SoldRevolutionary War Era Hide Covered Travel ChestColonial America c. 1770-80s Revolutionary War Era Wooden Travel Chest Illustrated in “Everyday Artifacts: America 1750-1850” c. 1770-80s Colonial to Revolutionary War Era, Full Deer Hide CoveredSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Hide Covered Travel ChestColonial America c. 1770-80s Revolutionary War Era Wooden Travel Chest Illustrated in “Everyday Artifacts: America 1750-1850” c. 1770-80s Colonial to Revolutionary War Era, Full Deer Hide CoveredSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Travel Hide Covered ChestAmerican Revolution c. 1770-80s Revolutionary War Era Wooden Travel Chest Illustrated in “Everyday Artifacts: America 1750-1850” c. 1770-80s Colonial to Revolutionary War Era, Full Deer Hide CoverSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary war era travel box15" x 8" x 8" hide covered dome top Revolutionary War era travel box, fair conditionSee Sold Price
Soldc 1770 Revolutionary War Tarred Linen ChestAmerican Revolution c 1770 Revolutionary War Era Tarred Linen Covered Chest c. 1770 Revolutionary War Era Full Tarred Linen Covered Document Chest with Original Paper Lining, Choice Very Fine. This veSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary war era dome top trunkhide covered dome top Revolutionary war era trunk with contents, average conditionSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian hide-covered metal mounted travel cheA Victorian hide-covered metal mounted travel chest, reputedly used in the Boer War, (purchased at the Earl of Stanhope's Chevening House Sale, Sotheby's 1993) 4ftSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Printed Ferry Travel PassAmerican Revolution Exceedingly Rare 1778 Revolutionary War Era Travel Pass Per Sir WILLIAM HOWE’S Proclamation 17th July, 1777 August 17, 1778-Dated Revolutionary War, Partially-Printed British MilSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Printed Ferry Travel PassAmerican Revolution 1778 Revolutionary War Era Travel Pass Issued Per Sir WILLIAM HOWE'S Proclamation 17th July, 1777 August 17, 1778-Dated Revolutionary War, Partially-Printed British Military DocumeSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Printed Ferry Travel PassAmerican Revolution 1778 Revolutionary War Era Travel Pass Per Sir WILLIAM HOWE’S Proclamation 17th July, 1777 August 17, 1778-Dated Revolutionary War, Partially-Printed British Military Document, �See Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Printed Ferry Travel PassAmerican Revolution 1778 Revolutionary War Era Travel Pass Made Per Sir WILLIAM HOWE'S Proclamation 17th July, 1777 August 17, 1778-Dated Revolutionary War, Partially-Printed British Military DocumentSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Officer's Liquor Chest orRevolutionary War period officer's liquor chest or cellarette, comprised of two compartments, the lower compartment fitted for sixteen (16) bottles and retains 13 similar blown glass bottles; top compSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Museum Quality Canteen / FlaskAmerican Revolution Exceptional Design Museum Quality Revolutionary War Era Sewn Leather Covered Wooden Canteen / Powder Flask c. 1770-80s American Revolutionary War Era, Hand-sewn and Crafted LeatherSee Sold Price
SoldREVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA DOME TOP DEAR HIDE TRUNKRevolutionary War period deer hide dome top trunk with leather and tack trim. Has tacked initials "JES" at top and a hand forged lock. Interior has original printed pattern paper. Used by revolutionarSee Sold Price
Soldc. 1770s Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Camp DocumentAmerican Revolution Revolutionary War Era Officer’s Camp Document Box c. 1776 Revolutionary War Era, Officer’s Camp Leather Covered Document Box, Very Good. This is an authentic Revolutionary WarSee Sold Price
SoldSilhouette Bust of Gentleman w/ EpauletsSilhouette bust painting of revolutionary war era soldier, epaulets, band across chest, high collar, braid, RY (?) painted on one epaulet, detailed features and accents in gold, birdseye maple periodSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of powder horns, flasks, and bullet molCollection of powder horns, flasks, and bullet molds 18th/19th century three horns, L7 1/2", 8" and 11 1/2"; one metal flask possibly Revolutionary War era, H7 1/4"; one hide flask, H7"; two bullet moSee Sold Price
SoldTelescope, c. 1780, Linen Covered Wooden BarrelAmerican RevolutionMarvelous Revolutionary War Era Nautical Telescope! c. 1780, Linen Covered “London” Marked, Wooden Barrel Telescope, Choice Very Fine. This choice telescope measures 8&rSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary - Civil War Wooden Leg w/ FootRevolutionary to Civil War era wooden leg with tin covered sole on foot, prothesis, all hand-carved, 24" L.See Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War era chart of Delaware Bay and RiverTitle/Content of Map: Revolutionary War era chart of Delaware Bay and River Date Printed: 1779 Cartographer: Gentlemans Magazine Size (in): 9 x 7 Small antique chart of Delaware Bay and River. DerivedSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era English Horseman's SaberRevolutionary War Era English Horseman's Saber, lion's head pommel, wire-wrapped leather-covered wooden handle, gold-washed brass knucklebow, with single curved edge blade of the five-fuller pattern.See Sold Price
SoldREVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA SADDLE HOLSTERS A fine andREVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA SADDLE HOLSTERS A fine and complete pair of early American horseman's pistol holsters, circa 1770-1800, complete with their bearskin-covered tops and the linen webbing/leather" gSee Sold Price
Sold18th CENTURY HIDE COVERED TRUNK18"by 10" by 8", dome shaped trunk, covered with deer hide and lined with period wall paper. Nice tack design. Many officers in the Revolutionary war used similar trunks for important paper and personSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Era Sailors Belt Sword/CutlassSwords Revolutionary War Era Sailor's Belt Sword Fighting Cutlass c. 1770 Revolutionary War Era, Sailor's Belt Sword or Cutlass with Naval Use Macram Covered Grip, Choice Very Fine. This fierce SailorSee Sold Price
1899 American Privateers 1st/1st History Maritime REVOLUTIONARY War of 1812 NavySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Antique John R Bunnell 189th New York Infantry Carved Civil War Era Powder HornHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[REVOLUTIONARY WAR]. CHESWILL, Wentworth (1746-1817). Document signed ("Wentworth Cheswill") asFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Bill of appraisement of the estate of Revolutionary War soldier MosesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
REVOLUTIONARY WAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, 1780 12" X 15" OVERALLCarlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Revolutionary War Spear and PikeState Line Auctions & Estate Services4.6(276)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1868 Handwritten diary of Ohio canal boat operator & farmerJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19th C. Photos Daguerreotype, Ambrotype & Tintypes (10)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024