SoldENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY VITRINE STANDEnglish Edwardian mahogany glazed vitrine stand, early 20th c., having raised square top, over glazed display cabinet, rising on slightly outswept legs, approx 39"h, 13"w, 18"d Start Price: $150.00See Sold Price
English Edwardian Mahogany Wash StandEnglish Edwardian Mahogany Wash Stand witth Marble Top and Back Splash Measures approx. 66" height, 42" width, 20" depth, in excellent conditionSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Style Mahogany Muffin/Pie Stand Ca. 1940, H 36" Dia. 12"English Edwardian Style Mahogany Muffin/Pie Stand Ca. 1940, H 36" Dia. 12" | Three tiers with circular inlaid designs. Provenance: Property of a Bloomfield Hills, MI private collector.See Sold Price
SoldENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY TIERED CAKE STAND3 tiers, measures 36 1/4" h x 14 3/4" w. Tiers - 9 3/4", 10 3/4", 11 3/4".See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Mahogany and Marble Wash StandEnglish Edwardian Mahogany and Marble Wash Stand Late 19th / early 20th century wash stand having an arch top mirror in a carved frame mounted on moveable brackets; the backsplash and top surface in gSee Sold Price
SoldSERVERAn early 20th C. English Edwardian Regency style mahogany service stand comprised of three rectangular tiers, each with full brass galleries. The whole raised on curved bracket form legs terminating oSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN MAHOGANY PIE STAND, English, c. 1910, eacEDWARDIAN MAHOGANY PIE STAND, English, c. 1910, each of three circular tiers supporting a blue and white Spode porcelain plate, Blue Willow pattern, between three square uprights rising to a brass looSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN MAHOGANY TOWEL STAND, English, c. 1905,EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY TOWEL STAND, English, c. 1905, having upper and lower pairs of wood towel bars between inlaid mahogany uprights. Dimensions: 35-3/4"H x 29-5/8"L x 9"W.See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Mahogany Shaving Stand Edwardian Mahogany Shaving Stand English, 19th century. A mahogany inlaid shaving stand having a central arched and beveled mirror supported by inlaid and carved posts, over two aligned drawerSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY GLAZED BOOKCASEEnglish Edwardian mahogany bookcase, early 20th c., molded cornice, over astragal glazed double doors, interior shelves, stand with scalloped apron, rising on cabriole legs, ending in pad feet, approxSee Sold Price
SoldAN ENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY LETTER BOX, inlaid wAN ENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY LETTER BOX, inlaid with fruitwoods, having fitted open opposing side interiors, single drawer with match striker, pen stand and letter racks. All on revolving base. HeighSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN THREE TIER FOLDING MAHOGANY MUFFIN STANDEdwardian mahogany muffin stand, c. 1900, English, three-tier piecrust edge shelves, rising on stretcher stand frame, with folding mechanism, 35.5"h, 10.75" w, 10.25" d Start Price: $40.00See Sold Price
Edwardian Era English Mahogany Vitrine Cabinet onEdwardian Era English Mahogany Vitrine Cabinet on stand, having pediment top, Garland swag 73" Hx 27" W x 16" D.See Sold Price
SoldAN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY PIE STAND WITH PLATES, EnglisAN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY PIE STAND WITH PLATES, English, c. 1910, with three molded mahogany rings each supporting a matching pie plate between three square uprights rising from cabriole legs, the top ofSee Sold Price
POTTERY JARDINIERE AND MAHOGANY PEDESTAL STAND. TPOTTERY JARDINIERE AND MAHOGANY PEDESTAL STAND. The art pottery jardiniere has a red and green glaze; the English Edwardian stand having a circular top on four long, square legs straddling a circularSee Sold Price
SoldMAHOGANY PIE STAND AND WASTE PAPER BASKET: the EMAHOGANY PIE STAND AND WASTE PAPER BASKET: the English Edwardian pie stand has three round tiers between three square uprights; waste paper basket is rectangular in shape tapering to a molded base andSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Taxidermy Diorama on Parlor Stand,English Edwardian Taxidermy Diorama on Parlor Stand, Rare, carved mahogany raised on bronze claw & wood ball feet, surmounted w/a circular mahogany & beveled glass case containing a pair of common SniSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Edwardian Gentleman’s Valet StandEnglish Edwardian gentleman’s valet stand 55 x 13.5 x 14. First quarter 20th C. Mahogany finish with shoe stand and collar drawer and raised on cabriole legs with ball & claw feet. This lot is guaraSee Sold Price
SoldAN EDWARDIAN THREE-TIER INLAID MAHOGANY PIE STAND,AN EDWARDIAN THREE-TIER INLAID MAHOGANY PIE STAND, English, c. 1910, having three graduated circular tiers under an arch and ball handle. Height 36 inches.See Sold Price
SoldTwo English Mahogany Stands,Two English Mahogany Stands, first quarter 20th century, the first an Edwardian carved mahogany tripodal kettle stand, in the style of Thomas Chippendale, and the second a George V mahogany fern standSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN MAHOGANY WASHSTAND, English, c. 1910. ThEDWARDIAN MAHOGANY WASHSTAND, English, c. 1910. The long two-door cabinet stands on four square tapering legs. Dimensions: 34"H x 41.75"W x 19"D.See Sold Price
Fox Motif Needlepoint Firescreen on Queen Anne Tripod StandPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
(19th c) ENGLISH OCTAGONAL (4) DRAWER STANDJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ENGLISH GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS STERLING SPIRIT KETTLEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY THREE TIER FOLDING CAKE STANDHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage English Bench Made Round Mahogany Two Tiered Plant StantNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique edwardian early 1900 mahogany carved umbrella cane walking stick stand holderJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19th Century Mahogany Inlaid Three-Tier Dumbwaiter / Dessert StandJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Two patera inlaid mahogany tables, 20th centuryAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
VERY GOOD EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY BOOKCASE BUREAUPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHIPPENDALE ENGLISH MAHOGANY CANDLE STANDA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024