SoldPompeiana, Sir William Gell, 1824Heading: Author: Gell, Sir William and John P. Gandy Title: Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. Place Published: London Publisher:Rodwell and Martin Date Published: </See Sold Price
SoldGell (William, Sir & John P. Gandy) Pompeiana. TheGell (William, Sir & John P. Gandy) Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii,2 vol., new edition, plates, foxing, original cloth, marked, Rodwell and Martin, 1824; and anoSee Sold Price
3rd Ed. Pompeiana: Sir William Gell & John P. GandyTitle:3rd Ed.Pompeiana: Sir William Gell and John P. Gandy c.1852Described:3rd Ed. Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifice, and Ornaments of Pompeii by Sir William Gell and John P. Gandy. Published by LondSee Sold Price
SoldPompeiana, Sir William Gell, 1832Heading: Author: Gell, Sir William Title: Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, the Result of Excavations Since 1819. Place Published: London Publisher:Jennings and ChaplinSee Sold Price
SoldGell, POMPEIANA, 1832, 2 Vols.[POMPEI]. Sir William Gell. Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the Result of Excavations Since 1819. 2 Vols. Lon: Jennings and Chaplin, 1832. 8vo. xxiv,198;207pp. Green clotSee Sold Price
SoldGell (Sir William) Pompeiana: 1817Pompeii.- Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii,first edition, engraved frontispiece, map, double-page plan and 75 plates, 1 sepia and 1 hand-coloureSee Sold Price
SoldGell (Sir William) Pompeiana...-. Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana...,2 vol., engraved portrait, additional pictorial title, plates & plans, 2 hand-coloured, engraved vignettes in text, some on india paper and mounted, lighSee Sold Price
SoldItaly.- Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana. The Topography,Pompeii.- Gell (Sir William) and John P. Gandy. Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, second edition, large paper copy, engraved additional pictorial title and 77 engraved plaSee Sold Price
SoldGell (Sir William) PompeianaGell (Sir William) PompeianaThe Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, third edition, engraved frontispiece, plates and plans, very occasional spotting, presentation inscription to enSee Sold Price
SoldGell, Sir William60. Gell, Sir William.Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii. Engraved portrait, 85 plates (2 hand colored), india proof illustrations within text. 2 volumes. 4to, later green dySee Sold Price
SoldItaly.- GellItaly.- Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, 2 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, additional pictorial title and 82 plates and plans (2 hand-coloSee Sold Price
(2 vols.) Gell, Pompeiana..., 1832Gell, Sir William. Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments... 2 Volumes, London: 1832, 1st Ed., 4to, 3/4 green leather gilt coverSee Sold Price
Sold(Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, EdificesGell (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819, 2 vol., large paper copy, engraved portrait, additional pictorial titleSee Sold Price
(Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, EdificesGell (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, 2 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, additional pictorial title and 82 plates and plans (2 hand-coloured) anSee Sold Price
SoldGell.Pompeiana,2v,l.p.copy, 2 h/c pls,1832Gell (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819,2 vol., large paper copy, engraved portrait, additional pictorial title aSee Sold Price
(Sir William) Pompeiana: the Topography, EdificesGell (Sir William) Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, large paper copy, 84 engraved plates, 2 hand-coloured, mounted engraved illustrations on india paper, later halSee Sold Price
Sold[EDITION-DE-LUXE / LARGE PAPER]. GELL (Sir Willi[EDITION-DE-LUXE / LARGE PAPER]. GELL (Sir William) Pompeiana: The Topography, edifices and monuments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819, 2 vols, 4to, titles, 2 ff. list of plates, 1 f.See Sold Price
Sold(Sir William) Pompeiana: the Topography, EdificesGell (Sir William) Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, large paper copy, 84 engraved plates, 2 hand-coloured, mounted engraved illustrations on india paper, later halSee Sold Price
SoldSir Gell, William. Pompeiana: the Topography EdificesSir Gell, William. Pompeiana: the Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii... Londra: Jennings and Chaplin, 1832. Due volumi con numerose illustrazioni e tavole fuori testo in bianco e nero. LegatSee Sold Price
SoldPompeiana…Ornaments of Pompeii, 1817-1819Gell, Sir William; Gandy, John. POMPEIANA: THE TOPOGRAPHY, EDIFICES, AND ORNAMENTS OF POMPEII. London: for Rodwell and Martin, 1817-1819. 4to. xxxii, 273, [3] pp. + 81 plates, complete as per list. PeSee Sold Price
SoldPompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and OrnamentsPompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii By Sir William Gell. 1837. 3rd edition, 8 vols., full morocco, extra gilt. Provenance: Property from the Estate of Rose Movius Palmer.See Sold Price
Gell (Sir William) & Gandy (John P.) Pompeiana. TheGell (Sir William) & Gandy (John P.) Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, lithograph frontispiece, lithograph and engraved plates and plans, foxing, contemporary tree calf, sSee Sold Price
SoldItaly.- Gell (Sir William) and John P.Gandy. Pompeiana.Italy.- Gell (Sir William) and John P.Gandy. Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, third edition, engraved frontispiece, plates and plans, 5 double-page, 2 hand-coloured, lighSee Sold Price
Sold1 vol. Gell, Sir William; Gandy, John P. Pompeian1 vol. Gell, Sir William; Gandy, John P. Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii. London: Rodwell and Martin, 1817-1819. First edition. 8vo, contemp. paneled morocco; rubbed. WithSee Sold Price
Sterling Silver Sir William Johnson Gloversville SpoonMannys Jewelry4.6(333)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
1840 BIRDS Ornithology Sir William Jardine Game Naturalists Library Color PlatesSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Wenceslaus Hollar. Portraits. To include: Reverend John Diodati, Richard Cromwell, Sir WilliamTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sir William Hamilton Engraving C.1785Epic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL FLINT (1880 - 1969) Young Woman in Landscape Offset colour lithograph, 41 x 65cmAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Alice Henriette Hope (Lady Hope, wife of Sir William Hope of Pinkie) (1823-1900), BotanicalClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
After Sir William Russell Flint, Signed colour lithograph, The Lisping Goddess / A FigureheadClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Osler (Sir William) Bibliotheca Osleriana: A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of theForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chambers (Sir William) Dissertation sur le Jardinage de l'Orient, with supplement, 2 parts in 1,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Sir William Hamo Thornycroft Artemis 1889 Print SignedKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Large Collection American Girl Doll Salon GroupingRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(120)See Sold PriceFeb 10, 2025
American Girl Doll Trail Bike and Pet Dog and CarrierRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(120)See Sold PriceFeb 10, 2025
American Girl Doll Kanani Akina, Girl of the YearRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(120)See Sold PriceFeb 10, 2025
American Girl Doll Truly Me Popcorn Maker and Clothes GroupingRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(120)See Sold PriceFeb 10, 2025