SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp - Neptune / PoseidonRome, Imperial Period, late 1st to early 2nd century CE. Very fine example of a mold-made pottery oil lamp. A small loop handle extends from the bowl and a small pointed spout juts out opposite it. ArSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp - NeptuneRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A lovely mold-made redware oil lamp with a circular base, gradually-expanding walls, a rounded shoulder, a pierced tab-shaped handle, a small fill hoSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Oil Lamp with Poseidon / NeptuneRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A wide, round mold-made pottery lamp with a short spout and a ring handle. The discus has two small pour holes and a wide, finely rendered and highly detailSee Sold Price
SoldNorth African Oil Lamp Depicting Poseidon.Roman North Africa, 3rd Century AD. A nice red ware lamp with ribbed sides bordering the central medallion, which depicts the bearded head of the sea god Poseidon. Three fills holes around the portraiSee Sold Price
SoldA Roman Redware Oil Lamp - Eros and GoatCa. 1st century AD. Terracotta oil lamp with an image of an Eros with a spear dragging a goat over his shoulder up a rocky slope in the center discus. The potter's planta pedia trademark is stamped onSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Redware Oil LampDESCRIPTION: An Ancient Roman oil lamp composed of redware and decorated along the center with a visage, encompassed by surrounding geometric patterns. comes with COA CIRCA: 350-420 A.DÂ ORIGIN: RSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp - Cupid & DogRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A mold-made ceramic oil lamp with a scene on its sunken discus of winged Cupid holding tightly to the tail of a small dog. Is this a hunting scene? OSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp w/ Imperial EagleRoman, Imperial Period, ca. early to mid 1st century CE. A patriotic redware oil lamp depicting an aquila, the Imperial eagle, in its concave discus. The nozzle is arrowhead-shaped, the bottom flat, wSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp w/ Planta Pedis**Originally Listed At $300** Roman Empire, Imperial Period, Mediterranean region, ca. 1st century CE. Terracotta with a richly-colored red-slip covering, this vessel features a flat base with an inciSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp - Hebrew TextRome, Imperial Period, Holy Land, ca. 4th to 5th century CE. Very rare and desirable oil lamp. Mold made with two bands of Hebrew text in concentric circles, underside with six pointed star likely sigSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp w/ Stag - Maker's Mark**Originally Listed At $250** Roman Empire, Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE. A red mold-made slipware terracotta vessel with a flat circular base with an incised ring around its edge and a plantaSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp - Deep Discus**First Time At Auction** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE. A mold-made near-miniature oil lamp with an elongated form, a tall loop handle, a deep-set discus, and a round spout set into a wiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp, c.200Roman Clear Glass Handled Jug, c.200, 160mm high, 115mm diameter. Superb condition, RARE.(1)See Sold Price
A Roman Redware Oil LampFrom North Africa, ca. 3rd-4th century A.D. Redware pottery oil lamp, tondo decorated in raised relief. 5-1/2"L. Provenance: Ex-private Midwest USA Collection. This lot will be sold not subject to a rSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil LampRoman Redware Oil Lamp, 2nd century, 98 x 62 x 32mm high, the discus decorated with an actor's comic mask, the underside with an indistinct maker's mark, possibly riti. Sound condition, a scaSee Sold Price
Roman Redware Oil Lamp - Rooster in Tondo**Originally Listed At $150** Rome, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. Cock a doodle doo! A sweet and petite red terracotta, mold-made oil lamp, of a rounded form with a loop handle and juttiSee Sold Price
A Roman Redware Oil Lamp - RoosterNorth Africa, ca. 1st century AD. Terracotta oil lamp features an image of a rooster facing right in the center discus. 3-7/8"L (9.7cm). Provenance: Formerly in a Rhineland, Germany private collectionSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp, c.250Roman Redware Oil Lamp, c.200, the discus decorated with a well-styled sleeping male lion, flowers on panel around. Superb condition & style, small chip out of handle tip, RARE.(1)See Sold Price
Roman Redware Oil Lamp - Fish in Tondo**Originally Listed At $600** Roman, North Africa, Imperial Period, ca. 4th to 5th century CE. A lovely mold-formed redware pottery oil lamp with a circular base, a wide body, a horseshoe-shaped shoulSee Sold Price
Roman Redware Oil Lamp - Cupid & DogRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A mold-made ceramic oil lamp with a scene on its sunken discus of winged Cupid holding tightly to the tail of a small dog. Is this a hunting scene? OSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Redware Oil Lamp, c.200Roman Redware Oil Lamp, c.200, the discus with rearing lion, palm frond decoration to edges. Superb condition, RARE.(1)See Sold Price
Roman Redware Oil Lamp w/ Stag - Maker's Mark**Originally Listed At $250** Roman Empire, Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE. A red mold-made slipware terracotta vessel with a flat circular base with an incised ring around its edge and a plantaSee Sold Price
Roman Redware Oil Lamp with FishRoman Empire, North Africa, ca. 4th to 5th century CE. A large ceramic oil lamp with deep red slip, a long nozzle, impressed alternating spiral and floral motifs on shoulder and an impressive relief iSee Sold Price
Roman red-ware oil lamp with Hippocamp, North AfricaA Roman red-ware oil lamp with Hippocamp, North Africa, 4th Century AD, the mythical beast with horse-like head and fish-like body within the central discus, stylized palm frond on the shoulder. L: 4See Sold Price
Roman 'Published' Terracotta Oil Lamp with Fighting GladiatorsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Terracotta Oil Lamp with Head of MedusaTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Roman Terracotta Oil Lamp with Cybele Riding a LionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Roman / Byzantine Oil Lamp - Interesting IconographyArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Greg Neal Redware Oil Lamp Turtlecreek Candle HolderM.J. Stasak Jr. Auction and Appraisal Service4.8(2.1k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024