Group of Steiff Cats - Tabby, Lizzy, Susi and MoreAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
SoldSTEIFF SINGAPORE RAFFLES BEAR NMIBRaffles is a Limited Edition Steiff Teddy Bear Exclusively for Singapore 1997/1998. He is 16 inches and made of rust mohair, fully jointed with a growler. He has his original Certificate. White and reSee Sold Price
SoldSteiff Raffles Teddy Bear, 1997Steiff Raffles Teddy bear, 1997, white tag 652578, Singapore Exclusive LE 1847, rust mohair, low edition number 42, tag is printed LE 1500 factory error, certificate, 17"/43cm.See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF RALPH LAUREN POLO VARSITY STEIFF BEAR NMIBSteiff Ralph Lauren Polo Varsity Bear 35. Made in 1993 he is 13 inches and made of mohair & is jointed & has a growler . Yellow flag EAN 650581 leather band 2172 Ltd Ed out of 3500. NMIB*See Sold Price
SoldRALPH LAUREN POLO UNIVERSITY FLAG STEIFF BEAR NMIBRalph Lauren Polo Fifth Avenue Steiff bear. Designed to celebrate the opening of Polo Ralph Lauren Flag Ship store on Fifth Avenue New York. He was made in 1993, is 13 inches & made of mohair. JointedSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF PICNIC BEAR NMIBSteiff Picnic Bear. He is 13 inches, 1997 Steiff club, fully jointed made of soft mohair. He comes with his original picnic basket and goodies. White and red flag EAN 420108 Steiff club edition Ltd EdSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF BERLIN BEAR NMIBSteiff Berlin Bear. He is 13 inches and was made from 1985-1987 and is made of brown mohair, fully jointed & is wearing his crown and Berlin sash. He also has his Berlin bear tag attached. Yellow flagSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF ORIGINAL TEDDY BLUE, STEIFF CLUB BEAR NMIBSteiff Original Teddy Blue, Steiff Club Bear, Replica 1908. He is 13 inches and was made from 1994/1995. Made of blue mohair is jointed and has a growler. White & black flag EAN 420047 Ltd Ed 02585/14See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF HAMLEYS BEAR WINSTON NMIBSteiff Hamleys Bear Winston. He was made in 1997, light brown mohair and is 14 inches. Jointed with a growler. He has his gold medallion attached. White & red flag EAN 652837. Ltd Ed 00264/1500 also iSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF WHITE MUZZLE BEAR NMIBSteiff White Muzzle Bear. He was made from 1986-1990 and is 13 inches. Made of white mohair is jointed and has a growler. White & black flag EAN 406126 Ltd Ed 00382/6000. He is wearing his leather muzSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF COCA-COLA POLAR BEAR NMIBSteiff Coca-Cola Polar Bear. He is 7 inches and made of white mohair. Made in 2000 holding his bottle of coca-cola. Also has his certificate polar bear cub paper pamphlet attached. His flag is white &See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF CLUB CENTURY BEAR NMIBSteiff Club Centry Bear. Made in 2000/2001 is 12 inches made of brown mohair is jointed with a growler. White & red flag EAN 420221 Ltd Ed 00862/2000. Wearing his vest that has Margarete Steiff set 18See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF BRITISH COLLECTORS BEAR NMIBSteiff British Collectors Bear. He was made from 1989-2014. He is 24 inches made of blonde mohair, is jointed & has a growler. White & black flag EAN 0174/61 Ltd Ed 01700/2000. he is also signed on hiSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF HARROD'S MUSICAL BEAR NMIBSteiff Harrod's Musical Bear. He was made in 1996 is 17 inches, made of blonde mohair & is jointed & Musical. Ltd. Ed to United Kingdom and is number 00322/2000. He has his paper certificate. White &See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF ALICE TEDDY BEAR NMIBSteiff Alice Teddy Bear. She was made in 1993 is 15 inches, made of orange tipped mohair. She is a USA Exclusive Ltd. Ed. 00333-5000 including her paper certificate. White & black flag EAN 650574. SheSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF SANTA BEAR WEIHNACHTSMANN NMIBSteiff santa bear Weihnachtsmann. He is 12 inches and made of mohair. He has a white & red flag EAN 674242. Ltd Ed 00539/1500 He also has his Santa bag with bells and a gift and small teddy bear. He aSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF HAMLEYS BEAR OLIVER NMIBSteiff Hamleys Bear Oliver. He was made in 1990 and is 14 inches made of mohair. He is jointed and has a growler. White & black flag 650277 Ltd Ed 00874/2000. He is signed on his foot and has his papeSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF RALPH LAUREN MARTINI BEAR NMIBIt's Martini time with Steiff Ralph Lauren Martini Bear. He is 17 inches and was made in 1994. Made of mohair, is jointed and has a growler. Yellow flag EAN 000393. Ltd Ed Leather Polo Bear band 068 NSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF DICKY BEAR 1930 REPLICA NMIBSteiff Dicky Bear 1930 Replica. He was made from 1985-1988 is 12 inches made of blonde mohair & is jointed. White & black flag EAN 0172/32 Ltd Ed 06577/20000 he also has his dicky tag attached and hasSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF WINTER BEAR LTD ED NMIBSteiff Winter Bear. He was made in 1996/97 and is 14 inches made of mohair & is jointed. White & red flag EAN 665172 Ltd Ed 00351/5000 He has his broom and snowman pamphlet attached and has his bag wiSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF HARRODS MUSICAL TEDDY BEAR NMIBSteiff Harrods Musical Teddy Bear Replica 1926. He was made in 1993 and is 16 inches, and is jointed and made of mohair. White & black flag EAN 650680 Ltd Ed 00177/2000. He has his certificate and papSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF TEDDY ROOSEVELT & CUB BEAR NMIBSteiff Teddy Roosevelt & Cub Bear. Made in 1998 he is 13 inches made of blond mohair & is jointed. He is a USA Exclusive. White & red flag EAN 665615 Ltd Ed 00448/4000 NMIB*See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF COMPASS ROSE TEDDY BEAR NMIBSteiff Compass Rose Teddy Bear. She is 17 inches and was made in 1995. She is made of Rose mohair and is jointed with a growler. She is a North American Exclusive White & red flag EAN 650819 Ltd Ed 00See Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF HELLO-GOODBYE TEDDY BEAR SET NMIBSteiff Hello-Goodbye Teddy Bear Set in Book Cover Case. Made in 1999/2000 they are 8 inches. They are made of blue & pink mohair and are jointed. White & red flag EAN 670367 Ltd Ed 00484. NMIBSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF RALPH LAUREN NAUTICMAN BEAR NMIBSteiff Ralph Lauren Nauticman Bear. He is 13 inches and made of mohair and was made in 1995 & is jointed. Yellow flag EAN 027147 Ltd Ed leather band 916 out of 1000. He has his certificate of authentiSee Sold Price
British Jointed Golden Mohair Teddy Bear, ca. 1915Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Hans Wegner (1914-2007), AP-19 Papa Bear chair and ottoman for A.P. Stolen, 1953-1969; DenmarkJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
5PC Antique German Mohair Teddy Bear Rabbit GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Steiff Cosy year bear 2015 together with a Steiff monkey and another Teddy 43 cm (3).Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Steiff Panda and Two Bears. Bear has Linen Tag 'Made in US Zone, Germany'Amanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Wind up Polar Bear and Cub, Steiff Kangaroo, Steiff bear and MoreAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of Small Steiff Animals and Margarete Steiff Museum Collection BearAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
STEIFF BEARS WITH TAGS 0202/14 0203/14 MADE IN GERMANYSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
STEIFF BEARS Papa 18??, Mama and Baby Bear WITH ORIGINAL BOXESSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024