SoldObjets de Pouvoirs102 Objets de Pouvoirs Ancienne magie Bantou en Afrique Centrale H 32 cm. B 23 cm. Claude Savary Ivrea, Torino, Italy: Priuli Verlucca (1992). Musee d'Ethnographie de Geneve. French text 125 pages NumSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of sterling silver objets de vertu29 English, French and American silver items, comprising two crystal scent bottles, six small boxes, three coin holders, Kirk money clip, thimble case, two needle cases, two vesta cases, three small cSee Sold Price
SoldCOLLECTION OF RUSSIAN SILVER OBJETS DE VERTUCOLLECTION OF RUSSIAN SILVER OBJETS DE VERTU: 8 pieces total, 6 are Russian to include 1) Nicholai Strulyev enameled bowl, with cypher and 84 zolotnik mark, 1 1/4'' h. x 3'' dia. 2-3) Konstantin ScvorSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of sterling objets de vertu14 English, German and American silver items, comprising pin tray (monogrammed), ring tray, mint tray, match safe, three thimbles, two pomanders, coin case, scent bottle, crystal toilet bottle with amSee Sold Price
SoldObjets de VertuMostly sterling silver The lot includes coin purses, compacts and bill folds, miniature clocks, money clip with Essex glass, baby rattles, cuff links, lockets, bracelets and rings 34 troy ounces grossSee Sold Price
SoldObjets de Vertuthree pairs of French mother of pearl opera glasses, Whiting & Davis mesh purse, two silver overlayperfume bottles, Art Nouveau sterling handle glasses, pocket knife, comb case, sterling bud vaseand sSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SILVER OBJETS DE VERTU, LOT OF SIXASSORTED SILVER OBJETS DE VERTU, LOT OF SIX, comprising an English vinaigrette, a Gorham book-form stamp box with monogram, an Egyptian pill box with lotus hallmark, and three other decorated pill boxSee Sold Price
SoldA collection of silver objets de vertu800 and higher silver standard. Including English, Continental and other examples, 10 pieces, comprising figural wager or wedding cup, 5 in. H, two Turkish zarfs, card case with lift-off cover, cigareSee Sold Price
SoldA collection of silver objets de vertu8 items, comprising: sterling & 14K gold cigarette case with 4 rubies, engraved silver cigarette case stamped 950, probably Japanese, George VI guilloche sterling cigarette case, 2 other cigarette casSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Objets De Vertuincluding pencils, hair fob, miniature compasses, jade beads, agate pill box, Faience figuresSee Sold Price
SoldFour Piece Collection of Objets De VirtuAn assembled collection of four pieces total to include 1) Horton & Allday English sterling silver scent bottle with enamel eagle decoration, hallmarked 1885 Birmingham and Horton & Allday marks, 4.25See Sold Price
SoldSterling silver objets de vertueA sterling silver match safe, a small continental Birks sterling silver snuff box and an engine turned match safe marked Sterline (non-silver alloy)See Sold Price
SoldOBJETS DE VIRTUE ETC.(7) pieces. Dimensions: (Largest) H 4.75" x W 3" x D 1" Condition: Varying degrees of wear. Some with tarnish.See Sold Price
Sold(3) silver objets de vertu(3) silver objets de vertu, 19th/20th c., incl. a sterling match stick holder (monogrammed), J.H. Werner 800 silver blush container (monogrammed), and an English sterling blue guilloche lidded rouge pSee Sold Price
SoldThree Cut Glass & Tortoise Shell Objets de VertuAn assembled pieces of three pieces total to include 1) Charles & Richard Comyns, London, round covered box, tortoise shell and sterling lid etched ribbon garland body, cut foot, 5.5" h. x 6". 2) CharSee Sold Price
SoldObjets de Vertu Groupincluding risque meerschaum pipe, mother of pearl rattle, Victorian shears with grape handles, Victorian wax seal stamp, sterling silver boxesSee Sold Price
SoldOBJETS DE VERTUA guilloché enameled compact with romantic scene of a maiden & her dog, together with a similarly enamelled scent bottle with rose motifs. Compact marked Birks Sterling. Minor losses to enamel.See Sold Price
SoldSILVER. Grouping of Antique Silver Objets de VertuIncludes an monogrammed Tiffany & Co. circular sterling snuff box; an .835 silver purple guilloche enamel lidded box - with losses; an Italian .800 silver lipstick case with green cabochon closureSee Sold Price
Sold12 malachite and silver zodiac objets de artSet of 12 malachite and sterling silver with gold wash(vermeil)zodiac objets de art, placeholders or something else.Circa 1965.approximately 1.5" x 1.5" each.See Sold Price
SoldOBJETS DE VERTUFour: Silver and enamel compact inscribed with owner's name, an oval agate trinket box with semi-precious cabochons, a Gorham sterling overlay yarn holder, and an Unger Brothers sterling and cut glassSee Sold Price
SoldCOLLECTION OF OBJETS DE VERTUCOLLECTION OF OBJETS DE VERTU: To include 1) Tiffany & Co. Sterling perfumer. 2) 1900 English Sterling match safe, monogrammed. 3) 4 assorted patch boxes. 4) Lacy overlay perfumer, note loss of lace.See Sold Price
SoldEleven Tortoiseshell Objets de VertuCollection of Eleven Tortoiseshell Objets de Vertu, 19th/20th century, English, including an Edwardian velvet-lined jewel box, h. 2-3/4", w. 7-1/2", a tortoise-inlaid snuff box, h. 1", w. 3-1/4", a miSee Sold Price
SoldTwo silver objets de vertuincluding a sterling and 14k gold cigarette case, with engine turned decoration, GP monogram, 20th century, 1/2 in. H, 3 in. W, 3 1/4 in. D; and a German Hanau silver-cased prayer book, 800 silver staSee Sold Price
SoldHALLMARKED SILVER OBJETS DE VERTUE & BROOCHESA group of hallmarked silver objets de vertu / brooches. (1) A silver match safe with marks for Birmingham (heart shaped cartouche). (2) A silver pin with a triskelion, marked for Birmingham. (3) A siSee Sold Price
A Continental opal, diamond and bloodstone cigarette boxLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
A Victorian silver-mounted Baccarat cut glass claret jugLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Cartier Sterling Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers, 8Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
Tiffany & Co. "Thanksgiving" & New York Spoons, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025
Sterling Silver and Glass Tableware Articles, 7Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025
Elizabeth II Tudor Rose Sterling Silver Dishes, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025
Italian and Mexican Sterling Silver Vessels, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025
Victorian Silver Plate and Cut Glass Claret JugAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025