SoldDinky Pre-pro Ford Transit Van "Ooh La La"Dinky Pre-production Ford Transit Van "Ooh La La" - finished in white with black base, gold, black and green painted trees with nude lady cut-out decals to sides and roof - see photo.See Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-pro No.200 Ford Transit Van "Goldrush"Dinky Pre-production No.200 Ford Transit Van "Goldrush Freeway Cruiser" finished in black and gold - gold stripes only fitted to bonnet, roof and one side only.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro Ford Van and TrailerMatchbox Dinky the Collection Pre-production Ford Van and Trailer "Auxiliary Fire Service" - red, white, black, brown.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superfast Pre-pro Ford Transit Vans x 3Matchbox Superfast Pre-production Ford Transit Vans - a group of 3 (1) "Wishing Well Appeal" - yellow, blue, silver, (2) "Express Parcel Systems" - red, yellow, green and (3) "Get In The Fast Lane MatSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro No.DY4 Ford VanMatchbox Dinky the Collection Pre-production No.DY4 Ford Van "Matchbox at Rugby 1990-1996" - yellow, black roof panel and chassis, red seats, bright yellow hub caps.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Pre-pro No.60 Ford Transit Van x 2Matchbox Pre-production No.60 Ford Transit Van - a pair, (1) "Express Parcels Systems" - white, yellow, green and (2) "Wishing Well Appeal" - red, blue, black. (2)See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro No.DY4 Ford VanMatchbox Dinky the Collection Pre-production No.DY4 Ford Van "Dinky Toys" - yellow body, black roof panel and chassis, red seats, bright yellow hub caps.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y22 Pre-pro Ford A Van "LA Times"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y22 Pre-production Ford Model A Van "Los Angeles Times" - cream body, brown chassis, red roof, beige seats, chrome trim and wheels and No.Y21 Ford Model TT Van "The AuSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Pre-pro Y21 Ford A Van "LA Times"Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Pre-production No.Y21 Ford Model A Van "Los Angeles Times" - cream body, brown chassis, red roof, chrome trim, another but "The Washington Post" - red, black chassis andSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-pro No.418 Moutain Rescue Ford TransitDinky Pre-production No.418 Ford Transit "Mountain Rescue Unit" - yellow, red including interior and roof-lights, black base.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky DY4 Pre-pro 1950 Ford Heinz VanMatchbox Dinky the Collection - 2 x DY4 1950 Ford Heinz Van Pre-production Issues (1) gloss black roof, yellow base, (2) gloss black roof, black base (production versions have matt black roof and blacSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Ford Transit Van "McKesson" Pre ProMatchbox - a group of 5 pre-productions to include - (1) Ford Transit Van "McKesson" - white, maroon, gold, (2) same as (1) but "Australian Post" - red, single white stripe to roof and side, (3) "AustSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro DY3 Ford "Radio Times"Matchbox Dinky Pre-production No.DY3 Ford Van "Radio Times" - green, black roof (trial lettering being smaller than original release and decal to rear door and another but No.DY8 Commer Van "His MasteSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro DY3 Ford "Radio Times"Matchbox Dinky Pre-production No.DY3 Ford Van "Radio Times" - green, black roof (trial lettering being smaller than original release) and decal to rear door and another but No.DY8 Commer Van "His MastSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Superfast Pre-pro Coca Cola TransitMatchbox Superfast Pre-production Ford Transit Van "Coca Cola" - red, white (unspun base).See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.C20 Preproduction AA Services SetCorgi No.C20 Prepro AA Services Set. Prepro Vehicles include Ford Escort Van, Ford Transit Breakdown and Range Rover, all in yellow AA livery with Prepro decals, together with a Good Plus window box.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y22 pre-pro Ford Model A VanMatchbox MOY No.Y22 pre-production Ford Model A Van "Matchbox Dinky Toy Convention" - yellow, red roof, black chassis, brown seats, chrome trim and wheels "6 Mica Convention" decal to rear doors.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY Y21 Pre-pro Ford Model TT VanMatchbox Models of Yesteryear No.Y21 Pre-production Ford Model TT Van "Express Delivery Matchbox, Models of Yesteryear Dinky" - cream body and roof, black chassis, dark grey seats, red wheels, chromeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Pre-pro No.MB44 Ford Model T Van x 4Matchbox Pre-production No.MB44 Ford Model T Van - a group of 4, (1) "XIth MICA Convention" - pale blue body, dark blue chassis, black roof, (2) "Matchbox and Dinky Toy Convention" - yellow, blue chasSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox No.MB38 prepro sample Ford Model A VanNo.MB38 preproduction sample Ford Model A Van "Matchbox Dinky Toy Convention" - yellow, black base trim and roof (sample decals) complete with plain all carded box.See Sold Price
VINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VANVINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VAN CONDITION: PRE-OWNED SHIPPING FEE CANADA 10.00$ USA 15.00$ Combined shipping is available for an extra fee, but only on items won on the same date. *All prices areSee Sold Price
VINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VANVINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VAN CONDITION: PRE-OWNED SHIPPING FEE CANADA 10.00$ USA 15.00$ Combined shipping is available for an extra fee, but only on items won on the same date. *All prices areSee Sold Price
VINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VANVINTAGE DINKY TOYS FORD TRANSIT VAN CONDITION: PRE-OWNED SHIPPING FEE CANADA 10.00$ USA 15.00$ Combined shipping is available for an extra fee, but only on items won on the same date. *All prices areSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Dinky Pre-pro Ford Mustang FastbackMatchbox Dinky The Collection - Ford Mustang Fastback Pre-production finished in dark blue with maroon and black interior, silver detailed wheels, chrome trim.See Sold Price
1740 Letters of Isaac Newton Gottfried Leibniz Samuel Clarke 2v SET PhilosophySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
LARGE LATE 17TH C. DUTCH CHART OF CANADA, GREAT LAKES, NEW FRANCE, LABRADOR, HUDSON BAY, BY PIERREThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(386)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Babylonian Cuneiform Tablet, a Clothes Receipt from Puzur-Akum to AstaqarTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
James Ensor (Belgian, 1860-1949) - Le Luminisme, Le Futurisme, La Gravure à L'Eau-Forte (LaFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chuspa, Departments of La Paz or Oruro, C. 1750-1850Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Incuna, Lake Titicaca region, Dept of La Paz, Bolivia, 19th C., AymaraMaterial Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
American Brewing Pre-Pro Stoneware Bar Top Match Holder/Striker SCARCE LARGER SIZEMorean Auctions4.5(31)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ana Maria Arasa (Venezuela,20C) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(277)See Sold PriceMay 05, 2024
Vaillant - Hawaiian Dance (Scene de Danse aux Iles Sandwich). 42Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II (1989) - Oh La La Magazine Cover and Two InsertsPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024