SoldBleau Map of Flanders hand-colored by master coloristExtrema Americae versus Boream, ubi Terra Nova Nova Francia, adjacentiag... Johannes Blaeu (1596-1673). Engraved map with original hand color in full. Amsterdam: J. Blaeu, c. 1662. 21 x 24 3/4 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldVisscher Map of Flanders hand-colored by masterFlandriae Comitatus pars Septentrionalis... Nicolas Visscher II (1649-1702). Engraved map with original hand color in full. Amsterdam: Visscher, after 1638. 21 x 24 3/4 inches sheet. Van Santen applieSee Sold Price
SoldDe Wit Map of England hand-colored by master coloristOrientalior Districtus Regni Angliae... Frederic De Wit (1629/1630 – 1706). Engraved map with original hand color in full. Amsterdam, c. 1680. 24 3/4 x 21 inches sheet. Van Santen applied transparenSee Sold Price
SoldVisscher Map of Bavaria hand-colored by master coloristBavariae Palatinatus vulgo Die Ober-Pfaltz... Nicolas Visscher II (1649-1702). Engraved map with original hand color in full. Amsterdam: Visscher, after 1683. 21 x 24 3/4 inches sheet. Van Santen applSee Sold Price
SoldVisscher Map of Germany hand-colored by master coloristArchiepiscopatus et Electoratus Coloniensis... Nicolas Visscher II (1649-1702). Engraved map with original hand color in full.Amsterdam: Visscher, after 1683. 24 3/4 x 21 inches sheet. Van Santen applSee Sold Price
Sold17th Century Map of FranceMap titled "Le Gouvernement de l'Isle de France Par Damien de Templeux Escuyes Sr. du Frestoy." showing central portion of France including Paris. Map by Bleau, c.1640's. Map is hand colored, measuresSee Sold Price
1641 Map of Flanders by Fabius, hand-coloredTitle: Nova Antiqvæ Flandriæ Geographica Tabvla... [Flanders] Author: Fabius, Nicalio Description: Hand-colored copper-engraved map. 32.8x44.8 cm. (13x17½"). Inside matting and card backing, affixeSee Sold Price
Sold1641 Map of Flanders by Fabius, hand-coloredTitle: Nova Antiqvæ Flandriæ Geographica Tabvla... [Flanders] Author: Fabius, Nicalio Description: Hand-colored copper-engraved map. 32.8x44.8 cm. (13x17½"). Inside matting and card backing, affixeSee Sold Price
SoldHand-Colored Maps. Bleau, William & Joa2 pieces. Hand-Colored Maps. Bleau, William & Joan. [Italy]: "Territorio di Brescia et di Crema." (Amsterdam), (ca. 1630). 15 x 19 1/2 inches; 381 x 495 mm. Margins. * "Ducato di Urbano." (Amsterdam),See Sold Price
Sold1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Willia1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, William & Jan. Comitatuum Hannoniae et Namurci Descripto." [Amsterdam], [ca. 1662]. 15 x 19 3/4 inches; 380 x 500 mm. Cleaned. Framed."See Sold Price
Sold1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. (Bleau, Joan.1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. (Bleau, Joan.) Nova Aegypti Tabula." (Amsterdam), (1662). 17 1/4 x 20 1/2 inches (438 x 546 mm), full margins. Old or orig. color. Latin text on verso. Slightly toSee Sold Price
Sold1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. [Bleau, Joan.1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. [Bleau, Joan.] Sarnia Insula vulgo Garnsey et Insula Caesarea Jarsey." [Amsterdam], [ca. 1650]. 15 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches; 387 x 476 mm, full margins. Generally cleanSee Sold Price
Sold1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. [Bleau, Willi1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. [Bleau, William & Joan?] Villa Nova Deli Astegiana." [Amsterdam], [ca. 1650]. 18 3/8 x 23 3/8 inches (466 x 593 mm), narrow margins. Lightly to moderately toned, aSee Sold Price
SoldHand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Joan.1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Joan. "Terra di Lavoro Olis Campania Felix," [Italy]. (Amsterdam), (ca. 1660). 15 x 19 3/4 inches; 381 x 500 mm. Minor creasing. Framed. $200-300See Sold Price
SoldHand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Joan1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Joan & Cornelis. "Xaintonge et Angoumois," [France]. (Amsterdam), (ca. 1640). 15 1/4 x 19 3/4 inches; 387 x 500 mm. Minor creasing. Framed. $100-200See Sold Price
Sold1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bl1 piece. Hand-Colored Engraved Map. Bleau, Willem [& Jan]. "Comitatus Bentheim et Steinfurt." [Amsterdam], [ca. 1650]. 14 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches; 368 x 495 mm, margins. Generally clean. Old color. FramedSee Sold Price
SoldMAP OF FRANCE, CA. 1640 BY W.J. BLEAUHand-colored map by W.J. Bleau with cartouches. Sight size 16 x 20.5, overall 26 x 28.5 inches.See Sold Price
Sold17th Century Map of the Fife Region of ScotlandFramed map titled "Fifae Pars Orientalis" by Joan Bleau (1596-1673). This hand-colored map of the Fife region of Scotland was published in 1665 and measures 16.5" x 21" (sight) and is housed in a framSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Early Framed Engraved MapsA lot of two early hand-colored engraved maps to include a W. J. Bleau map of Amsterdam, ca. 1634-1635, "Sabaudia Ducatus Savoye", together with a John Speed map of Britain, ca. 1611-1614, "DevonshireSee Sold Price
Sold5 Hand-Colored MapsLot of five maps, hand-colored, including: a map of the heavens, 16 3/4" x 25 7/8"w; map of Flanders by William de l'Isle, 21 3/4"h x 27"w; map of French Flanders, 19" x 22 1/4"; Province of Artois bySee Sold Price
SoldBLAU MAP OF FLANDERSHand colored engraved map with center fold, c. 1650. French text verso. Dimensions: (Frame) H 20.5" x W 23.5", (Sight) H 19" x W 22" Condition: Lightly age toned.See Sold Price
H. Moll, circa 1715, Map of FlandersAlso know as Austrian Netherlands. Les Provinces des Pays-Bas Catholiques. Dedicated to His Grace Iames Duke of Ormond. Major tears to bottom of map. Hand colored. Tears to bottom left includes loss iSee Sold Price
SoldWillem Janszoon Blaeu, Map of FlandersGALLOFLANDRIA IN QUA CASTELLANIA LILANA, DVACENA, & ORCHIESIA...TORNACVM & TORNACESIVM, Amsterdam, mid-17th century, hand-colored copperplate engraving illustrated with Spain's arms, various municipalSee Sold Price
SoldFLANDRIA ET ZEELANDIA COMITATUS MAPAntique hand colored example of Blaeu's map of Flanders and Zeeland. Extends from Calais and Douay in the west to Louven and Bergen op Zoom in the east. Title cartouche, 2 coats of arms, compass roseSee Sold Price
17th Century Hand Colored Engraved Map of GermanyGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
[ARCTIC]. BOWEN, Emanuel. A New & Accurate Map of the North...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Italian edition of Sanson's map of North America, 1677PBA Galleries4.7(385)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024