A fine Pre-Columbian black-ware bottleA fine Pre-Columbian black-ware bottle, c. AD 1100 - 1450, a pleasant Chimu vessel decorated with a nicely molded wave design, representing water symbols. H: 6 1/4 in (16.8 cm). Well-preserved with goSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Pre-Columbian blackware bottleA fine Pre-Columbian blackware bottle, ca. AD 1300 - 1450. This highly burnished vessel is 8 in high and depicts a bird, most likely an owl, holding a lizard in its claws. Good mineral deposits and juSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Pottery Jar w/ Caziques & JaguarsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. A fine blackware pottery vessel of an ovoid bottle form with a pair of high relief anthropomorphic figures, perhaps caziques given their heSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Chimu-Inca figural bottleA fine Chimu-Inca figural bottle from Peru, ca. 1300 - 1500 AD. This nicely burnished blackware example is 5-1/4" high and features a human head adorned with a large labret. Sican stylistic influenceSee Sold Price
A fine Pre-Columbian bottleA fine Pre-Columbian bottle, ca. AD 650 - 800. This molded vessel is 8 in high and is decorated with two panels depicting a shaman or agricultural deity performing a harvest ritual. He is adorned withSee Sold Price
A fine Pre-Columbian bottleA fine Pre-Columbian bottle, c. AD 1100 - 1450. This lovely Chimu orange-ware vessel features four molded panels, two of which depict a shaman performing a rain ceremony, the other two a large sea birSee Sold Price
Chavin / Cupisnique Incised BottleAncient Pre-Columbian Blackware Bottle from Peru, Chavin / Cupisnique culture, ca. 1200 B.C. Pottery vessel features incised decoration with two fields divided by a river. The art associated with theSee Sold Price
SoldA fantastic Pre-Columbian black-ware stirrup bottleA fantastic Pre-Columbian black-ware stirrup bottle, c. AD 1400 – 1500, the shoulder and sides of stir-up decorated with incised geometric designs, a cute monkey adorno next to the spout opposite aSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Pre-Columbian orange-ware bottleA fine Pre-Columbian orange-ware bottle, c. AD 1100 - 1450 AD, this lovely Chimu vessel features four molded panels, two depict a shaman performing a rain ceremony, the other two a large sea bird. H:See Sold Price
A fine Pre-Columbian figural bottleA fine Pre-Columbian figural bottle, ca. 700 - 1300 AD. This complex Lambayeque vessel is 9 in high and depicts the primary deity Naymlap flanked by two figures typically identified as his children. ASee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Moche Blackware BottlePre-columbian Moche bottle from Peru, ca. 200-600 A.D. Blackware bottle in the form of a portrait head. Depcited wearing a headband, necklace, nose-ring and labret. notes:All lots will be sold with aSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Pre-Columbian avian motif bottleA fine Pre-Columbian avian motif bottle, ca. 1400 – 1500 AD. It is 7-1/4 in high and features a pair of nicely detailed birds mounted atop the chamber. The widely flared spout is decorated with a baSee Sold Price
A fine Pre-Columbian orange ware bottleA fine Pre-Columbian orange ware bottle, c. AD 1100 - 1450. This fine vessel is decorated with a band of recurved step fret designs, combining agricultural terraces and wave designs into a fertility mSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Blackware Pottery Flask Bottle w HandleThis is a Pre-Columbian blackware pottery flask bottle with a handle and incised x pattern design. From the Upstate New York estate of Marshall and Kay Lee. Marshall was a well known collector of Pre-See Sold Price
Fine Pre-columbian Moche I BottleA fine Moche I bottle from Peru, ca. 50 BC - 100 AD. This rare Early Red-over-Cream example is 6" high and 5-1/4" in diameter. Its lentoid chamber is decorated with step-fret designs creating stylizedSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Colima Blackware Double BowlA rare and fine double bowl formed Pre-Columbian Colima blackware vessel, from ancient West Mexico, circa 200 B.C. – 200 A.D. The form is that of a graceful double bowl, which features an attractiveSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jaguar Effigy Bottle,Pre-Columbian Jaguar Effigy Bottle, Argentina, blackware, 8"hSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Pre-Columbian Terracotta Vessels, Height of taller Two Pre-Columbian Terracotta Vessels, comprising an Incan round bottomed blackware bottle with face decoration and a Lambayeque double-spouted blackware stirrup vessel having an applied bust and fourSee Sold Price
SoldREPRODUCTION OF PRE-COLUMBIAN BLACKWAREREPRODUCTION OF PRE-COLUMBIAN BLACKWARE Reproduction of pre Columbian blackware pottery. To Include four varying types of kettles all with fine detailing. 6" and 8.5"See Sold Price
Two Pre-Columbian Terracotta Vessels, Height of tTwo Pre-Columbian Terracotta Vessels, comprising an Incan round bottomed blackware bottle with face decoration and a Lambayeque double-spouted blackware stirrup vessel having an applied bust and fourSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Pre-Columbian phytomorphic vesselA fine Pre-Columbian phytomorphic vessel, ca. 1100 - 1450 AD. This nice Chimu blackware example is 7-1/4 in high and portrays a Pacay pod mounted atop a flared base. Highly burnished, good mineral depSee Sold Price
Chavin Blackware Bottle, ex-Eugene LionsNorth Coast Peru, Pre-Columbian, ca. 1200-800 BCE. Early Man terracotta bottle vessel with incised spiral design on stone-polished surface. 8" H by 6" W. Provenance: Ex-Eugene Lions Collection, SwitzeSee Sold Price
A fine Pre-Columbian grayware vesselA fine Pre-Columbian grayware vessel, ca. AD 1100 – 1450, this well-made Chimu bottle is decorated with a band of wave designs encircling the upper half of the chamber. A nicely detailed bird adornsSee Sold Price
A pair of Pre-Columbian black-ware ceramic vesselsA pair of Pre-Columbian black-ware ceramic vessels. The first is a bottle in the form of a man, c. 16th - 17th Century, with elaborate headdress and jewelry, (H: 10 in (25.4 cm), the second, c. 1400 -See Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Chimu Inca Blackware Stirrup Vessel With Two BirdsRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre Columbian Chimu blackware with double spouts. Excellent condition. Measures 6" dia. x 7".Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Panamanian Cocle Pedestal Dish, Two-Headed SaurianArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
San Ildefonso Pueblo Redware Jar By Rose GonzalesArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
San Ildefonso Blackware Jar, Attributed to MartinezArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
African Dan Ceremonial Mask (Gle), ex-Peter ArnovickArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ancient Roman Iron Shaving Blades w/ Spatulate HeadsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024