Baccarat Harcourt Versailles Ice BucketSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Arthur Court Silvered & Gilt Elephant Ice BucketAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Coal Bucket Toothpick Holder, Unmarked Royal BayreuthWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19TH C. POPLAR AND PINE RED PAINTED BUCKET BENCH.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Pre Viking Scandinavian Gold Aroma Bucket PendantTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage St Louis Crystal Ice Bucket and DecanterPasadena Auction House4.3(6)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare 1900's Mohair Horse In A Country Stable With Accessories (Trough, Bucket, Tools, Etc.)Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Two Railroad Coal Buckets-Missouri Pacific RR/Santa Fe RRJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldFive colorless glass table articles with sterlingFive colorless glass table articles with sterling silver tops, tallest - 9 3/4''.See Sold Price
SoldFive Colorless Glass Table ArticlesComprising, a St. Louis Crystal Ice Bucket, pair of cut-glass compotes, possibly marked Sevres, and a pair of glass urn-form vases, unmarked. Ice Bucket: 8-1/2"h x 11-1/2"w x 8-1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED AMERICAN CUT GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED AMERICAN CUT GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, including a floral cut bon-bon with silver-plate mount and cover stamped "0986", and two signed Fry tab-handle dishes, one very fainSee Sold Price
SoldDORFLINGER KALANA POPPY ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOTDORFLINGER KALANA POPPY ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising a footed bowl, a short compote, and three sherbets, some with polished pontil marks. C. Dorflinger & Sons. 1910-192See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EAPG TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED EAPG TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, including a Four Petal creamer with paneled top, two Four Petal covered sugars, and a Fine Rib tumbler. Second or third quarter 19th ceSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS PRESSED EAPG TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEVARIOUS PRESSED EAPG TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, comprising a Grooved Bigler open compote and two bowls, a Bigler open compote, and a Gothic Arch open compote on Loop/Leaf foot.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED NEW ENGLAND PINEAPPLE TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED NEW ENGLAND PINEAPPLE TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, comprising two quart decanters each lacking a stopper, two covered sugar bowls, and an open compote; decanters each wiSee Sold Price
SoldVarious Thumbprint-Pattern Eapg Table Articles, Lot OfVARIOUS THUMBPRINT-PATTERN EAPG TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, comprising a Waffle and Thumbprint celery vase and open compote, Diamond Thumbprint bitters bottle, Four Petal footedSee Sold Price
SoldBULL'S EYE / LAWRENCE (OMN) TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEBULL'S EYE / LAWRENCE (OMN) TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless lead glass, comprising a celery vase, spooner, egg cup, and two goblets, two with polished pontil mark. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co.,See Sold Price
SoldMODELMODEL'S TWIST OPALESCENT CHILDREN'S GLASS TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless opalescent, blue opalescent, and Vaseline (reacts under black light) opalescent, comprising a covered butter dish,See Sold Price
SoldNURSERY RHYME CHILDREN'S TOY GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOTNURSERY RHYME CHILDREN'S TOY GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF NINE, colorless, comprising a five-piece berry set and a four-piece table set. First quarter 20th century. 7/8" to 4" HOA, bowls 2 1/2" to 4 1See Sold Price
SoldLOG CABIN TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVELOG CABIN TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising two covered butter dishes, a creamer, a spooner, and a sauce dish. Central Glass Co. Circa 1875.1 1/2" to 5 3/4" HOA.Creamer and sauce undaSee Sold Price
SoldA. J. BEATTY OPALESCENT GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFA. J. BEATTY OPALESCENT GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF NINE, blue and colorless opalescent, comprising a finger bowl, a tumbler, a covered sugar, a celery tray, and five berry bowls. A. J. Beatty & SonsSee Sold Price
SoldSHOSHONE / VICTOR (OMN) - STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOTSHOSHONE / VICTOR (OMN) - STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising a ruby-stained covered sugar bowl and spooner and an amber-stained open sugar, creamer, and spooner. U.S. Glass Co.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED LACY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED PRESSED LACY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, including two pieces of Sandwich Hairpin. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Circa 1830-1850. Largest 9" W. Provenance: Collection ofSee Sold Price
SoldHEAVY GOTHIC - RUBY-STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEHEAVY GOTHIC - RUBY-STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising a covered sugar bowl, creamer, spooner, celery vase, and a loose butter lid. Columbia Glass Co./United States Glass Co. CSee Sold Price
SoldIRIS AND MEANDER / IRIS (OMN) TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFIRIS AND MEANDER / IRIS (OMN) TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, green, and blue opalescent, comprising a covered butter dish, a tumbler, a salt shaker, and two small plates. Jefferson Glass Co.See Sold Price
SoldROMAN ROSETTE - AMBER-STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFROMAN ROSETTE - AMBER-STAINED TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, including a jelly compote, two wines, and a salt shaker. U. S. Glass Co. 1894-1898. 1 1/4" to 4 5/8" H.Literature: Parallels HeacoSee Sold Price
SoldBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TENBELLFLOWER - SINGLE VINE TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TEN, colorless lead glass, comprising a 12-scallop bowl on plain foot, a covered honey dish, six sauce dishes with five concentric circles in base, a waSee Sold Price
SoldFIVE ASSORTED PRESSED LACY TABLE ARTICLESFIVE ASSORTED PRESSED LACY TABLE ARTICLES, colorless, including a Beehive and Thistle octagonal dish and a Peacock Eye and Thistle plate. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1835-1850. 4 1/2" to 9See Sold Price
SoldADONIS SWIRL / GONTERMAN SWIRL TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFADONIS SWIRL / GONTERMAN SWIRL TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless, amber, blue, frosted, and opalescent, comprising a covered butter, a finger bowl, a spooner, and five berry bowls. Aetna Glass &See Sold Price
SoldGREENTOWN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEGREENTOWN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a colorless Austrian goblet, Shuttle champagne, and Teardrop and Tassel tumbler; and an amber cruet and green table creamer in the Dewey pattern. IndiSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF 14ASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF 14, colorless, including a Lion four-piece table set, a Liberty Bell covered butter dish, a five-piece Tulip and Honeycomb punch set, and a three-pieSee Sold Price
SoldLUTZ-TYPE LATTICINIO BLOWN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OFLUTZ-TYPE LATTICINIO BLOWN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, various colors, consisting of three plates, a shell-shaped dish with applied end and table ring, and a small ruffled dish on applied colorless fSee Sold Price
Marigold Carnival Glass Table ArticlesJudd's Auction Gallery, Inc. 4.6(166)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A suite of white painted iron garden furnitureAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
COLLECTION OF MURANO MANNER ART GLASS PAPERWEIGHTSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Archimede Seguso, 'A piume' vase, 1955Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Gino Cenedese, 'Aquarium' table lamp, 1960sQuittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Studio B.B.P.R.; G.L. Banfi; L. Barbiano di Belgiojoso; E. Peressutti; E.N. Rogers, SideboardQuittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 19, 2024
Brand van Egmond Nickel-Plated Cut Steel and Glass "Flower Power" Twenty-Light Chandelier DesignedDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(169)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
CARLO NASON Pair of LT231 table lamps for Mazzega, Murano.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Silver and Cut Glass Dressing Table Articles, 7Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025