(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
6.1/4" Tightly Woven Native American Basket. With LidHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Cherokee Or Sioux Rattle Dance Club Native American ArtifactsCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Lot of Four Miniature Tohono O'odham Nation (Papago) BasketsCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldSeven Wounaan basketsPanama. Turner Auctions + Appraisals is pleased to present basketry and other items from Native American and other indigenous cultures from the private collection and estate of Peter L. Corey, who serSee Sold Price
SoldSEVEN NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSSEVEN NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS. Including various shapes, sizes, cultures, and materials. Featuring a large storage or gathering basket, three birch bark baskets, one pine needle basket, and two probabSee Sold Price
SoldCollection Native American Baskets & BowlsAcoma, Old pottery and nice Hupa and other baskets10 vintage piecesSee Sold Price
SoldCollection Three Native American BasketsEarly 20th century, Western United States. One handsome Cupano Indian basket along with two Hupa baskets. The Cupano piece having some damage to one side, otherwise baskets are tight and stable. LargeSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE COLLECTION OF NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS ETCIncluding: Micmac ash loop, swing handle, handled purses etc. etc.See Sold Price
SoldSeven Native American Coiled BasketsAmerican Southwest, some probably Hopi including large basket with reinforced rim, 7 x 21-1/2 in.; two conical shaped bowls, 10-1/2 in. and 12-1/2 in.; large tray with raised lip and red polychrome stSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of seven Native American gem and silverCollection of seven Native American gem and silver bangle bracelets featuring a collection of Native American bracelets set with gems including turquoise, coral, onyx, shell, lapis, amethyst etc. LotSee Sold Price
SoldCollection Vintage Native American BasketsEarly to mid 20th century. Three are likely Cherokee Indian and one woven grass basket looks to likely be Western. Each in good overall condition. Largest: H11" Sold from the collection of a SouthernSee Sold Price
Sold7 Native American BasketsAssembled group of seven (7) Native American baskets including a Nez Perce corn husk bag, conical form, with geometric designs and canvas to rim (10 3/8" H x 7" dia.); an Apache figural or effigy bowlSee Sold Price
SoldCollection Seven Sterling RingsCollection of Seven Native American Sterling Rings, Sizes 7-10. Mutli stones in settings. Buyers Pay Actual Shipping and Handling Charges(see terms and conditions for more information).See Sold Price
SoldLarge Collection of BasketsLarge collection of native American baskets, mostly coil-type from the south west, together with others. Provenance: Ursula Bailey Marvin estate.See Sold Price
SoldCollection of ten Native American basketsCollection of ten West Coast Native American lidded baskets.See Sold Price
SoldCollection of six Native American baskets inc. coveCollection of six Native American baskets inc. covered sewing basketSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Native American Indian BasketsVery nice grouping. Most appear to be Indian, a couple appear to be African.See Sold Price
SoldCollection of Eight Native American BasketsCollection of eight (8) Native American baskets: 8" x 9" diameter basket with lid, 7.5" x 2.5" tight weave bowl, 4.25" x 4.75" basket, 2.25 x 3.5" mini basket, 2" x 4" Iroquois "Whimsy" beaded basket,See Sold Price
SoldHopi Native American Indian Kachina CollectionThis is a collection of seven Hopi Native American Indian Kachinas. Each one has been carved from solid wood and has been hand painted. The Kachinas are in good condition. The largest one measures 2.2See Sold Price
Sold(19) NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSCollection of (19) Native American Baskets, mostly from Maine, including: Penobscot sweetgrass and splint ovoid shape two-handled basket, 10" high (to top of handle), 8" diam.; Penobscot vase form rinSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of 4 Native American & Ethnographic BasketsCollection of 4 Ethnographic Baskets. Ranging in size from: 3.25''H x 6.5''Diameter (8 x 17 cm) to 15"Diameter (38 cm).See Sold Price
SoldA COLLECTION OF 14 MOSTLY NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSA COLLECTION OF 14 MOSTLY NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS, 20TH CENTURY. Various size and shapes including splint, pine needle and birch bark. Some with polychrome, the largest diameter 11.25 inches.See Sold Price
Sold(3) VINTAGE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN BASKETSA collection of 3 Native American Indian baskets to include a birch bark basket and 2 woven baskets. 6.5" to 11.5" wide.See Sold Price
SoldHOPI WOVEN BASKETS & CHARGERSCollection of Native American Hopi woven baskets & chargers. 8" to 14" wide.See Sold Price
Sold7 Hopi Mesa Wicker Basket PlaquesGroup of seven (7) Native American Hopi wicker basket plaques with polychrome geometric designs, including one with Butterfly design. Varying in size from 11" dia. to 15" dia. All 20th century. ProvenSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Silver & Turquoise 7p Bracelet LOTAn estate collection of seven (7) vintage Southwest Native American Indian sterling silver cuff bracelets. Variety of hand crafted styles, including one breaded two stamped Zuni Navajo design, one witSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Indian Hand Woven Small BasketsOffered in this lot we have a collection of Native American small hand woven baskets. The first of the baskets displays pine needle construction with a slightly loose weave. The second piece shows a wSee Sold Price
Vintage Japanese Resin Frog and Turtle in Basket Netsuke SignedCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Lot of Four Miniature Tohono O'odham Nation (Papago) BasketsCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Willard Clark (1910-1992) Signed Wood Engraving Ca 1942Cowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
5" Native American Basket, Ex Walter Crinnion CollectionHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Panamint Polychrome Basket Birds and ButterfliesCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024