SoldJ&E STEVENS OWL MECHANICAL BANK (RARE WHITE)J&E Stevens circa 1880. Deposit coin near the owl's neck. Push button and owl turns head and deposits coin. Very RARE white owl version. All original with no issues. This banks has very strong paint.See Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Owl Turns Head Mechanical Bank.Description Rare white variation. Manufactured by J. & E. Stevens and Company. Designed by James H. Bowen. Patented 9/28/1880. This bank has glass eyes and is nicely ornamented in natural colors. PlacSee Sold Price
SoldCast Iron Owl Turns Head Mechanical Bank.Manufactured by J. & E. Stevens Company. Rare white variation. Condition (Excellent Plus). Size 7 - 1/2" T.See Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head - White Iron Mechanical BankJ. & E. Stevens Cromwell, CT - 1880. This is an excellent and bright example of the rare White Owl (Snowy Owl) version. Excellent Plus Condition.See Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head Bank Iron Bank(Rare White Owl Variant) Made by J. & E. Stevens Company Cromwell, Ct - Circa Mid 1880's Pristine and Bright Condition This elusive white colored owl bank is as rare as hen's teeth. Toy bank enthusiasSee Sold Price
SoldOWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK - WHITE94. OWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK - WHITE | Rare white owl version includes trading card. | (Exc Cond.) | $2,500 - $3,500See Sold Price
SoldBULL DOG PULL TAIL MECHANICAL BANK - RARE WHITEManufactured by the J. & E. Stevens Co., Cromwell, CT. Place the coin on the nose of the dog and as the tail is pulled, he will throw coin off, and catch in his mouth and swallow it. Rare white dog vaSee Sold Price
SoldJ&E STEVENS SPISE A MULE MECHAINCAL BANK WhiteJ&E Stevens circa 1890 I Always Spise A Mule "Bench Version" Mechanical Bank. Very RARE White Horse version. Place coin under bottom of bench and press button. Mule kicks and knocks boy over depositinSee Sold Price
SoldJ.E. Stevens Mechanical Home BankJ.E. Stevens Mechanical Home Bank. Rare version without windows in the top of the building, has excellent original red, white & blue paint, pull the lever out and the cashier appears from behind the rSee Sold Price
SoldOWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK - WHITE VERSION934. OWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK - WHITE VERSION | J&E Stevens Co., circa 1880, rarest of the owl colors and most sought after, traces of original red paint still retained on lever attesting to itsSee Sold Price
SoldOWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK (WHITE)J & E Stevens Co., designed by James H. Bowen, patented 9/28/1880. The above bank has glass red eyes and is nicely ornamented in natural colors. Place a coin on the top of the branch, and press the thSee Sold Price
SoldMechanical bank, Indian Shooting Bear, Rare whiteMechanical bank, Indian Shooting Bear, Rare white bear, cast iron, c.1907, designed by Charles A. Bailey, Cobalt, Ct., mfd by J&E Stevens Co., Exc working cond w/some paint loss, 7.75"H x 10.75"W x 2.See Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head – Mechanical Bank Brown & White OwlMade by the J. & E. Stevens Company Cromwell, Connecticut – Circa 1880 Put a coin in the tree branch and press the lever. The owl's head turns and the coin drops into the aperture. Release the leverSee Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head Bank Rare All White Snow OwlJ. & E. Stevens Company Cromwell, CT - Circa 1880sSee Sold Price
SoldOWL, TURNS HEAD (WHITE OWL) MECHANICAL BANKJ&E Stevens Co., Cromwell CT, cast iron, patented 1880 Rarest of the owl colors and highest value, all white body with typical yellow glass eyes, very realistic head movements, difficult to find thisSee Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head Bank - Rare All White OwlMade by J. & E. Stevens Company Cromwell, Ct. - Circa 1880’s Examples of this bank with an all white owl are about 20 times more rare than those with other color combinations.See Sold Price
SoldHEN AND CHICK MECHANICAL BANK - J&E STEVENSHen and Chick - Made by J&E Stevens circa 1901. Rare with White Hen. Excellent Condition.See Sold Price
SoldJ. & E. Stevens Owl Turns Head Cast-Iron MechanicalPlace a coin at the top of the branch and press the lever. The owl turns his head and deposits the coin in the bank. Scarce white owl variation. Missing trap. (JY) Condition: (Near Mint). Dimensions:See Sold Price
SoldOWL SLOT IN HEAD WHITE MECHANICAL BANKOwl, Slot in Book, White Owl - Made by Kilgore Mfg. Company; Westerville, Ohio; Circa 1928 This "albino" snow owl variant is extremely rare. The white owl has yellow eyes, not orange. Perhaps 5 examplSee Sold Price
SoldOWL TURNS HEAD - WHITE MECHANICAL BANK.Manufactured by the J. & E. Stevens Co., Cromwell, CT. Place a coin at the top of the branch and press the thumb piece at the back of the bank. The owl turns its head and deposits the coin into the baSee Sold Price
SoldWHITE OWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK3. WHITE OWL TURNS HEAD MECHANICAL BANK | J & E Stevens, attractive white paint theme is most sought after variation, thick paint example has a paint chip to the left side of log, great paint accentsSee Sold Price
SoldJ. & E. Stevens Cast Iron Owl Turns Head MechanicalPlace a coin in the slot at the top of the branch and press the lever as the owl turns his head to deposit the coin in the bank. Replaced trap. The white paint blacklights as old however it is very slSee Sold Price
SoldOwl Turns Head Rare Snow White Owl Iron BankBy J. & E. Stevens Company. Cromwell, Ct. - Mid 1880's. This stunning quality example of the elusive white Owl Turns Head Bank is a genuine delight to look upon. As an esoteric color variation, this pSee Sold Price
SoldBulldog Bank, MechanicalJ & E Stevens patd Apr-27-1880. Rare white paint version. Some paint loss. 7 3/4"hSee Sold Price
Three Exceedingly Rare Cast Iron Fitting Jigs for Mechanical BanksThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Owl Turns Head Bank - Extremely Rare White OwlThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Darktown Battery - Cast Iron Mechanical BankThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Original Cast Iron J.E. Stevens Mechanical Bank Native American Shotting Brown BearHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
J&E Stevens Mechanical Bank "Paddy And His Pig" 1882Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
STEVENS MECHANICAL OWL BANK.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
J.E. Stevens Cast Iron Mechanical Owl BankBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
J&E Stevens Paddy and the Pig mechanical bankChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Early Hall's Excelsior cast iron mechanical bankBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE J.E. STEVENS UNCLE SAM MECHANICAL BANK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024