Sold3V SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Exiles Abroad GentryThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - The Jazz Exiles - American Musicians Abroad by Moody - Dated 1993 by University of Nevada Press - signed by Bill MoodSee Sold Price
Sold3V SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Guitar Taylor WalkerThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Bucky Pizzarelli - A Life in Music by Ripmaster - Dated 1998 by Mel Bay - signed by Bucky Pizzarelli, softcover - StSee Sold Price
Sold3V SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Singers Miles SatchmoThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - From Satchmo to Miles by Feather - Dated 1972 by Stein adn Day - signed by Leonard Feather - Voices of the Jazz AgeSee Sold Price
Sold3V Scobey SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Trumpet DavisonThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - He Rambled! 'Til Cancer Cut Him Down by Scobey - Dated 1976 by PAL Publishing - signed by Jan Scobey - Wild Bill DavSee Sold Price
Sold3V Trumpet SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Davis GillespieThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Miles - The Autobiography by Davis with Troupe - Dated 1989 by Simon & Schuster - signed by Quincy Troupe - Dizzy GiSee Sold Price
Sold3V Clarinet SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY DarensbourgThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - A Closer Walk - The Pete Fountain Story by Fountain with Neely - Dated 1972 by Henry Regnery Co. - signed by Pete FouSee Sold Price
Sold3V Kenton SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Calloway BandThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Straight Ahead - The Story of Stan Kentoy by Easton - Dated 1973 by William Morrow & Company - signed by Carol EastonSee Sold Price
Sold3V Davison SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Horn WilberThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Music Was Not Enough by Wilber - Dated 1988 by Oxford University Press - signed by Bob Wilber - The Wildest one - ThSee Sold Price
Sold3V Barker SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Darensbourg VacheThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Buck Clayton's Jazz World by Buck Clayton - Dated 1987 by oxford - signed by Buck Clayton - Telling It Like It Is bSee Sold Price
Sold3V Russell SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Clarinet LewisThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Mountain Boys are Free - Portrait of Ned Guthrie, The Musician's Abraham Lincoln by Lowe - Dated 1993 by James J. LowSee Sold Price
Sold3V Bell SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Kaminsky DankworthThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Cleo & John - A Biography of the Dankworths by Collier - Dated 1976 by Quartet Books - signed by Graham Collier - MySee Sold Price
Sold3V Horn SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY Miller LiebmanThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - A Boy...A Golden Trombone...And a Dream by Yates - Dated 1981 by TALY - signed by Tom Yates, softcover - Self-PortraSee Sold Price
Sold3V Deffaa SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHIES Ullman ChiltonThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Who's Who of Jazz - Storyville to Swing Street by Chilton - Dated 1972 by Chilton Book Company - signed by John ChiltSee Sold Price
Sold3V Berigan SIGNED JAZZ HORN BIOGRAPHY BrooksThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - A Door Will Open by Pajama - Dated 1970 by House of Falmouth - signed by Helen Pajama - This Horn for Hire - The LifSee Sold Price
Sold3V Stars SIGNED JAZZ PHOTO BIOGRAPHY Party AveryThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Twelve Lives In Jazz by Duncan Schmiedt - Dated 1996 by Delta - signed by Duncan Schmiedt, softcover - Jazz Party -See Sold Price
Sold3V Veterans SIGNED JAZZ PHOTO BIOGRAPHY DeffaThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Twelve Lives In Jazz by Duncan Schmiedt - Dated 1996 by Delta - signed by Duncan Schmiedt, softcover - Jazz VeteransSee Sold Price
Sold3V Norton SIGNED JAZZ BANDS BIOGRAPHY JonesThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - That Band from Indiana by Davis - Dated 1982 by Mathom Publishing Co. - signed by Charlie Davis - Emperor Norton's HSee Sold Price
Sold3V Loe Williams SIGNED JAZZ MALE VOCALIST HaymesThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Nat King Cole - An Intimate Biography by Maria Cole - Dated 1971 by William Morrow - signed by Maria Cole - EverydaySee Sold Price
Sold3V Jewell SIGNED DUKE ELLINGTON Hasse Steed GeniuThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Duke Ellington - A Spiritual Biography by Steed - Dated 1999 by Crossroad Publishing - signed by Janna Tull Steed -See Sold Price
Sold3V Whiteman SIGNED BIG BAND BIOGRAPHY CallowayThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Dialogues in Swing - Intimate Conversations with the Stars of the Big Band Era by Hall - Dated 1989 by Pathfinder PubSee Sold Price
Sold4V Clooney SIGNED JAZZ BIOGRAPHY McPartland WilmeThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Mama Said There'd be Days Like This - My Life in the Jazz World by Wilmer - Dated 1989 by Women's Pres - signed by VaSee Sold Price
Sold3V SIGNED JAZZ REFERENCE Saxophone Drum CollierThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - The Slingerland Book by Cook - Dated 1996 by Rebeats Publications - signed by Rob Cook, softcover - Jazz - A StudentSee Sold Price
Sold3V SIGNED Low Biography GIRL SCOUTS Leaders GuideThis auction lot includes the following group of titles relating to the Girl Scouts:- Lady from Savannah: The Life of Juliette Low by Gladys Denny Schultz and Daisy Gordon Lawrence - Dated 1958 by JSee Sold Price
Sold3V Blues SIGNED JAZZ HISTORY Ragtime ComposersThis auction lot includes the following group of SIGNED Jazz Reference titles: - Jazz Matters - Reflections on the Music & Some of its Makers by Ramsey - Dated 1989 by University of Arkansas Press -See Sold Price
1944 DALE CARNEGIE SIGNED 1ed Biographical Roundup Lives of 40 Famous PeopleSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
(5) JACKIE KENNEDY BIOGRAPHIES (2) AUTHOR SIGNEDJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Henry Moore 1976, Mixed Media Ink and Watercolor Reclining Nudes on Sofa Man and Woman, SignedDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Winnie the Pooh - Original Production Ce/Drawing - Owl - SignedClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Mark Kostabi, California, New York / Italy (b.1960), Art and Mart, 1993, oil on canvas, A UNIQUEWestmore Galleries and Auctions4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1963 ABSTRACT POLISH OIL PAINTING BY TADEUS KANTORAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
JOHN ADAMS Autographed Biography D McCullough 2004The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Joseph Kossonogi Jazz Trio Lithograph Signed/NumberedChurchill Galleries3.7(216)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
William Tolliver (Louisiana/Mississippi, 1951-2000), "Jazz Guitarist," 20th c., H.- 26 in., W.- 12Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Amazing Rufino Tamayo Signed Color LithographAmazing Collectible Galleries4.6(170)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
NAZARIANTZ HRAND: (1886-1962)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
ARTIST'S BIOGRAPHIES. ROBERT SMOTHSON AND OTHERS.Toronto Book Auctions4.3(13)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Lot: Jazz Autographs & Photos- Charlie Parker, etcDirect Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024