SoldLarge Carved New Guinea Figure, Sepik RiverLarge Carved New Guinea Figure, Sepik River. With cowrie shell decorated eyes. Height: 35.5 in.See Sold Price
SoldLarge Carved New Guinea FigureLarge Carved New guinea Figure probably from the Karawarri River basin. With remnants of original polychrome remaining, cowrie shell decorated eyes. Height: 25.5 in.See Sold Price
SoldLarge Carved New Guinea Ancestral Figure, LaeLarge Carved New Guinea Ancestral Figure, Lae. 20th Century. Height: 31 in.See Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Large Carved Wood FigureSepik River region, 20th century, nude male standing figure with elongated head, carved facial features, and protruding eyes, defined muscular chest, arms, and legs, 71 in.; with metal stand - ProvenaSee Sold Price
SoldVery Large Papua New Guinea Carved Ancestral FigureVery Large Papua New Guinea Carved Ancestral Figure, Sepik River, hand carved, polychrome, raffia ornamentation with cowrie shell eyes. 72.75" height. 30lbsSee Sold Price
SoldAbelam Papua New Guinea carved figure, early 20hAbelam Papua New Guinea carved figure, early 20h Century, large and old polychrome decorated in red, orange, mustard yellow and black, having a large head, bent arms and legs, descending phallus, surrSee Sold Price
SoldKorogo Papua New Guinea Sepik Orators Stool ChairLarge carved wood tribal orators chair from the Korogo peoples of New Guinea. Features a figure with elongated face and cowrie shell, cassowary feathers and polychrome decoration. These were used duriSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE NEW GUINEA SEPIK RIVER CARVED FIGURELARGE NEW GUINEA SEPIK RIVER CARVED FIGURE: Large carved figure of a standing ancestor figure with traces of paint remaining, Sepik River region, New Guinea, 40 1/2'' h. x 10''.See Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Kanangara Sepik Ancestral FIgurePapua New Guinea Kanangara Middle Sepik Ancestral FIgure, carved wood and natural pigment depicting a male figure with large carved ceremonial mask typical of Kanangara Village.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE OCEANIC CARVED BOARD PAPUA NEW GUINEALarge Oceanic figural carved wood board/shield, Papua New Guinea, possibly Gope ancestral board, of elliptical form, carved central figure of a spirit, flanked by semi scrolled design, accompanied witSee Sold Price
SoldSepik river, Papua New Guinea large wood figureTitle: Sepik river, Papua New Guinea large wood figure Date/Period: c 1960 Materials: Wood, fibber and beads Dimensions: 104 (H) x 14 (D) x 15 (W) cm. aprox. Description:Large wooden carved figure witSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Large Carved Slit DrumPapua New Guinea Sepik River carved wood slit drum, with beater, remnants of faint red pigment surround snake like figures. 16" H x 72" long x 9" W. Mallet is 42" long. Weighs 100+ lbs.See Sold Price
SoldLarge Fertility Figure, PNGOceania Fertility Figure. Papua New Guinea. Carved wood, fiber, shell and pigment. Size: 32" x 42" x 20" (81 x 107 x 51 cm).See Sold Price
SoldLarge Standing Female Figure, Papua New GuineaWood, grass, cowry shells. Papua New Guinea, 20th C. Height: 50", Width: 13 1/2", Depth: 7 1/2". A large standing female figure carved from hardwood. Large cowry shell eyes and rust colored grass neckSee Sold Price
SoldPAPUA NEW GUINEA ASMAT OPENWORK RITUAL BOARDLarge carved openwork ritual board, Asmat (Bisman tribe), Casuarinen Coast, ex-Dutch New Guinea, the flat board carved with a female figure standing at the top with head turned in profile, hands on hiSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Out Sacred House Food Hook Figure SepikLarge richly carved out sacred house food hook figure 160 cm - SEPIK - Papua New Guinea Mid 20th century Wood 160 cm This type of food hooks, often described by anthropologists and collectors as cultSee Sold Price
Large Sepik River tribal interest carved wood femaleLarge Sepik River tribal interest carved wood female ancestor figure from Papua New Guinea, 157cm highSee Sold Price
SoldOceanic Carved Wood House PostOceanic Shell Embellished, Polychrome Painted Carved Wood House Post, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, figural shaft carved with a large male figure and birds, h. 108 in. Provenance: Property of theSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Three Large Sepik StoryboardsThree large Papua New Guinea Sepik carved wood storyboards; each with detailed depictions of figures, animals and flora in high relief; Provenance: Estate of Ralph Turner, Los Angeles; L: 41 1/4"See Sold Price
SoldMid 20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Figure**Originally Listed At $200** Oceania, Papua New Guinea, ca. mid 20th century CE. A fascinating hand-carved wooden figure depicting a bearded ancestral human wearing a large bird-headed headdress. TheSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Garamut Slit-Drum PounderOceania, Papua New Guinea, Sepik River, ca. mid 20th century CE. A large hand-carved wooden beater mallet with an anthropomorphic figure crouching on the top. The widest area is the base that serves aSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY SEPIC RIVER CARVED WOOD FIGURE & BIRDEarly flambouyant, carved painted and adorned Sepic River figure, New Guinea. A kneeling male with remains of paint, original attachments. Surmounted by a large ,long beaked bird. Early 20C, a few repSee Sold Price
SoldLarge early 20th century South Seas carved wood figureLarge early 20th century South Seas carved wood figure with paint decoration. New Guinea. 49-1/2" high.See Sold Price
SoldDecorative Standing Male Figure, Papua New GuineaLarge decorative standing male figure made of carved hard wood. Papua New Guinea, probably 20th century. Having a black polychrome decorated finish with cowrie shell eyes and ostrich feather head decoSee Sold Price
Fudo-16th/17thC Japanese Edo Protective Deity- Large Animated Beautifully Carved Figure.The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Oceanic Iatmul Carved Wood Figural Group SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Papua New Guinea Storyboard Carved Wood PanelDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Food Spatula, Geelvink Bay, Northwest Coast Papua New Guinea, Early 20th C. or OlderMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Large Carved Black Marble Figure of A Rhinoceros on Giltwood BaseAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Large hand carved African woman figureBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Large hand carved African princess figureBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
AN EARLY PAPUA NEW GUINEA TRIBAL CARVED WOOD VOTIVE. 25 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LARGE SOUTHEAST ASIAN CARVED WOOD FIGURE OF A JEWELLED BUDDHA. 36 cm x 18 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
PR OF CA. 1900 LARGE SIGNED CHINESE CARVED FIGURES.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Iatmul Wood Carved Savi Mask, Papua New GuineaAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024