SoldPORCELAIN LADY FOX FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN LADY FOX FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, white ground with facial features, lavender coat with brown cuffs and collar, peach colored pleated skirt and a green purse, green/brown earth-tone figural rSee Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE LADY FOX FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMPVERY RARE LADY FOX FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMP, porcelain and colorless glass, base has fired decoration in lavender, peach, brown, pink, blue, tan and amber glass eyes, underside with impressed blue RSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN ORIENTAL LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN ORIENTAL LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, sitting position with folded legs and holding a fan, dressed in green attire with gilt highlights, naturalistic facial features, dark to light chartreusSee Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMPUNLISTED LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMP, white porcelain, standing figure with long draping gown, fired decoration in green with gold trim; opaque white chimney-shade; period burner. Fourth quarter 1See Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED TRIPLE GEISHA LADY FIGURAL JEFF TRADEMARKUNLISTED TRIPLE GEISHA LADY FIGURAL JEFF TRADEMARK MINIATURE OIL LAMP, white porcelain, apple-form font with applied floral decoration, supported by three Geisha ladies, standing on a circular flagstoSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN HEAD FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN HEAD FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, décor in lavender, blue, yellow and tan, young lady's head with ruffled feather bonnet, blue anchor mark to underside of base. Period burner and ribbed chimney.See Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED MATCHED FIGURAL COLONIAL MAN AND LADY PAIR OFUNLISTED MATCHED FIGURAL COLONIAL MAN AND LADY PAIR OF MINIATURE LAMPS, white porcelain, glazed décor in green, blue, pink, brown and gray, both figurals are standing by a bench with a tree behind thSee Sold Price
SoldFigural Porcelain Lamp with Rococo Lady, mid 20thPorcelain with white glaze and polychrome painting Probably Germany, mid 20th Century Lamp base in form of a Rococo lady Brass mounting and cream-coloured lampshade Overall height: 42.2 cm Fully functSee Sold Price
Large Podany Figural Porcelain LampPorcelain figural lamp portraying two young ladies playing with a cat, by artist Rudolf Podany (Austrian, 1876-1963). Signed Podany impressed in the base, additional impressed marking Depose for the FSee Sold Price
SoldDresden Porcelain Figural Lamp: Three DancersSecond or Third quarter 20th Century, German Hand Painted and fine Porcelain Lamp with Three young ladies dancing. Estate-Fresh and as-found: areas of loss to fine lace on each dress (and under), fingSee Sold Price
SoldFIGURAL PORCELAIN AND RUBY SATIN GLASS FAIRY LAMPSFIGURAL PORCELAIN AND RUBY SATIN GLASS FAIRY LAMPS, PAIR, H 11 1/4":A gentleman and lady at the base of each porcelain fairy lamp stand, each with cranberry satin dome with embossed diamond pattern.LiSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, white ground with floral and gilt decoration, depicting two young girl cherubs flanking a scrolling cornucopia (font); opaque white ball-form shade with transfers ofSee Sold Price
SoldROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, cream ground base with with pink, tan, blue, brown, green and gold floral and butterfly decoration, pink opaline glass upturned ruffled shade. PeriodSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS AND PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPASSORTED GLASS AND PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP FONTS, LOT OF FOUR, comprising two decorated green glass Owl/Smith I, fig. 493; a porcelain Cherub/Hulsebus I, fig. 245; and a porcelain stylized scSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN ERNST BOHNE SOHNE PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATUREGERMAN ERNST BOHNE SOHNE PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, depicting a disgruntled oriental man with realistic facial features and lying on his back in a multi-color floral attire, holding back a signSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN C. G. SCHERHOLZ & SON PORCELAIN FIGURALGERMAN C. G. SCHERHOLZ & SON PORCELAIN FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, multi-color and gilt decoration, primarily in pastel colors, three cherubs supporting the basketweave font with applied roses, circular bSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN OWL FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN OWL FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, white ground with worn gilt-decorated highlights, standing on a molded circular natural-toned base, with yellow and black glass eyes, underside impressed "WO / 49See Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN ELEPHANT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN ELEPHANT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, brown tones with gilt decoration, depicting four elephant heads emerging from a basket-form font, circular base with large scallops, underside with blue stamSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN WALRUS FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN WALRUS FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, fired décor in green, brown and gold, frosted glass ball shade with green and gilt decoration. Base is marked on underside 1585. Period burner. Fourth quarterSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN CAT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN CAT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, white ground with naturalistic decoration, depicting a gray decorated cat with naturalistic facial features beside a basket in tan shading, supported by an ovoid-See Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN SQUIRREL FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN SQUIRREL FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, reddish-brown ground with naturalistic facial features, sitting position on a stump with tail curled over head and eating an acorn, underside of base impressSee Sold Price
SoldPORCELAIN CAT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMPPORCELAIN CAT FIGURAL MINIATURE LAMP, fired décor in brown, blue, white and green, with inset yellow glass eyes, seated on a brown and green rock, blue bow around neck, yellow cased glass ball shade.See Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMPUNLISTED LADY FIGURAL MINIATURE OIL LAMP, bisque, standing figure with tulips, fired decoration in green, tan with gold trim; colorless frosted lightly ruffled top shade, white and gold floral decoratSee Sold Price
Figural Lamp After Auguste Moreau (French 1834 - 1917)Nadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Dresden Porcelain Figural Boudoir LampsMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Porcelain Figural Lamps, 20th c., of a courting couple and cupid, on pierced stepped brassCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Vintage Victorian Capodimonte Style Figural Porcelain Table Lamp with Metal BaseLUXUR Fine Art Auction4.5(58)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of German Porcelain Figural Cherub and Rose Bud Vases Lamps Body, Circa 1890LUXUR Fine Art Auction4.5(58)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
European Decorative Arts Incl. Meissen Figurine, Miniature Bronze & Porcelain Busts, Old Paris, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Victorian Continental Figural Porcelain Oil Lamp, Man in Tophat Holding Pug DogHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Continental porcelain table lamp with figural detail modelled as a young girl holding a garland ofClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Pair of Matching Dresden Style Figural Group LampsConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A GOOD LARGE PAIR OF 19TH CENTURY CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN FIGURAL LAMPS. 53 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Porcelain Victorian Lady Lamp By Show StoppersRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
STUNNING Neoclassical Bronze, Porcelain Clock SetTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024