing with serrated rim, raised on a conforming foot. Base variation with all-over inverted diamonds likeSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TENASSORTED HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TEN, colorless lead glass, including Sofa Form, Paneled Drape, and Concace Panel and Pillar. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1840-1860. 1 3/8" to 2 1/See Sold Price
SoldHEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALT, amethyst, circular egg and dart pattern rim above an octagonal stepped body, base with 16-point star. United States. 1840-1860. 1 1/2" H, 3" D.Excellent condition, minor moldSee Sold Price
SoldHEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTHEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALT, deep cobalt blue, rectangular form with arched and rolled rim above a wide horizontal rib, base with irregular waffle pattern. Possibly Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. 1830-1850.See Sold Price
SoldROUND PEDESTAL HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTROUND PEDESTAL HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALT, sapphire blue, block and prism pattern to the underside of the thick bowl, plain foot. Circa 1840-1870. 2" H, 3" D rim, 2 1/2" D foot.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWOASSORTED HEAVY PRESSED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWO, colorless, comprising an HN-18a and an OG-18 Variant with strawberry diamond base, each with factory-polished top rim, and raised on paw feet. Scarce andSee Sold Price