SoldPainted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara, c. 2nd - 3rdPainted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara, c. 2nd - 3rd Century A.D. Origin: Gandhara, c. 2nd-3rd Century A.D. Material: Stucco Dimensions: 16 cm H - 6 5/16 inches Provenance: Private collection Mr. A. D..See Sold Price
SoldPainted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara, c. 2nd - 3rdPainted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara, c. 2nd - 3rd Century A.D.Stucco head of Buddha modelled in the classical Hellenistic style. The face is modelled with a benevolent expression, the eyes half closeSee Sold Price
Painted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara,Painted Stucco Buddha Head, Gandhara, c. 2nd - 3rd Century A.D. Beautiful stucco head of Buddha modelled in the classical Hellenistic style. The face is modelled with a benevolent expression, the eyesSee Sold Price
Painted Stucco Gandhara Buddha Head, 2nd-3rd Century ADPainted Stucco Gandhara Buddha Head, c. 2nd - 3rd Century A.D.Beautiful stucco head of Buddha modelled in the classical Hellenistic style. The face is modelled with a benevolent expression, the eyes hSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA PAINTED STUCCO FIGURE OF BUDDHA300-500 AD. Gandharan. Painted stucco figure of Buddha dressed in a flowing yellow Kasaya (monastic robe). The head features thick, rich lips, an aquiline nose, half-closed eyes with well-defined eyelSee Sold Price
Tête de Bouddha en stuc, Gandhara, IIIe-Ve s., surTête de Bouddha en stuc, Gandhara, IIIe-Ve s., sur socle en bois, h. 15 cm A stucco Buddha head, Gandhara, 3rd-5th century, 15 cm high Tête de Bouddha en stuc, Gandhara, IIIe-Ve s., sur soclSee Sold Price
SoldSeven Buddha stucco heads, Gandhara, probably 4th/5thSeven Buddha stucco heads, Gandhara, probably 4th/5th century, and four other stucco heads , the between 17cm and 6.5cm high and two large stucco fragments , 28cm high and 12.5cm high and three GandhaSee Sold Price
Gandhara Painted Stucco Head of a Bearded BoddhisattvaGandhara Painted Stucco Head of a Bearded Boddhisattva, c. 2nd Century A.D.With excellent details of the face, wavy hair moustache and beard, his long hair tied at the top in a knot.Size:19.5 cm H - 7See Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA ON STANDCa. 300 – 400 AD. Finely moulded stucco head of Buddha; mounted on a custom made stand. Size:H:90mm/H:130mm (with stand); 225 grams. Provenance: Property of a London gallery, previously in old BritiSee Sold Price
SoldSUBSTANTIAL GANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA WITH HALO-Ca.200 AD. Substantial Gandhara Stucco Head from Monumental Statue, complete with halo and original pigments modelled in the classical Hellenistic style. The face is modelled with a benevolent expressSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA ON STANDCa. 300 – 400 AD. Finely moulded stucco head of Buddha; mounted on a custom made stand. Size:H:90mm/H:135mm (with stand); 310 grams. Provenance: Property of a London gallery, previously in old BritiSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA ON STANDCa. 300 – 400 AD. Finely moulded stucco head of Buddha; mounted on a custom made stand. Size: H:113mm/H:200mm (with stand); 535 grams. Provenance: Property of a London gallery, previously in old BriSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Ancient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D.Large Ancient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D. Size of the head 8 x 6 inches high, with stand 13 inches.Ancient Gandharan Stucco Head of Buddha wearing headdress with fine face features. CustSee Sold Price
SoldGandhara Stucco Head of Buddha as Young Prince, c. 3rdGandhara Stucco Head of Buddha as Young Prince, c. 3rd Century A.D. Extremely fine facial details, elongated ears wearing earrings, wearing elaborate crown. Remains of colour. Origin: Gandhara, c. 3rdSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Ancient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D.Large Ancient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D. Size of the head 8 1/2 inches high, with stand 13 1/2 inches.A lifesize Gandharan Stucco Head of Buddha wearing headdress with fine face featureSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D.Ancient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.200 A.D. Size of the head 7 inches high, with stand 9 5/8 inches.Ancient Gandharan Stucco Head of Buddha wearing headdress with fine face features. Custom MounSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.2nd cen ADAncient Gandhara Stucco Head of Buddha c.2nd cen AD. Size of the head 4 1/4 inches high. Gandharan stucco head of Buddha. Area of restoration to the right side of the face. Mounted. Provenance: Ex PriSee Sold Price
GANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHACa.400 AD Amazing Gandhara stucco head of the Buddha, depicted nearly in the round, with a wavy coiffure, a generous ushnisha (topknot) as well as a mesmerizing face that is skillfully modeled with elSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHACa.200 AD Amazing Gandhara stucco head of the Buddha, depicted nearly in the round, with a wavy coiffure, a generous ushnisha (topknot) as well as a mesmerizing face that is skillfully modeled with elSee Sold Price
GANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA ON STANDCa. 300 – 400 AD. Finely moulded stucco head of Buddha; mounted on a custom made stand. H:94mm/H:148mm (with stand); 350 grams. Provenance: Property of a London gallery, previously in old British coSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA, c.400 A.D. - 7 inGANDHARA STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA, c.400 A.D. - 7 in high.See Sold Price
Chinese Tang Style Stone Buddha Head- Nicely CarvedThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Fascinating Old Rahu, Large and Striking Protective Deity- Powerful!The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
13/14thC Thai Stone Buddha Head from the Harupunchai Empire- Joyful. Personal Favorie.The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
2-4thC Gandharan head made of stucco on a custom base.The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
11/12thC Pagan stone Buddha Head (marble/alabaster)The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Asian Stone Carved Buddha Head on Wood StandChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Porcelain Celadon Glazed with Red Flambe Painted Buddha StatueChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
England-Roy Adzak 1927-1987 Daum Nancy Sculpture Buddha Head Signed & NumberedRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Massive Ava Period Buddha Head, 15/16th CenturyThe Scanlan Collection4.4(22)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
WHITE MARBLE BUDDHA HEAD, NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY, CHINAIrvington Auction Inc4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024