Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Soldc 1780 Rev. War Era SILVER MOUNTED HUNTING SWORDSwords c. 1780 Silver Hilted Revolutionary War Officer’s Sword c. 1780 American Revolutionary War Era, Silver Mounted Hunting Sword with Decorated Blade, Fine. This is an original, Revolutionary WarSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780 Rev. War Era Silver Mounted Hunting SwordAmerican Revolution c. 1780 Silver Hilted Revolutionary War Officer’s Sword c. 1780 Revolutionary War Era, Silver Mounted Hunting Sword, 23.5" overall, 18.25" decorated blade, Fine. This is an origiSee Sold Price
Sold18th C. American Revolution used Silver Grip Small18th C. American Revolution used Silver Grip Small Sword Rapier, Engraved Blade. Good Rev War era example, probably American made, having a fine silver grip and steel hilt mounts, wearing a sturdy douSee Sold Price
SoldRev. War, Silver Mounted SwordEdged WeaponsSilver Hilted Revolutionary War Officer’s Sword c. 1760, Revolutionary War, Silver Mounted Sword, Fine. 23.5" overall with an 18.25" blade. A typical side arm style sword which woulSee Sold Price
SoldRev. War, Silver Mounted SwordSilver Hilted Revolutionary War Officer's Sword c. 1760, Revolutionary War, Silver Mounted Sword, Fine. 23.5" overall with an 18.25" blade. A typical side arm style sword which would be carried by a mSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War, Silver Mounted Sword, 1760American RevolutionSilver Hilted Revolutionary War Officer's Sword c. 1760, French & Indian to Revolutionary War Era Use, Silver Mounted Sword, Fine. 23.5" overall with an 18.25" blade. A typicalSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Hunting Sword or Cuttoe, Revolutionary War Era.For a similar example, see plate 106.S on page 97 of "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution" by George C. Neumann. Probably 1760-1780. Slightly curved blade with single fuller on each side. OnSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1760-80s Revolutionary War Era Hunting SwordAmerican Revolution c. 1760-80s Revolutionary War Era English Silver Hilt Sword c. 1760-80s Colonial to Revolutionary War Era, English Silver Hilt Hunting Sword, London Hallmark, Very Fine. This origiSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1760-80s Revolutionary War Era Hunting SwordSwords 1760-80s Revolutionary War Era English Silver Hilt Sword c. 1760-80s Colonial to Revolutionary War Era, English Silver Hilt Hunting Sword, with Silver Lion Face on Pommel, London Hallmark, VerySee Sold Price
SoldFine 18th C. American Revolution era Silver MountedFine 18th C. American Revolution era Silver Mounted French or English "Cuttoe" Hunting Sword. Beautiful quality example with fine grips and silver hilt mounts bearing a silver hallmark to the ferrule.See Sold Price
SoldRev. War to War of 1812 Period, Naval CutlassSwords Rare Revolutionary War to War of 1812 Era Naval Cutlass c. 1780-1805, Revolutionary War to War of 1812 Period, Naval Cutlass, Very Fine. This is a Very Rare, American Revolutionary War to War oSee Sold Price
SoldFINE 18TH C. FRENCH SILVER MOUNTED HUNTING SWORDWith ebony grips and solid silver mounts showing nice original patina. Broad lightly curved blade with large fullers, having extensive gold gilt panels with etched hunting scenes. Silver mounted leathSee Sold Price
Fine 18th C. Silver mounted French Hunting Sword.Fine 18th C. Silver mounted French Hunting Sword.A beautiful example wearing a broad lightly curved unfullered blade exhibiting intricate etched decorations of hunting attributes with traces of originSee Sold Price
18th C. French Silver Mounted Hunting Sword, AmericanFine 18th C. French Silver Mounted Hunting Sword, American Revolution eraNice large example with a broad single edged blade having extensive false edge and large fuller to each side, both sides featurSee Sold Price
Very Fine 19th C. Silver Mounted German Aristocrat'sVery Fine 19th C. Silver Mounted German Aristocrat's Hunting Sword Dagger + Knife. A Very Fine and exceptionally attractive German nobleman's hunting sword dating from around mid 1800s, having solid sSee Sold Price
Sold18th C. American Revolution Silver Mounted French18th C. American Revolution Silver Mounted French Cuttoe Hunting Sword. Total length (inside scabbard if present) : 28 1/4", Blade length : 22 1/4" . Dear Bidders, please note, the detailed descriptioSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN SILVER MOUNTED OFFICER'S SWORDAMERICAN SILVER MOUNTED OFFICER'S SWORD American Revolutionaryt War-era silver mounted sword with scabbard, 23 1/2" curved blade, 30 1/2" overall, with a black ebony grip deeply carved in a spiral patSee Sold Price
SoldRare Silver Mounted Non-Regulation Officer's Sword,Rare Silver Mounted Non-Regulation Officer's Sword, American Civil War Era. Very unusual example of the Model 1850 US Non-regulation Officer's saber, having special Presentation grade Silver hilt andSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780, French Officer's SwordSwordsFrench Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Sword c. 1780, French Officer’s Sword, Choice Very Fine. A composite sword, made from different styles including American, French and English. This typSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780, French Officer's SwordFrench Revolutionary War Era Officer's Sword c. 1780, French Officer's Sword, Choice Very Fine. A composite sword, made from different styles including American, French and English. This type of swordSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780, French Officers SwordAmerican RevolutionFrench Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Sword c. 1780, French Officer’s Sword, Choice Very Fine. A typical Revolutionary War era composite sword, usually made up from including ASee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780, French Officer's Sword"American RevolutionFrench Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Sword c. 1780, French Officer’s Sword, Choice Very Fine. A typical Revolutionary War era composite sword, usually made up from inSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1780, French OfficerÕs SwordAmerican RevolutionFrench Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Sword c. 1780, French Officer’s Sword, Choice Very Fine. A typical Revolutionary War era composite sword, usually made up from incSee Sold Price
RARE SILVER MOUNTED SNUFF BOX WITH SHIP PAINTINGSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PR SILVER MOUNTED CHINESE PORCELAIN MILK JUGSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAIR OF 19TH C. CHINESE IVORY FIGURES OF THE EMPEROR & EMPRESSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Model 1840 Sheble Fisher US Cavalry Saber SwordConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
900 Sterling Silver WWII Army Corp General LighterHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A PAIR OF LIMERICK SILVER BRIGHT-CUT POINT HANDLE TABLE SPOONS, LIMERICK C.1780, struck twice withAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
TWELVE PROVINCIAL BRIGHT-CUT SILVER TEASPOONS, LIMERICK C.1780, eleven spoons struck twice withAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Civil War Era Short Sword, 19th c., H.- 20 1/4 in., W.- 4 in., D.- 1 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
A LARGE SILVER SPICE CONTAINER. Probably Lemberg, c.1780. On a solid silver square base. The balanceJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
EXCEPTIONAL PR OF 18TH C. GEORGIAN KNIFE BOXES.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024