SoldRussian Polychromed Rectangular Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Rectangular Wooden Ikon of "The Tikhvin Virgin", second quarter 19th century, depicted with a kneeling supplicant and presented in a parcel-gilt silver riza with inscriptions, backSee Sold Price
SoldThree Russian IkonsGroup of Three Ikons, consisting of a Russian rectangular polychromed wooden ikon of "The Virgin and Child" in a conforming copper-argenté and -gilt riza, first quarter 20th century, 9" x 7", a smallSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, first quarter 19th century, depicting "The Virgin and Child" emerging from a monumental fountain, fitted with a conforming bas-relief silvered brass riza, h. 14-1/2",See Sold Price
Large Russian Polychromed Wooden IkonLarge Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "The Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints", first quarter 19th century and later, the cradling bars lacking and the reverse sprayed with gold paint, h. 19", wSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "The Virgin and Child", in the 16th-century style, fitted with a silver riza, silver-gilt corners and a gilded and cloisonne-enameled halo, the riza hallmarked "H.A.See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "The Virgin and Child", fourth quarter 19th century, in the Byzantine style, presented in an earlier silvered embossed brass riza, the double halo enameled in the "ASee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, fourth quarter 19th century, depicting "St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker", fitted with an embossed silvered brass riza with a title plaque at the basal center, h. 12-1/See Sold Price
SoldGood Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Good Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, third quarter 19th century, depicting "The Tikhvin Virgin with the Infant Christ Child", fitted with a conforming silver riza within a glazed gilt-edged rosewood-See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "The Virgin anRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "The Virgin and Child", in the 18th-century style, fourth quarter 19th century, presented in a period engine-turned and engraved sterling silver riza with polychromeSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, second quarter 19th century, depicting "St. Nicholas the Wonder Worker in Benediction", presented in an enamel-mounted embossed brass riza, the reverse covered in moleSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "St. George and the Dragon", in the traditional style, fitted with a parcel-enameled bas-relief riza of silver alloy and backed in scarlet baize, h. 12", w. 9-3/4".See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, first quarter 19th century, depicting "Christ Pantocrator", of small size in the Byzantine style, fitted with a conforming gilt-brass riza and backed in lavender linenSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, third quarter 19th century, featuring five saints overlooked by Christ in Heaven, fitted with a period embossed silvered brass riza, h. 7", w. 5-1/2".See Sold Price
SoldAttractive Russian Polychromed Wooden IkonAttractive Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker", fitted with a silver riza by the maker B.C., Moscow, 1868, the saint's head enframed by smaller reserves of Christ, theSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, first quarter 20th century, depicting a kneeling penitent before the Virgin and Child, presented in a parcel-gilt silver riza with an inscription tablet in Cyrillic beSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "Christ Pantocrator", fourth quarter 19th century, fitted with a period chased gilt-brass riza and backed in green/black silk velvet, h. 12-1/4", w. 10-1/2".See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed and Parcel-Gilt Wooden Ikon of St. George and the Dragon, in the 18th-century style, the borders in parcel-gilt antique Russian style, h. 12", w. 10-1/4".See Sold Price
SoldLarge Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Large Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, first quarter 19th century, depicting "The Virgin of Sorrows", an old typed paper label on the reverse states that the ikon came from the Lavra Monastery near KiSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "Christ Pantocrator", third quarter 19th century, fitted with a conforming silver riza dated 1861, the reverse covered in old dark mocha silk velvet, h. 7-1/2", w. 6See Sold Price
SoldUnusual Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon,Unusual Russian Polychromed Wooden Ikon, third quarter 18th century, depicting "The Head of St. John the Baptist", accompanied by saints and an angel, the reverse with fittings for a pair of cradlingSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "St. George and the Dragon", fourth quarter 19th century, in the 16th-century style, presented in a conforming champleve enamel-cornered embossed and silvered brassSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "St. John the Warrior" and Attendant Saints, third quarter 19th century, fitted with the period embossed brass riza, h. 14", w. 12".See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker" and Six Attending Saints, third quarter 19th century, fitted with the period silvered brass riza, h. 10-3/4", w. 9".See Sold Price
SoldRussian Polychromed Wooden IkonRussian Polychromed Wooden Ikon of "Christ Pantocrator", ca. 1878, Moscow school, presented in a good parcel-gilt and enameled sterling silver riza in the "Antique Russian" style, the back upholsteredSee Sold Price
Historic Collection of Fourteen Original Slides of Egyptian Archaeological SitesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Medieval God the Father Enthroned Oil on PanelTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Russian Wooden Icon with Virgin Donskaya with Silver BasmaTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Crystal Coin Casket. British, ca. 1880. A stage effect mode...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Morris Brose Wooden Constructivist SculptureEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Wooden Rectangular Wall Clock W/ WeightsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Group of Four Chinese Carved and Polychromed Wooden Figures, 19th c., Emperor- H.- 4 3/4 in., W.- 1Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
RUSSIAN AMERICAN OIL PAINTING BY SIMKA SIMKHOVITCHAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Calendar icon for the Year with Resurrection and 12 FeastsJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Postmodern Black Wood & Metal Extendable Leaf Dining TablePUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
RUSSIAN AMERICAN OIL PAINTING BY SIMKA SIMKHOVITCHAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024