SoldMEXICAN Imprint. 1764MEXICO - Imprint. Sumario de las Indulgencias, y Gracias Concedidas por N. M. S. O. Paulo Papa V.Mexico: Por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Rivera Calderon, 1764. 8 pp. Folio (310x21See Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1764.) Hermenegildo Vilaplana.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1764.) Hermenegildo Vilaplana. Enchiridion canonico-morale de confessario ad inhonesta, & turpia solicitante. [40], 217, [15] pages. 8vo, contemporary tree calf, moderate wear; dampsSee Sold Price
Sold1827 Mexican Imprint Colecion De Decretos MilitaryColecion De Decretos, Ordenes, Y Circulares Espedidas Por Los Gobiernos Nacionales De La Federacion Mexicana..182 ..1826..Por El Teniente Coronel De Caballeria, printed at Mexico, 1827 and printed andSee Sold Price
Sold[Mexican Imprint] of California Interest "Analisis[Mexican Imprint] of California Interest "Analisis Estadistico De La Provinceia De La Michuacan En 1822 Por J J L", printed at Mexico by Nacional del Supremo Gobierno de los Estados Unidos en Palacio.See Sold Price
Sold1877 Monterey Mexican Imprint“Apuntes Para La Historia Eclesiastica De Las Provincias…..”, by Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez, printed at Monterey, 1877. 152 pages, disbound, very good, measures 5 x 7”. Reserve: $30.00 Shipping:See Sold Price
SoldLife of Lily of the Mohawks, rare Mexican imprintHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Urtassum, Juan de Title: La Gracia Triunfante en la Vida de Catharina Tegakovita. India Iroquesa, y en las de Otras, assi de su Nacion, como de esta Nueva-Espana; paSee Sold Price
SoldMexican imprint of California gold rush novel 1855Heading: (California Gold Rush) Author: Zamacois, Niceto de, translator Title: El Buscador De Oro En California Place Published: Mejico Publisher:Imprenta de Tomás S. Gardida Date Published:See Sold Price
SoldMexican imprints on Masonry81. [MASONRY]. Bound collection of nine Mexican imprints on Masonry, two chromolithographs, and a broadside printed in Puebla de los Angeles and Mexico City, 1875-1879. (See short title list below.) 1See Sold Price
SoldInterrogating Franciscan applicants 1737Heading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Castro, José de Title: Directorio para Informaciones de los Pretendientes de el Santo Habito de N. Seraphico P.S. Francisco, en que hallaran los padres Commisarios.See Sold Price
1853 Fine Binding Mexican Military Act Velvet and Satin[Mexican Imprint} Fine velvet binding with gold embellishments, satin inside cover and flyleaves, beautiful gold gloss dedication to "Y Presidente De la Republica D. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana". ContaSee Sold Price
SoldDevotional printed in Mexico 1774Heading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Alfaro, Luis Felipe Neri de Title: Las doce puertas abiertas de la celestial Sion, por donde pueden entrar las almas a ver, y gozar de la siempre amabilísima, hermoSee Sold Price
SoldMexican printing of Bishop of Salamanca's funeralHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Title: Solemnes exequias celebradas en la Santa Iglesia de Salamanca y real Seminario de San Carlos en la translacion del cadaver del excelentisimo señor don FelipSee Sold Price
SoldFuneral sermon in Mexico 1774Heading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Inigo, José Title: Funeral gratitud con que la religiosa comunidad del convento de N.S.P. San Francisco, de la ciudad de la Puebla de los Angeles, contribuye a lasSee Sold Price
SoldPope's funeral oration by Mexican priest, 1775Heading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Gallegos, José Title: Sacerdote grande por su esmero en fortificar la casa del Señor, y atención a las necesidades del pueblo n. ss. Padre Clemete XIV. Elogio funSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1611.) Pedro de Arenas. VocabularioA COMPLETE COPY IS SCARCELY KNOWN (MEXICAN IMPRINT--1611.) Pedro de Arenas. Vocabulario manual de las lenguas castellana, y mexicana. [16], 160 pages. 8vo, contemporary vellum, moderate wear and stainSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Regla y constituciones de las(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Regla y constituciones de las religiosas de la Gloriosa Virgen Sta. Rosa Maria de Lima . . . de la Puebla de los Angeles. Portrait plate, full-page armorial engraving. [38], 1See Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1577.) Juan de la Anunciación.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1577.) Juan de la Anunciación. Sermonario en lengua mexicana. Woodcut illustrations on Part II and III title pages. [8], 267 leaves (erratically paginated). 3 parts in one volumSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1571.) Alonso de Molina. Vocabulario(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1571.) Alonso de Molina. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana * Vocabulario en lengua mexicana y castellana. 4 of 6 engravings. 2 volumes in one. [3 of 4], 121, [1]; [2], 160See Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa. Arte de el idioma Maya reducido a succintas reglas y semilexicon Yucateco. 2 folding plates. [16], 188 pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wearSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1688.) Francisco de Florencia. La(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1688.) Francisco de Florencia. La estrella de el norte de Mexico. Frontispiece plate of the Virgin of Guadalupe. [21], 241, [3] leaves. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wear; lackingSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1638.) Volume of sermons printed in(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1638.) Volume of sermons printed in Mexico and Manila, some of them scarce. 4to, contemporary vellum, worn; ¼-inch burn on top edge affecting a line of text at most, some titleSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1645.) Horacio Carochi. Arte de la(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1645.) Horacio Carochi. Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaracion de los adverbios. [5 of 6], 132 leaves. 4to, later ½ morocco, minor wear; lacking 3 leaves, minor dampstainSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1733.) Directorio manual de la Santa(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1733.) Directorio manual de la Santa Escuela de Christo señor nuestro, fundada en el convento, casa grande de nuestro seraphico Padre San Francisco de esta corte. One plate. [28See Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1732.) José de Ortega.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1732.) José de Ortega. Confessonario manual, que en la lengua Cora. [32] pages. 8vo, contemporary vellum, minor wear; minor dampstaining to first two leaves, endpapers renewed.See Sold Price
Guillermo Chavez Vega Mexican Social Realist Oil Gallery Label Guadalajara Muralist Jalisco ModernisHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vintage Fender Mexican Standard Telecaster Brown Sunburst Rosewood Fingerboard with Hard Case 2002Hess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Mexican Impressionist Mountain Landscape Framed Original Oil PaintingCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
John Potter Wheat (American/ Mexican 1920-1980)Nadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Mexican Guerrero Silver Dance MaskChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Mexican Retablo of Our Lady of Guadalupe.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Mexican Retablo of the Man of Sorrows.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Gustavo Montoya (Mexican, 1905-2003) - Niña en AzulFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mexican Silver & Stone Hammered Cuff Bracelet 150gHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Reylarsdam b.1988 Mexican Urban Outsider PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
MEXICAN STILL LIFE PENCIL DRAWING BY RUFINO TAMAYOAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
HARRIET RHOADES KIRKPATRICK (1877-1962) "MEXICAN GATEWAY".Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
BRAIN TUMORS. 14 English and American imprints on brain tumors:Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceJun 18, 2024