WALT DISNEY WORLD - Figment Animatronic Character Skin from EPCOT's Journey Into ImaginationPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - William Plumb Collection: Hand-Drawn Clyde Caldwell Illustration forPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Vintage 1st Edition Bob Dylan / Santana Cal Expo Amphitheater Concert PosterPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Large Collection of 585 Various 45 RPM Vinyl RecordsDutch Auction Company4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JOHN HALEY BELLAMY (Maine/New Hampshire, 1836-1914), Circa 1872-1900 carved pine spread-wing eagleEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldTHEATRE: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signedTHEATRE: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed pieces, a few signed photographs etc., by various stage actors and actresses, Music Hall artists and other entertainers etc., including Ralph RicharSee Sold Price
SoldTHEATRE: Selection of vintage signed postcard photograpTHEATRE: Selection of vintage signed postcard photographs, A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., a few signed pieces and cards etc., by various Edwardian stage actors and actresses including Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, GeSee Sold Price
SoldTHEATRE: Miscellaneous selection of signed pieces,THEATRE: Miscellaneous selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., a few signed programmes etc., by various dramatists, playwrights, actors, actresses, stage designers etc., fromSee Sold Price
SoldTHEATRE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S., aTHEATRE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S., a few T.Ls.S. etc., by various stage actors and actresses including Margaret Rutherford, Flora Robson (in part, 'I am hoping this tour will be a biSee Sold Price
SoldTHEATRE: Selection of signed pieces, letterheads,THEATRE: Selection of signed pieces, letterheads, T.Ls.S., a few A.Ls.S. etc., by various Playwrights, Dramatists, some impresarios, theatre managers and critics etc., including Clemence Dane, TyroneSee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.L.s.S, T.Ls.S, signed posENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.L.s.S, T.Ls.S, signed postcard photographs, and larger, some 8 x 10's etc, by various actors and actresses, pop singers and other entertainers, including Swinging Blue JeSee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signedENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed cards, a few signed programmes and magazine photographs etc., by various actors, actresses, entertainers, some pop singers etc., including Peter CuSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signedLITERATURE: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, a few signed pieces etc., by various writers and novelists including Winston Graham, P. C. Wren, Len DeightoSee Sold Price
SoldART & LITERATURE: Selection of A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, signed ART & LITERATURE: Selection of A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, signed photographs (1), by various writers, novelists and artists, comprising Daphne Du Maurier (A.Q.S from The Glass-Blowers), Aldous Huxley, John BetjeSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: A good selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S, signedLITERATURE: A good selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S, signed cards, A.Q.S.(1) etc. by various writers, novelists & poets etc. comprising Evelyn Waugh (signature on a correspondence card with envelope), AleSee Sold Price
SoldCRICKET: Small selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed prCRICKET: Small selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed programme photographs (3), official signed team sheets (2), signed menu (1) etc., by various cricketers including Andrew Sandham, John Arlott (2; iSee Sold Price
SoldTHEATRE: Selection A.Ls.S and T.Ls.S., by various actorTHEATRE: Selection A.Ls.S and T.Ls.S., by various actors and actresses, a few writers and other famous individuals etc., 1950s - 1960s, including Vanessa Redgrave (2; one stating, in part, 'I agree MaSee Sold Price
SoldARTISTS: A good selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., sigARTISTS: A good selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed photographs of various sizes, signed reproductions of paintings and cartoons etc., by various artists and cartoonists, including Hugh Casson (origSee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed cards, some signed handbills etc., by various actors, actresses, entertainers, television personalities etc., including June Whitfield, Toyah WillcSee Sold Price
SoldFAMOUS WOMEN: Small selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S.,FAMOUS WOMEN: Small selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed pieces etc., by various famous women, some of them associated with the Suffragette movement, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Laura OrmistonSee Sold Price
SoldBOXING: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signedBOXING: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed pieces, album pages and magazine photographs etc., by various boxers including Randolph Turpin, Jackie Turpin, Dick Turpin, Don Cockell, Dave McCleavSee Sold Price
SoldSPORT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed pSPORT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed photographs of various sizes, signed printed 4to souvenir quotations etc., by a variety of sportsmen and women, mainly footballers, including Bob WilsSee Sold Price
SoldCARTOONISTS: Selection of A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, original signCARTOONISTS: Selection of A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, original signed sketches and cartoons, some signed reproductions etc, by various cartoonists, mainly British, including Jim Petrie, Ian Gibson, Henry Davies,See Sold Price
SoldCINEMA: Miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.SCINEMA: Miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed pieces, cards etc., by various film stars etc., including Robert Donat, Edmund Gwenn, Laurence Olivier, David Niven, Merle Oberon (2),See Sold Price
SoldBRITISH POLITICS: A miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S.,BRITISH POLITICS: A miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed photographs of various sizes, a few signed pieces etc., by various British Prime Ministers and politicians including ClemenSee Sold Price
SoldFAMOUS MEN & WOMEN:FAMOUS MEN & WOMEN: An unusual and interesting selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., various signed maxims etc., by a variety of famous men and women, the letters written to the publisher Jay Landesman in reSee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., someENTERTAINMENT: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, a few signed cards and handbills etc., by various television and stage actors and actresses, entertaSee Sold Price
SoldCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., someCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed postcard photographs and slightly larger (a few vintage) etc., by various classical musicians and composers etc., including Harriet Cohen (iSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPHS: Miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S.,AUTOGRAPHS: Miscellaneous selection of A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed pieces, a few signed photographs etc., by a wide variety of individuals including Thomas Beecham (2), Henry J. Wood, Eric Fenby, E.See Sold Price
KALANAG (Helmut Schreiber, 1903 – 63). Archive of Kalanag E...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Theatre Signed Chiparus Drama Opera SculptureMiami Auctions & Appraisals LLC 4.4(32)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Phil Lesh & Friends Phils 75th Birthday Capitol Theatre Signed/Numbered PosterMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Don Julian and Marjori Vaudeville Dancers Olympia Theatre Signed Cut SignatureMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Marv Brehm "Afternoon at the Theatre" Gouache SignedMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SIGNED. ROBERTSON DAVIES: 4 BOOKS BY OR ABOUT THE AUTHORToronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Marv Brehm "Afternoon at the Theatre" Gouache SignedMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024