SoldRONALD REAGAN SIGNED LETTERS / EPHERMERA ARCHIVE"SOMETIMES I'D LIKE TO SNEAK OUT ...AND NOT COME BACK"670. [RONALD REAGAN] (1911-2004). Fortieth President of the United States (1981-89); governor of California (1967-75). Archive of correspondence aSee Sold Price
SoldArchive of 20 TLs from Ronald Reagan as Gov. of CAHeading: -1981 Author: Reagan, Ronald Title: Archive of Typed Letters Signed from Ronald Reagan as Governor of California, 1967-1979 - to publishers James Strohn Copley and Helen K. Copley Place PubliSee Sold Price
SoldNIXON / REAGAN REPUBLICAN ARCHIVE AUTOGRAPHED(2) Ronald Reagan Typed Letters Signed,10" Relief plaque of Ronald Reagan, 2001 & 2003 Reagan Calendar, (6) Six pictorial books to include; 1911-2001 Reagan Pictorial Book, Ronald Reagan "optimum", 19See Sold Price
SoldReagan's Fear of FlyingReagan Ronald Reagan's Fear of Flying "I dont fly so a trip to your area would entail several days round trip by train." RONALD REAGAN, Autograph Letter Signed, to Mr. Bertha, March 6, [ca. 1960-1966]See Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan on Taxes and Welfare, Ex-ForbesRonald Reagan on Taxes and Welfare, Ex-Forbes RONALD REAGAN, Autograph Letter Signed, to Lorraine Wagner and Elwood Wagner, May 31, 1968. 3 pp., 8? x 12.5?. Excellent. California governor Ronald ReagaSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan ALS on Presidential Card StockReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan ALS, on Presidential Card Stock Ronald Reagan autographed letter signed on Presidential card stock with the embossed gilt eagle Presidential seal, 6.5" x 4.25." Signed by RSee Sold Price
Ronald Reagan ALS, on Presidential Card StockReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan ALS, on Presidential Card StockSee Sold Price
Ronald Reagan praises the patriotism of United StatesReagan Ronald 1911 - 2004 Ronald Reagan praises the patriotism of United States soldiers in Vietnam for "their dedication to the safeguarding of freedom" Typed Letter Signed "Ronald Reagan" as GovernoSee Sold Price
SoldSOLZHENITSYN, Alexander (1918-2008). An archive ofSOLZHENITSYN, Alexander (1918-2008). An archive of correspondence to Edward Bennett Williams, including letters regarding a luncheon with President Ronald Reagan. Comprising 6 typed letters signed andSee Sold Price
SoldReagan ALS on Teachers, Ex-ForbesReagan ALS on Teachers, Ex-Forbes REAGAN, RONALD. Autograph Letter Signed, “RR”, July 12, 1967, 1 p., California, 8.5” x 11” on lined paper, to a campaign supporter, Susan BraySee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Opposes Withholding of State Income TaxRonald Reagan Opposes Withholding of State Income Tax REAGAN, RONALD. Autograph Letter Signed, “Ronald”, as governor of California, June 2, 1967. 1 p., 8” x 10”. Addressed at tSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Thank You TLS for Contribution to PFIABRonald Reagan Thank You TLS for Contribution to PFIAB A typed letter signed by President Ronald Reagan thanking a constituent for a contribution. 1p, measuring 7" x 10.25", Washington, D.C., dated NovSee Sold Price
SoldReagan Reflects on Future "Feasible Candidacy", TheReagan Ronald Reagan Reflects on Future "Feasible Candidacy", The Genesis of Ronald Reagan’s Political Career Single page autograph letter signed on Reagan's personal letterhead (where his nameSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Bush As VP to Ronald Reagan As Prez on HisBush George H. W. George Bush to Ronald Reagan on His Birthday, Fantastic ALS, Ex. Forbes Autograph letter Signed on card stock with letterhead emblem of 'Vice President of the United States", 6.25" xSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Writes to His Important Friend, HupReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan Writes to His Important Friend Typewritten Letter Signed, "Dutch," September 15, 1993, one page, 6.25" x 8.5", on White House stationery. To "HuSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan TLS Re: "U.S. policy objectives" inReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan TLS Regarding "U.S. policy objectives" in Central America 1p typed letter signed by sitting 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) as "Ronald Reagan" at center. WritSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan, "we'll save the world tomorrow",Reagan Ronald Ronald Reagan, "we'll save the world tomorrow", Autograph Letter Signed Single page autograph letter signed, 4.75" x 8.25". Written to confidant and political ally, former senator GeorgeSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan on His Genealogy & the Pronunciation ofReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan on His Genealogy and the Pronunciation of His Name Single page autograph letter signed, 7.25" x 10.75" on his personal stationary. Dated "May 24, 1955", and signed by RonalSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan As CA Governor TLS: "every now and then we goof"Ronald Reagan As CA Governor TLS: "every now and then we goof" A 1p typed letter signed by future 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), then ensconced as Governor of California, as "Ron" at cSee Sold Price
Governor Ronald Reagan Writes a Letter on a ChristmasReagan Ronald Governor Ronald Reagan Writes a Letter on a Christmas Greeting Card to "Hup", the Wife of the Man Who Gave Reagan His First Radio Job Autograph Letter Signed, "Dutch,"in red fSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Praises Philip Habib, His Special EnvoyReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan Praises Philip Habib, His Special Envoy to the Middle East Single page signed typed letter on White House letterhead, 6.75" x 9". Dated "June 9, 1986", and signed by PresidSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan TLS 2 Weeks After Announcing CA Gov Bid: "this is the time for Republicans to start onRonald Reagan TLS 2 Weeks After Announcing CA Gov Bid: "this is the time for Republicans to start on the comeback trail" A 1p typed letter signed by future 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004See Sold Price
Birthday letter signed as Dutch & Nancy to woman whoReagan, Ronald (1911-2004) Amazing Ronald Reagan ALS. "You no longer have birthdays. You have anniversarys of your 39th birthday." - " I've been using it myself." Nancy signs too Autograph Letter SignSee Sold Price
Birthday letter signed as Dutch & Nancy to woman whoReagan, Ronald (1911-2004) Amazing Ronald Reagan ALS. "You no longer have birthdays. You have anniversarys of your 39th birthday." - " I've been using it myself." Nancy signs too Autograph Letter SignSee Sold Price
Salvador Dali - Untitled from "Les Songes DrolatiquesDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(498)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
1955 SEN J.F.K. SIGNED LETTER to HELEN KEYES etcJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
NINA AUCHINCLOSS WEDDING & CORRESPONDENCEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
[UNDERGROUND RAILROAD]. [THE KENTUCKY RAID OF 1847]. An Arc...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Salvador Dali - Ieremiae Prophetia Contra Regem Ioachin (Volume V.17)Dane Fine Art Auctions4.4(498)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Stunning President Ronald Reagan Single Signed National League Baseball JSA COAMynt Auctions4.6(697)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Ronald Reagan Fuji Crystal Archival Photo with Reproduction CheckClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
President Ronald Reagan First Day Cover Presidential Inauguration Custom FramedMynt Auctions4.6(697)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Rhonda Fleming signed Hong Kong 8x10 Photo w/ Happy Memories - JSA Ronald Reagan3 Kings Auction4.3(201)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
COLMAN RONALD: (1891-1958)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
THATCHER MARGARET: (1925-2013)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Where's the Rest of Me, signed by Ronald ReaganWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ronald Reagan Signed Postcard in a Museum-Quality Custom FrameDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Salvador Dali - Sputniks Polished by Statistical MaggotsDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(498)See Sold PriceApr 04, 2024
Framed Display Containing Hairs from President George Washington, H 24.5" W 22.5"DuMouchelles4.6(830)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024