SoldLarge Group Early HO Locos & Rolling StockIncludes Varney, Mantua, TMI & Others, most F series diesels are dummy units, rest show light to moderate playwear, C6-8See Sold Price
SoldBoxed HO Locos & Rolling StockAssorted makers like Varney, Cox, Athearn, Penn Line & Others with several diesels, freight & passenger cars. The Varney PRR passenger cars have some missing and loose trucks, otherwise all show lightSee Sold Price
SoldOO & HO Locos, Rolling Stock and AccessoriesHornby Railways/Lima/Jouef/Triang OO & HO Locos, Rolling Stock and Accessories consisting of Jouef Autorail Catalogue No.8520, Lima 2 x 4-wheel Goods Wagon, 1 x 8 wheel Goods Wagons, R401 Operating MaSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos, Rolling Stock and AccessoriesHO Locos, Rolling Stock and accessories comprising Fleischmann 4010 0-6-0 DR Class 89 Tank Loco No.89 7462, Liliput 201 03 Beer Wagon, Brawa 6310 Cable Railway Set containing 2 x Coaches, quantity ofSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 100 Plus Lot HO Locos & Rolling StockAssorted styles as per photo, several incomplete pieces, some made of wood, cast metal, etched brass & plastic, 2 C30 Diesels have overland drive chassis, most loose, all sole as-is as photed(Extra paSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos, Rolling Stock and AccessoriesHO Locos, Rolling Stock and accessories comprising Viessmann 4 x twin working street lamps, 2 x single working street lamps, Fleischmann 4 x 6226 colour light signal, 6205 semaphore signal, conditionsSee Sold Price
SoldFleischmann HO Locos and Rolling StockFleischmann HO a group of Locos and Rolling Stock comprising 4173 4-6-2 DRG Streamlined Class 03 No.1001, 4139 2-8-2 DRG Class 39 No.204, 4376 Co-Co DB red and cream livery Class 103 Overhead ElectricSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock by various manufacturers including Liliput, Kleinbahn, Gutzold and Fleischmann etc and includes Red Arrow SBB/CFF Railcar, 2-6-2 Tank Loco, 2-car green DMU, 2 x Overhead EleSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Lima 9726 Golden Series Suburban Train Pack containing 0-6-0 DB Class 80 Tank Loco No.80005, 3 x DB green 4-wheeled Passenger Coaches (1st Class, 2nd Class and BaSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Orwein 2 x 2100 Bo-Bo DB maroon livery Class 280 Diesel Loco No.280 010-0 (one unboxed), Rivarossi 1129 0-6-0 Italian Railways Tank Loco, Pocher 2352 4-bogied W&TSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Jouef 8345 Bo-Bo SNCF red and silver livery overhead electric Loco No.BB 15006, Roco 4316a Breakdown Crane, Lilliput 28900 DB Baggage Car, 9 x boxed Freight CarsSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of HO Locos and Rolling StockA group of HO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Lima No.4656 SR green Passenger set comprising 0-4-0 Tank Loco No.4572, 3 x green short Bogie Coaches, circle of track and battery control unit, an ideSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of HO Locos and Rolling Stock`Group of HO Locos and Rolling Stock by various manufacturers comprising Marklin Hamo 8471 DB cream with red stripe livery Centre Car, Kleinbahn 316 Long Wheelbase Van, Lima 9252 SBB orange livery PassSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising, Mehano 2289 SBB red and blue Cargo livery Class AM840 Diesel Loco No.840 001-2, Klein Modellbahn 3 x Bogie Flats with Containers (2 x 3645 SBB purple livery andSee Sold Price
SoldLima Unboxed HO Gauge Locos & Rolling StockLima unboxed HO Gauge Locos and Rolling Stock including - 0-6-0 Loco and Tender LMS black No.4547, Bo-Bo Diesel BR green No.D6514, another No.D6524 BR blue and yellow, 3 Private Owners Open Tracks andSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 28 Pc. Loose HO Locos and Rolling StockSF AB Diesels; 1776 F3 Diesel: Virginian Diesel, no hand rails; IHB 0-8-0 Steamer, no boiler front; Amtrak Track Cleaner, rest freight Cars missing a couple of trucks and loads, overall C5-7See Sold Price
A Group of HO Locos and Rolling StockGroup of HO Locos and Rolling Stock by various manufacturers comprising Marklin Hamo 8471 DP cream with red stripe livery Centre Car, Kleinbahn 316 Long Wheel Based Van, Lima 9252 SBB orange livery PaSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Fleischmann 1324 2-6-4 DR Class 65 Tank No.65014, DR Class 70 Tank No.70091, 2 x 1489 Bogie Hopper Wagon, 1482 Bolster Wagon with Brake Man's Cab, 1486 4-wheel HoSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of HO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Roco 4139 type BR191 green livery Overhead Electric Loco No.E9107, 4316B Breakdown Crane, 4317A Low Sided Wagon, Fleischmann 4094 0-10-0 DB Class 94 Tank Loco No.See Sold Price
SoldA Group of HO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Jouef 8273 2-8-2 SNCF Class 141 Steam Loco No.1246, condition Mint in still shrink-wrapped inner box, 8283 2-8-0 SNCF Class 140 Steam Loco No.180, 5112 SNCF greenSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Jouef 8269 2-8-2 SNCF green livery Class 141 Steam Loco No.141.P.102 "Venissieux", Lima 9701 4-car Japanese Railways Tokaido Overhead Electric EMU Train pack consSee Sold Price
SoldHO Playcraft Locos, Rolling Stock and TrackworkHO Playcraft Locos, Rolling Stock and Trackwork including Bo-Bo BR green Diesel Loco, 0-4-0 black Tank Engine, 0-4-0 green Diesel Shunter, both 040's are clockwork, maroon Passenger Coach, brown and cSee Sold Price
SoldHO Locos and Rolling StockHO Locos and Rolling Stock comprising, Mehano 2289 SBB red and blue Cargo livery Class AM840 Diesel Loco No.840 001-2, Klein Modellbahn 3 x Bogie Flats with Containers (2 x 3645 SBB purple livery andSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 26 Pc. Loose HO Locos and Rolling Stock LotIC Diesel; Chessie Diesel; NYC Snow Plow, 0-8-0 GM&O Steamer, no cab, 17 Freight Cars, 4 B&O Passenger Cars, some missing wheels and trucks, but most intact, o/w most C6 - 7See Sold Price
Southern Pacific RR 4-8-8-2 AC-12 DCC/Sound Steam Loco #4275-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S/HO Gauge parts in envelopesElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group Lot of 5 Lionel O27 Rolling Stock Freight CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of 60+ HO Gauge Rolling Stock TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Large Lot of HO Gauge Rolling Stock Freight and Box CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024