SoldANTIQUE PHOTOGRAPH LOT MILITARY AND POLICEInclude a gold fill locket of Union officer tintype, St. Louis Police officer CDV named to J. Edwards 1885 on a Memphis Photo gallery, tintype of Infantry officer with sword and sash, Cabinet photo ofSee Sold Price
Sold19 ANTIQUE CABINET CARD PHOTOGRAPH LOTRanging in size measuring including the matte if any from smallest 3 by 1 3/4 to the largest 13 by 10. Mostly early family photos.See Sold Price
SoldUS MILITARY CABINET PHOTOGRAPH CARDSUS MILITARY CABINET PHOTOGRAPH CARDS Lot of 7, 1) President WM. McKinley, 2) General Fitzhugh Lee, 3) General Wesley Merritt, 4) General Nelson A. Miles, 5) Admiral WM. T. Sampson, 6) Admiral George DSee Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF THREE RUSSIAN MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHSThree Russian Empire military cabinet photographs. The photographs with three officers were taken in a photographic studio of V. Gasko, Rovno; A photograph with two officers was taken in B. Volenberg'See Sold Price
SoldAntique Photograph AlbumAntique Velour with brass applicate photograph album and group lot of photographs many Cabinet card size by R L G Rambo Philadelphia height 3" width 9" depth 12" Note: toning to pageedges 3" H x 9" WSee Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF THREE RUSSIAN MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHSThe lot includes three cabinet photographs of the Russian army officers. All three are on original cardboard substrates, two of them contain the logo of the J. Wasilewski photo studio in Lublin. FromSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Unusual Old Photographs & EphemeraLarge lot of cabinet cards, photographs, postcards, letters, a few tintypes. Portraits of men and women, military. 1901 Inaugural Ball Supper for McKinley & Roosevelt. Range from 3.5" x 2 3/8" to 9.75See Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF FOUR VINTAGE WWII MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHSThe lot includes four photographs of German ships and submarines during World War II, including a photograph of the German battleship Scharnhorst. Dimensions: 4 1/2 x 3 1/4 in., (11.5 x 8.3 cm.)4 1/2See Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF THREE VINTAGE WWII MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHSThree photographs from the 2nd World War with images of tanks, including a French model of the Verdun II tank. Dimensions: 4 1/2 x 3 1/2 in., (11.5 x 9 cm.)4 1/2 x 3 1/4 in., (11.5 x 8.2 cm.)4 3/4 x 3See Sold Price
SoldA SET OF TEN IMPERIAL RUSSIAN CABINET PHOTOGRAPHA lot of 10 Imperial Russian photos of civilian and military personnel. A SET OF TEN PRE-REVOLUTIONARY RUSSIAN PHOTOS A set of ten pre-revolutionary photo portraits of Russian men and women by photo sSee Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF TWO RUSSIAN MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHSTwo antique cabinet photographs of the Russian army officers from the late 19th or early 20th century. On the back of the photograph of the three lieutenants, there is a handwritten inscription in bluSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CABINET PHOTOGRAPH LOT OF 16Â Â Sixteen Cabinet Photographs 4" x 6.5" circa 1879, of unidentified personalities form the following makers; Thompson, Gardner, Crawford, Nopke, Duryea, Abernathy and Pearsall. of Brooklyn. Schill of NeSee Sold Price
Sold3 ANTIQUE DAGUERROTYPE PHOTOGRAPH LOTAll are in partial Union cases this grouping includes a Mother and five daughters.See Sold Price
Sold4pc Antique Cabinet Card Photographs of Interest4pc Antique Cabinet Card Photographs of Interest. Lot includes a portrait of the 19th Century Entertainers the Adams Sisters (Lucy & Sarah) taken by the photography studio of Taylor, Detroit Michigan.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Antique Military Service Medals from United StTitle:Lot of 3 Antique Military Service Medals from United States , Mexico, and Bulgaria Balkan WarsDescription: We have a lot of three service medals from all sorts of stuff. First we have a US medalSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot Antique Photographs Cabinet CardsGroup lot antique cabinet cards with portrait photographs. The cabinet card was a style of photograph which was widely used for photographic portraiture after 1870. It consisted of a thin photograph mSee Sold Price
Sold(A) Lot of 3: Antique Military Bolt Action RiflesGun A & B) Pair of Swiss Vetterli Military Model 1878 rifles. Both have 33†barrels and are chambered for the 10.4x42R rimfire cartridge. Both have all visible matching numbers, excellent walnut sSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Antique Military Medals Pins: British Star, KoTitle:Lot of 3 Antique Military Medals Pins: British Star, Korean War, US Civil DefenseDescription: Lot of 3 antique military medals. First we have a US American Defense Foreign Service Medal Pin. DatSee Sold Price
SoldFRAMED US MILITARY PHOTOGRAPH LOT OF 3FRAMED US MILITARY PHOTOGRAPH LOT OF 3 Officers of U.S.S. Iowan, U.S.S. Martha Washington, and wreack of Sch'r J.H. Rutter. Size: 18"-37.5"See Sold Price
Sold31 CABINET CDV'S & ANTIQUE PHOTOGRAPH LOTFamilies and individuals, children all very good.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Old Military Medals w RARE WWI British ConstabTitle:Lot of 3 Old Military Medals w RARE WWI British Constabulary MedalDescription: Lot of 3 antique military medals from WWI and WWII. US and British. First medal is US Military Merit Medal pin. ItSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican American Photograph LotAfrican American photograph lot including military, cabinet cards, Pearl Bailey autographed photo, photo signed ...Billy Clark Rose City Quartette", Boy Scout photos, Coleman Hawkins photo, photo of bSee Sold Price
Sold14 ANTIQUE MALE FEMALE BABY PORTRAIT CABINET CARD PHOTOGRAPH LOT14 total. some from NH MA and Rochester Minnesota(crowell). little girl, young lady, infant, male, female. mix condition. all at least fair. one with tape on sidesSee Sold Price
OLIVER BURR JENNINGS and STANDARD OIL COMPANYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
LEROY, Servais (1865 – 1953). Photograph of His Illusion, A...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of 2 Victorian Sailor Valentine Seashell BoxesHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
[AFRICAN AMERICANA - EDUCATION]. A group of 3 cabinet photographs of Yale University's AfricanFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
RUSSIAN TSAR ALEXANDER III w/ WIFE early 1900s antique PHOTOGRAPH CABINET PHOTOJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
WWII/Korea, US Military Issue Items, Lot of 10Lakeshore Event Center4.6(105)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(3 Pc) Antique English William Brownfield Porcelain Hand Painted Cabinet PlatesAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Sevres French Military Napoleon Porcelain Cabinet PlateMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
WWII ARMENIAN SOVIET ERA ILLUSTRATION INK PAINTINGAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024