SoldCharles II carved oak throne chair, circa 1680 andCharles II carved oak throne chair, circa 1680 and later, having a pierced acanthus decorated crest, above the slated back, continuing to the inswept returns, above a needlepoint upholstered seat, andSee Sold Price
SoldCharles II carved oak throne chair, circa 1680 andCharles II carved oak throne chair, circa 1680 and later, having a pierced acanthus decorated crest, above the slated back, continuing to the inswept returns, above a needlepoint upholstered seat, andSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II carved oak coffer , circa 1680, 71cm high,A Charles II carved oak coffer , circa 1680, 71cm high, 129cm wide, 56cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldCharles II carved walnut chair, circa 1680, The oCharles II carved walnut chair circa 1680 The openwork cane back carved with thistle, acanthus and crowns, the outswept arms over a cane seat, raised on shaped scroll carved legs united by stretchers.See Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak high back chair, circa 1680, theA Charles II oak high back chair, circa 1680, the panelled back with arched cresting flanked by turned columns with finials, panelled seat above turned and block section legs united by stretcSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak panelA Charles II oak panel, circa 1680, carved with a cartouche surrounded by acanthus leaf scrolls above the initials FD., MH. now housed in a moulded frame, overall: 17.5"h x 12"wSee Sold Price
SoldCharles II oak coffer, circa 1680, The paneled and hCharles II oak coffer circa 1680 The paneled and hinged top above a chip carved three panel front, raised on stile feet. H: 25, W: 52, D: 22 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak cofferA Charles II oak coffer, circa 1680, of small proportions, the triple panelled top, above carved front and sides, on stile feet, 34cm high, 55cm wide, 52.5cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II Derbyshire oak backstool, circa 1680A Charles II Derbyshire oak backstool, circa 1680, arched rectangular back carved with fruiting vines and rosettes, solid seat, square section and turned legs, peripheral stretchersSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II panelled oak chest, circa 1680, the hA Charles II panelled oak chest, circa 1680, the hinged rectangular top opening to a plain interior, with quadruple panelled front carved with flowerheads within gadrooned borders and a lunetSee Sold Price
CHARLES II STYLE CANED OAK ARMCHAIR & JACOBEAN SIDECHARLES II STYLE CANED OAK ARMCHAIR AND A JACOBEAN OAK SIDE CHAIR Circa 1920, the first with fruit-carved cresting, turned uprights centering a caned panel, withy downswept arms centering a rectangulaSee Sold Price
A Charles II oak coffer , circa 1680, the four panelA Charles II oak coffer , circa 1680, the four panel top opening to large compartment with carved frieze and panelled front and sides, 73cm high, 124cm wide, 56cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak child's high chair , circa 1660A Charles II oak child's high chair , circa 1660, with carved back and four turned pillar supports,100cm high, 43cm wide, 37cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak dresser baseA Charles II oak dresser base, circa 1680 and later, the rectangular plank top above three drawers flanked by carved lozenge motif, on turned legs united by stretchers, 90cm high, 210cm wide, 57cm deeSee Sold Price
SoldA late Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1680A late Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1680, with moulded edge and faint tram line decoration to top, lunette foliate carved frieze, on turned legs with bobbin reel lower sections, 54cm high, 45cm bSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1680, the top withA Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1680, the top with moulded edge, the shallow quatrefoil carving to frieze with chip carved moulded edge, on inverted baluster legs with plain stretchers, 55cm high,See Sold Price
A Charles II oak mule chest , circa 1680, the quadrupleA Charles II oak mule chest , circa 1680, the quadruple panelled lid opening to large compartment, the front with decorative carved frieze and initials R P to centre, above four further panels with ceSee Sold Price
SoldCHARLES II STYLE OAK OPEN ARM CHAIRS, CIRCA 190Carved crest, spiral stiles, heavily carved apron, cane seats, cut velvet cushionsSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak box seat stool, circa 1680A Charles II oak box seat stool, circa 1680, the hinged top opening to compartment above channel carved frieze, flanking handles and on short bobbin turned legs and stretchers 47cm high, 57cm wide, 41See Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak and inlaid coffer circa 1680 with aA Charles II oak and inlaid coffer circa 1680 with a moulded twin plank top above a gadrooned frieze, with triple panelled front with carved arched inlaid decoration on carved stile feet 77cm high, 14See Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak clothes or book press, circa 168A Charles II oak clothes or book press, circa 1680, the rectangular frame with square section finials and central screw action press, fluted and relief carved frieze drawer and surround below, above aSee Sold Price
ENGLISH COURT CUPBOARD - Charles II Period Oak Two-PartENGLISH COURT CUPBOARD - Charles II Period Oak Two-Part Yorkshire Standing Livery Cupboard, Leeds/Halifax area, circa 1680, with carved and molded top edge, two small molded drawers with only one origSee Sold Price
SoldA Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1685, with mouldedA Charles II oak joint stool, circa 1685, with moulded top above carved frieze and four turned supports joined by stretchers, together with another, circa 1680 and laterSee Sold Price
French Louis XV Style Upholstered Oak Armchair, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th Century Carved Mahogany Chippendale ChairsPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Baroque Style Velvet Upholstered Arm Chair, 19th CAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Antique 17th C English Geometric Oak Chest of DrawersKavanagh Auctions4.6(307)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Eastlake Victorian Carved Oak Bookcase, Circa 1880sLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
FRENCH HENRI II STYLE CARVED OAK HUNT SIDEBOARDAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Exceptional hand carved Art Nouveau Arm Chair circa 1900Collective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Monumental Antique Carved Wood Corpus ChristiAshcroft and Moore LLC4.5(272)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Limbert Mission Oak Arts & Crafts Rocking Chair, Circa 1900Liberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pete "Hurricane" Peterson (VA), Pair of Oversized PintailsLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Louis XIII Style Carved Oak Needlepoint Fireside ChairGallery Auctions4.8(301)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pair of French Louis XIII Style Carved Oak Hall Chairs, 19th c., H.- 52 in., W.- 28 in., D.- 28 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
English George II Carved Mahogany Gainsborough Armchair, style of Paul Saunders, mid 18th c., H.- 45Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Set of Six Louis XIII Style Carved Oak Dining Chairs, 20th c., H.- 45 1/4 in., W.- 19 in., D.- 23Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
EIGHT WOODEN CARVED INK WELLS & DESK OBJECTSPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024