SoldRARE FEEDING BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of theRARE FEEDING BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of the Verity family, circa 1870. Very good paint that appears to be original. Minor rubs to carved wing edges and tail. Wings carved with typical Verity �See Sold Price
SoldRARE FEEDING BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of theRARE FEEDING BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of the Verity family, circa 1870. Very good paint that appears to be original. Minor rubs to carved wing edges and tail. Wings carved with typical Verity �See Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE BLACK BREAST PLOVER from the Turner rig ofVERY RARE BLACK BREAST PLOVER from the Turner rig of southern New Jersey. Retains excellent original paint with intricate feather work and fine structural condition. Original bill. Probably used in thSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Bob WhiteVERY RARE BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Bob White, Tullytown, PA. Very plump carving in excellent original paint and unused condition. Signed and dated 1983. Mounted atop a custom base. A very rare carving bSee Sold Price
SoldRare feeding black bellied plover, Obediah Verity,Rare feeding black bellied plover, Obediah Verity, Seaford, Long Island, New York, 3rd quarter 19th century. Rare feeding black bellied plover, Obediah Verity, Seaford, Long Island, New York, 3rd quarSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of the VerityEARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER by a member of the Verity family, Seaford, NY. Original paint with touch up to the breast. Paint shows in-use wear. Strong paint pattern remains. Typical S-carved wings. BillSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER, probably Long Island, NY.EARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER, probably Long Island, NY. Carved in the manner of Charles Bunn. Feeding position. Original paint and good structural condition. Relief-carved wings and split-tail feathers.See Sold Price
SoldVERY FINE BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by William Gibian,VERY FINE BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by William Gibian, Onancock, VA. Excellent original paint and condition. Carved in a feeding position. Deep relief-carved wings and wing tips. Raised tail feathers. CommoSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK-BREAST PLOVER by H.V. Shourds, Seaville, NJ.BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by H.V. Shourds, Seaville, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Head turned sharply right. Signed under tail. Together with a FEEDING YELLOWLEG in excellent original paint aSee Sold Price
SoldTWO BLACK-BREAST PLOVERS, LONG ISLAND STYLETWO BLACK-BREAST PLOVERS, Long Island style. Very good original paint and condition. One is a feeder, one is carved in a feeding position. Both mounted atop a custom. 100-200See Sold Price
SoldBLACK-BREAST PLOVER/FEEDING SHOREBIRDBLACK BREAST PLOVER in antiqued paint and condition. Numerous shot holes. Repair to bill. Together with a FEEDING SHOREBIRD in very good original paint and condition. Overall painted feather work. BotSee Sold Price
SoldExtremely rare black bellied plover in feeding pose,Extremely rare black bellied plover in feeding pose, attributed to William Mathews, Assawoman Island, Virginia, circa 1900. Head is also cocked about 15 degrees to one side. Relief wing carving. ProveSee Sold Price
SoldRare and large black bellied plover, Elmer Crowell,Rare and large black bellied plover, Elmer Crowell, East Harwich, Massachusetts, circa 1910. A very plump bird, with Crowell's dry brush painting. Similar on the breast to those of the famous dust jacSee Sold Price
SoldAndrew Verity Black Bellied Plover Rare alert poseRare alert pose black-bellied plover attributed to Andrew Verity, Seaford, Long Island, NY. In old original paint. Professional bill replacement, touch up to breast and top sides of head by Ken DelongSee Sold Price
Sold1970s RARE ORIGINAL RED 'TCB' CONCERT JACKETActually worn by a member of Elvis' Memphis Mafia, this baseball style red and white nylon jacket, size XL, has the 8x6" black, red & white 'Elvis in Concert' patch on left breast, white and brown 4x2See Sold Price
EARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER, NEW ENGLANDEARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER, probably New England. Oversized model in original paint with in-use wear and worn to wood in areas. Good structural condition. Check to one side. Carved feather detail to wiSee Sold Price
SoldVERY EARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVER, possibly Absecon, NJ,VERY EARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVER, possibly Absecon, NJ, circa 1880-90. Good working paint, possibly the original. Inlet bill and tack eyes. Mounted atop a custom base.See Sold Price
SoldBLACK BREAST PLOVER, G. STRUNKBLACK BREAST PLOVER by George Strunk, Glendora, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Full-bodied carving with relief-carved wing detail and split-tail carving. Very fine painted feather work toSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK-BREAST PLOVER, Long Island, NY. WeatheredBLACK-BREAST PLOVER, Long Island, NY. Weathered original paint and good structural condition. Raised relief-carved wings and split tail. Bill possibly original. Carved in an alert position. Mounted atSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Joe KingVERY EARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Joe King, Parkertown, NJ, (1835-1913). Very old working paint, with remnants of original showing. Good structural condition. Very old bill, possibly the original. MouSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK BREAST PLOVER, possibly VirginiaEARLY BLACK BREAST PLOVER, possibly Virginia or Outer Banks. Very weathered paint, some of which may be original. Heavily struck by shot on one side. Bill appears to be a replacement.See Sold Price
SoldEARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVEREARLY BLACK-BREAST PLOVER, probably New Jersey. Very early working paint, some of which may be original. Good structural condition with numerous shot marks. Bill possibly an old replacement. Mounted aSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK BREAST PLOVER, S. MOREYFINE BLACK BREAST PLOVER by Steve Morey, Tuckerton, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Carved in the style of A.E. Crowell. Relief-carved wings with split tail carving. "M" carved in bottom.See Sold Price
SoldPLUMP BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Steve Morey, Tuckerton,PLUMP BLACK-BREAST PLOVER by Steve Morey, Tuckerton, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Raised, relief-carved wings and multiple carved, crossed wing tips. Small area of flaking to bill tip.See Sold Price
Pinch-Breast Redhead Drake Decoy by The Ward BrothersCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Jetton for the Centennial Jubilee of the Pavlovsky Military School, 1898LA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Spectacular Original Patek Philippe Black Enamel Dial Pocket Watch Original CaseHess Fine Auctions4.5(210)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hotwheels redline "the spoilers" King Cuda RARE BLACK ROOFCollectorverse Auctions LLC4.5(38)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Le Surrealisme en 1947. Andre Breton & Marcel Duchamp. Exposition internationale du Surrealisme.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
GERMAN WWII POST, LAZARETTSCHIFT 'WILHELM GUSTLOFF'V.N. Collectible4.4(249)See Sold PriceMar 30, 2024
GERMAN WWII POST, LAZARETTSCHIFT 'WILHELM GUSTLOFF'V.N. Collectible4.4(249)See Sold PriceMar 30, 2024
FEEDING BLACK DUCK, WILDFOWLERFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
FEEDING BLACK DUCK, WILDFOWLERFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
BLACK-BREASTED PLOVER, NEW JERSEYFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
BLACK-BREASTED PLOVER, NEW ENGLANDFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
YELLOW-HEADED BLACK BIRD, B. WHITEFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
RARE BLACK DUCK, H.M. SHOURDSFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(167)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024