Ambrotypievon "A. Hecht, Photografisches Atelier Magdeburg, 1859". Foto eines Infanteristen des Infanterie-Regiments Fürst Leopold von Anhalt Dessau (1. Magdeburgisches) Nr. 26 mit Helm, oval ca. 63 x 73 mm. DSee Sold Price
Ambrotypieeines vermutlich englischen Feldwebels um 1870. Gerahmt, unter Glas, in gefüttertem Lederetui. Maße geschlossen 12,5 x 10,5 cm. Gute Erhaltung.See Sold Price
Ambrotypieum 1860, ungemarkt, Portrait einer sitzenden jungen Frau mit nachkoloriertem Goldschmuck, in klappbarem Lederetui gefasst, Altersspuren, Maße 7,5 x 6,5 cm.See Sold Price
Ambrotypie.Porträt eines kleinen, sitzenden Mädchens mit weißer Haube mit breiten Schließbändern, einen kl. Blumenstrauß in den Händen. Anonymer Ambrotypist, Frankreich (?) umSee Sold Price
Ambrotypie.Kniestück eines jungen Mannes mit Zigarre an einer Kommode lehnend. Ambrotypie von V.L.Richardson (Namenpräg. im Passep.), USA um 1860. 5,5 x 4,5 cm. Unter ovalem vergoldeten Metall-PasseparSee Sold Price
SoldLot Daguerreotypes and AmbrotypeLot Daguerreotypien und Ambrotypie 1) 7 Daguerreotypien in Etuis, hübsch koloriert, eine ist gestempelt "Kent, Oxford" und zeigt die 21-jährige Marie Eugénie Bühler aus St. Amarin, Elsaß, 1 EtuiSee Sold Price
SoldLot Photograps in Cases - Daguerreotype1) Daguerreotypie, sechstel Platte. - Und: 2) Ambrotypie, sechstel Platte. - Sowie: 3-4) 2 Ambrotypien, jeweils neuntel Platte. 1) Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate. - 2) Ambrotype, 1/6 plate. - And: 3-4) 2 AmSee Sold Price
SoldAmbrotype (Outdoor Work), c. 1860Ambrotype (Outdoor Work), c. 1860 Anonymous, presumably England. ¼ plate, outdoor work with family, brass passe-partout, full case. Ambrotypie (Außenaufnahme), um 1860 Anonym, vermutlich England. ViSee Sold Price
SoldAmbrotype: Boy with Stereo Viewer, c. 1856Ambrotype: Boy with Stereo Viewer, c. 1856 England. 1/6 plate, boy with early stereo viewer, hand-colored, brass passe-partout, with case (top loose). Ambrotypie: Junge mit Stereobetrachter, um 1856 ESee Sold Price
Ambrotype, c. 1860Ambrotype, c. 1860 Anonymous, plate size 2 3/4 x 3 1/6 in., very nice lady's portrait, hand-colored, brass passe-partout and case with lock. Ambrotypie, um 1860 Anonym, Maße 7 x 8 cm, wunderschönesSee Sold Price
SoldAmbrotype, c. 1855Ambrotype, c. 1855 "Moffat, 19 Princes Street, Edinburgh". ¼ plate, wonderful portrait of a lady, completely hand- and gold-colored, brass passe-partout. Ambrotypie, um 1855 "Moffat, 19 Princes StreeSee Sold Price
Ambrotype: Boy with Stereo Viewer, c. 1856Ambrotype: Boy with Stereo Viewer, c. 1856 England. 1/6 plate, boy with early stereo viewer, hand-colored, brass passe-partout, with case (top loose). Ambrotypie: Junge mit Stereobetrachter, um 1856 ESee Sold Price
Ambrotype, c. 1860Ambrotype, c. 1860 Presumably England. Visible image size 5 x 6 ¾ in., portrait of a girl and a boy, hand-colored, newly framed. Ambrotypie, um 1860 Vermutlich England. Sichtbares Format 13 x 17 cm,See Sold Price
SoldAmbrotype, c. 1855Ambrotype, c. 1855 England. Officer of the "Eastern India Company", completely and excellently hand- and gold-colored, visible image size 3 ½ x 4 ¾ in., back plate loose. Ambrotypie, um 1855 EnglaSee Sold Price
Union Case with Ambrotype, c. 1856"Union Case" with Ambrotype, c. 1856 USA, beautiful six-sided Union Case with floral pattern (undamaged), portrait of a gentleman, plate size 2 ¾ x 3 1/6 in. "Union Case" mit Ambrotypie, um 1856 USA,See Sold Price
Ambrotype, c. 1860Ambrotype, c. 1860 Presumably England. Visible image size 5 x 6 ¾ in., portrait of a girl and a boy, hand-colored, newly framed. Ambrotypie, um 1860 Vermutlich England. Sichtbares Format 13 x 17 cm,See Sold Price
Ambrotype, c. 1855Ambrotype, c. 1855 "Moffat, 19 Princes Street, Edinburgh". ¼ plate, wonderful portrait of a lady, completely hand- and gold-colored, brass passe-partout. Ambrotypie, um 1855 "Moffat, 19 Princes StreeSee Sold Price
Ambrotype, c. 1855Ambrotype, c. 1855 England. Officer of the "Eastern India Company", completely and excellently hand- and gold-colored, visible image size 3 ½ x 4 ¾ in., back plate loose. Ambrotypie, um 1855 EnglaSee Sold Price
Photorahmenmit frühen Photographien. Wohl Ambrotypie in altem Messing-Holzrähmchen. Ehem. Doppelrahmen 1 Flügel fehlt. Japanischer Bilderrahmen mit Goldmalerei wohl Meiji-Periode. Darin ovale PhotSee Sold Price
[Ambrotype] “Mr. Grant” w/ Bowie KnifeFleischer's Auctions4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Original Ambrotype of Armed Frontiersman in Thermoplastic F...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[TINTYPES]. Group of Five Tintypes and One Ambrotype. [V.p....Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate ruby ambrotype of a young African American male subject.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
(13) B&W STEREO SLIDES, 1930'S, AMBROTYPE, MOREAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
Antique Leather Case With Ambrotype Of Man WomanRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19th C. Photos Daguerreotype, Ambrotype & Tintypes (10)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024