Sold53/4" Hohokam Stone Axe53/4" Hohokam Stone Axe, Arizona, Nice from the Kirk Whaley Collection (1912-1994)See Sold Price
SoldHohokam stone axeHohokam Grooved stone axe 4.69” long 2.89” tall. All items well come with documentation of authenticity and transfer of ownership. And some items will have other collection information that will bSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Artifact DisplayGroup of shell and stone relics marked "Hohokam Jewelry, Snaketown - 300 BC - 1300 AD." Good Condition. Ex. Evans Collection.12" x 8"Pre HistoricSee Sold Price
SoldSacaton Painted South West Stone Paint Pallet7 1/2" x 4 3/8" Sacaton Painted South West Stone Paint Pallet – Hohokam - Arizona from the Kirk Whaley Collection (1912-1994)See Sold Price
SoldHohokam CollectionHohokam Collection, pre-historic items. Made of stone, shell, cotton cloth and bone, the items range from 1/2" to 9 1/2". Hohokam, Arizona. Small shell snake, arrowheads, shell, fine cotton cloth remnSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Artifact CollectionHohokam Artifact Collection, 900 A.D. Made of shell, stone and turquoise. Frame measures 5" x 5". Hohokam, southern Arizona, USA. Nice collection of prehistoric Hohokam relics. All found by the same pSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam CollectionHohokam Collection, pre-historic items. Made of corn, stone, wood, bone, clay and rawhide, the items measure 1" to 11.5". Hohokam, Arizona. Rare clay doll, arrowshaft straightener, arrow foreshaft, boSee Sold Price
SoldArrowhead CollectionArrowhead Collection, historic to pre-historic periods. Made of glass, obsidian and chert, the largest measures 1 1/2". Hohokam, Ajo, Pima County, Arizona. 25 points in all, nice bird points used forSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam CollectionHohokam Collection, pre-historic items. Made of wood, stone, corn, cotton cloth, the items measure from 3/4" to 17". Hohokam, Arizona. About 30 arrow foreshafts and shafts. Fine cotton weaving and arrSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Artifact CollectionHohokam Artifact Collection, pre-historic items. Made of chert, turquoise, quarts, crystal and jasper, the point measures 1 3/4" long. Ajo, Pima County, Arizona. Perfect, hardstone animal effigy pendaSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Bead CollectionHohokam Bead Collection, pre-historic item. Made of shell, stone, turquoise and glass, the largest item measures 1 3/4". Ajo, Pima County, Arizona. Box included. Condition: As found, see images. ShippSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Idoma African Mask Ex Allan Stone CollectionA very finely carved wooden helmet mask with realistic painted face and painted designs, embellished with real human hair atop a stylized "elvis" coiffure. Idoma peoples, Nigeria, Africa. The mask meaSee Sold Price
SoldA Baule Magic Fetish Ex Allan Stone CollectionA Tall carved wooden fetish figure with large gaping mouth and long fangs, heavily encrusted surface and shown holding a sword and rifle.Carved wood; 32" x 10" x 11 1/2"; Provenance: Michael Oliver, NSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Makonde Lipico Mask Ex Allan Stone CollectionA very fine Old "Lipiko" mask or "Muti Wa Lipiko " translated as the head of Lipiko, which was typically worn during initiation rituals. This old example has a well carved face suggesting a type of poSee Sold Price
Sold2 Bannerstones from the Judge Claude Stone Collection2 Bannerstones from the Judge Claude Stone Collection. 4" Crescent and 5" Pick. Slate. Old Banners that appear to have new enlarged or added holes.See Sold Price
SoldA Rare Makonde Dance mask Ex Allan Stone CollectionA Carved wooden face mask with heavy organic orange pigment on the face and alternating human hair strips and indigo blue pigments as the coiffure, as well as a decorative textile hat would cover theSee Sold Price
SoldAshanti Bronze Kuduo container ~ Allan Stone CollectionThis is a very fine Old Bronze Kuduo container from the Ashanti peoples of Ghana, Africa. Cast bronze with a detailed scene on the lid of the coronation of the Chief. Ornate, cast brass vessels knownSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Stone Pipe with Snake FigureHohokam Stone Pipe with Snake Figure, pre-historic item. Made of basalt and measuring 7.5" x 1.5", this pipe is from southern Arizona. Condition: Some wear and minor chips, see images. Shipping: $16.5See Sold Price
SoldRAW CRYSTAL AND STONE COLLECTION - LOT OF 4810904RAW CRYSTAL AND STONE COLLECTION - LOT OF 48 Raw crystal and stone collection with a total of 48 crystals on two trays of 24. Includes labels identifying each stone. Weight: 3.3 PoundsCondition:See Sold Price
Sold6 3/4" Burlington Spade, Ryan Stone Collection, Boone6 3/4" Burlington Spade, Ryan Stone Collection, Boone County., MOSee Sold Price
SoldGem Stone Collection, Various, (9)Collection of gem stones with individual holders ready for settings - not all of gems have been identified or karat size.Identified in this collecition: 2 - Blue Topaz 10.5kt & 17.82; Ametrine 4.45kt;See Sold Price
Sold4 5/8" Burlington Flint Celt, Ryan Stone Collection,4 5/8" Burlington Flint Celt, Ryan Stone Collection, Boone County., MOSee Sold Price
Collection of Shoushan stone carvings, landscapes and figuresTOISHINSEI Co., Ltd.4.4(90)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
2" Highly Used Sandstone Abraiding Stone Ex steve Koch Collection from Scott Co IlHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre-Columbian Serrated Stone Arrowhead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Collector's Hoard, Large Group Raw Multi GemstonesConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
H. Stern - A pair of 'Golden Stone' earrings, adorned with diamonds set on 18K gold.Alma4.3(59)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A collection of Shona stone carvings 13 cm (4)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Collection of Lapis Stone Necklace, Earrings and RingVogt Auction Texas4.5(604)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024