SoldFRENCH BISQUE ROHMER-TYPE POUPEEFRENCH BISQUE ROHMER-TYPE POUPEE. 13 ½”. Marks: None. Pressed bisque shoulderhead with pale complexion, full lower cheeks, inset almond-shaped brilliant blue glass enamel eyes, painted lashes, eyelSee Sold Price
SoldROHMER-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE. Marks: None. 2ROHMER-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE. Marks: None. 21”. Bisque swivel head with rounded face and plump lower cheeks, spiral-threaded cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes, widely-arched and multi-strokSee Sold Price
Sold120. PETITE FRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU TYPE POUPEE, SIZE 0.120. PETITE FRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU TYPE POUPEE, SIZE 0. Marks: 0. 13”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, light blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered brows, closed mouth,See Sold Price
Sold197. PETITE FRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU-TYPE POUPEE. Marks: 0.197. PETITE FRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU-TYPE POUPEE. Marks: 0. 13". Bisque swivel head, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eye liner, feathered brows, closed mouth, shaded and accented lips, pierced earsSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE SIMMONE-TYPE POUPEE. MarksBEAUTIFUL FRENCH BISQUE SIMMONE-TYPE POUPEE. Marks: none. 18”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, inset cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, multi-stroked and widely-arched broSee Sold Price
Rohmer Poupee French Fashion Dollc. 1857-1880, French bisque shoulderhead Rohmer Poupee fashion doll, incised "5" on back of shoulderplate, heavy multi-stroked eyebrows, painted blue eyes with painted upper and lower lashes, paintedSee Sold Price
SoldEXQUISITE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY ROHMER. MarksEXQUISITE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY ROHMER. Marks: None. 17”. Pressed bisque shoulder-head with rounded facial modeling, extreme almond-shaped blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arcSee Sold Price
SoldRARE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY ROHMER, WITH SWIVEL NECK &RARE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY ROHMER, WITH SWIVEL NECK & GLASS EYES. Marks: None. 16”. Pale bisque swivel head with flat-cut neck socket on bisque shoulderplate, plump facial features, neck articulatSee Sold Price
EARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH ROHMER LOOKEARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH ROHMER LOOK. Marks: None. 21”. Bisque swivel head with rounded face and plump lower cheeks, cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes, widely-arched and multi-stroked brSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY SIMMONE-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE IN ORIGINALLOVELY SIMMONE-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE IN ORIGINAL COSTUME. Marks: None. 12”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, almond-shaped vivid blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, multi-stroked bSee Sold Price
SoldJUMEAU-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE FASHION POUPEE. MarksJUMEAU-TYPE FRENCH BISQUE FASHION POUPEE. Marks: 2. 14". Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, light blue, spiral-threaded paperweight eyes, painted lashes, multi-feathered brows, pierced-in earSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH SIMMONE-TYPE FACE & LEATFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH SIMMONE-TYPE FACE & LEATHER-OVER-WOOD TENON JOINTED BODY. Marks: None. 16". Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, almond-shaped inset blue glass eyes, dark eyeliner, fiSee Sold Price
Sold184. GORGEOUS, EARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO184. GORGEOUS, EARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO ROHMER. Marks: Depose 1. 15 1/2". Bisque shoulderhead with plump rounded face, inset almond-shaped blue glass eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lasheSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH SWIVEL NECK BY LEONTINEFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH SWIVEL NECK BY LEONTINE ROHMER. 16”. Bisque swivel head with flat-cut neck socket on bisque shoulder plate, painted features, blue eyes with finely painted lashes and browsSee Sold Price
Sold178. FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH YOUTHFUL FACE,178. FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH YOUTHFUL FACE, ATTRIBUTED TO ROHMER. Marks: None. 16". Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, inset cobalt blue enamel eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closedSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL FRENCH POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO ROHMER. Marks:BEAUTIFUL FRENCH POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO ROHMER. Marks: None. 15”. Bisque shoulderhead with plump cheeks, inset cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, multi-stroked and widely-arched brows,See Sold Price
Sold15" SIMONNE TYPE FRENCH FASHION LADY (POUPEE PEAU)Unmarked bisque socket head on bisque shoulder plate. Stationary early cobalt blue threaded glass eyes set in extreme almond eye cuts, closed mouth, ears pierced into the head, original mohair wig andSee Sold Price
SoldATTRACTIVE FRENCH POUPEE.14 - 1/2" Bisque socket head, unmarked, with dark blue inset glass eyes, multi-stroke eyebrows, tiny lashes, a closed mouth with beestung type shaded lips, pierced earlobes, pale bisque with rouge cheSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY LEON CASIMIR BRU WITHPETITE FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY LEON CASIMIR BRU WITH BISQUE HANDS. Marks: B. 12”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulder plate, blue/gray spiral threaded inset glass eyes, dark eyeliner, paintedSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO BARROISFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE ATTRIBUTED TO BARROIS. 17”. Pale bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, cobalt blue glass eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, lightly feathered and arched brows, closed moSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Bisque Poupee Doll.15 1/2” tall with headpiece. Glass inset eyes, brushstroke brows, wooden jointed arms, blonde wig with pearl and floral headpiece and veil. In cream brocade wedding dress lavishly decorated with peaSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY BARROIS WITH RARE PATENTEDFRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY BARROIS WITH RARE PATENTED CRUCHET BODY. 17". Marks: None visible. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, inset blue paperweight eyes, dark eyeliner, lightly-feathered broSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Bisque Poupee Doll.21”. Glass inset eyes, brushstroke brows, kid arms, blonde pompadour wig. In 18th c style pink court Robe A La Francais pannier with lace and goldwork accents._x000D_ Condition: Generally excellSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH KID-OVER-WOODEN BODY.EARLY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH KID-OVER-WOODEN BODY. 18". Marks: None visible. Bisque shoulderhead with inset brilliant blue glass eyes, painted lashes, multi-stroked and widely-arched brows, closedSee Sold Price
1985 Shirley Free Bisque French Style Porcelain DollLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Jean-Antoine Houdon (after); Pair of French Bisque Porcelain BustsMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
French Bisque Head Doll Marked "23 SFBJ 916 Paris"Woody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1936 England Airmail Cover Leeds to Geneina Fort French Equatorial AfricaMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Magnificent 19th C. RAINGO FRÉRES Signed French Napoleon Louis XVI Gilt Bronze FiguralAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19th C. French Chinoiserie Bisque & Bronze Figural ClockAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pair of French Bisque Old Paris Ceramic FiguresCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
14k Tri-Color Diamond Cut Circle Dangle EarringsGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sterling Silver Polished Dangle Triangular EarringsGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY FRENCH BISQUE PORCELAIN BONBONIERRE AND COVER formed as a female wearing long robes.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
14k Tri-Color Bead & Yellow Oval Dangle EarringsGolden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique French Napoleon Bisque & Marble StatueAntiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Reed & Barton French Renaissance Silverware 7-Pc Dinner Service for 12 - 102pcsBidhaus4.3(757)$50206 Lots Away