SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDECHAIR. Attributed to ConnecCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDECHAIR. Attributed to Connecticut. Yoked crest with raked ears, solid slpat, and rush seat. Well turned front stretcher. In black paint with gilt highlights. 40 1/2h. overall. 17See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Attributed to New HCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Attributed to New Hampshire, 18th century, in maple with curly maple. With a heart splat, rush seat, turned legs and stretchers, and Spanish front feet. Older grungy finSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Attributed to Bristol, Connecticut, mid 18th century, maple, cherry, and ash. Vasiform splat and turned stiles, legs and stretchers. Imperfections. 15 1/2"h. seat, 40"h.See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE BANNISTER BACK SIDE CHAIR. AttribCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE BANNISTER BACK SIDE CHAIR. Attributed to Connecticut. Maple and hickory with an old finish. Sausage turned legs and ring turned front stretchers. Damaged rush seat. Turned rear stilSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDECHAIR - 18th c. Chair in oldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDECHAIR - 18th c. Chair in old black paint with (replaced) rush seat, nicely shaped yoke over urn splat, block and turned front legs set on Spanish style feet, boldly turned frontSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Country Queen Anne Side Chair Spanish FeetCountry Queen Anne side chair. Cherry and oak. Connecticut or Massachusetts. Carved yoke crest on conforming carved stiles. Vase form splat with straight bottom rail. Trapezoidal woven rush seat. BlocSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Maple with cherryCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Maple with cherry splat. Scalloped crest with ears, elaborately shaped splat, unusual vase turned front legs and worn bold stretcher. Rush seat. Repair to crest. RefinisSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Maple, with a vasifCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Maple, with a vasiform splat, boldly turned legs and stretchers, and Spanish feet. Refinished, legs ended out, rush seat is an old replacement. 18" seat height, 41" overSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Country Queen Anne Side Chair, 18th cNew England Country Queen Anne Side Chair, 18th c., old surface, mixed woods, shaped crest, vasi-form splat, later rush seat, boldly turned stretcher and legs w/Spanish feet; both rear legs w/repair;See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Turned posts, yokeCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Turned posts, yoke crest, nicely shaped splat and well-turned, tapered front legs and a boldly turned front stretcher. Refinished with a replaced rush seat. 17" seat, 40See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Old worn finish. ECOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Old worn finish. Ends of yoke crest rail are cut out, shaped splat and bulbous front stretcher. Edge wear and repair on splat. 17"h seat. 42"h. overall.See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. In maple, with a vCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. In maple, with a vasiform splat, block-and-turned legs, and boldly turned front stretcher. Refinished, minor damage, rush seat is an old replacement. 17 1/4" seat heightSee Sold Price
COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Refinished maple wiCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Refinished maple with baluster turned legs and posts. Old paper rush seat. Seat 16 1/2"h., 38 5/8"h. overall.See Sold Price
SoldCountry Queen Anne Side Chair, New England Origin,Country Queen Anne Side Chair, New England Origin, Late 18th c., maple and birch, shaped crest rail, vasi form back splat, replaced rush seat, turned legs, stretcher base, Spanish feet, 40.5"h x 20"wSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Late 18th Century. Cleaned down to pumpkin over red paint. Chamfered yoke with raked ears, solid splat and rush seat. Minor age splits. 15 1/2"h. seat. 39 1/2"h. overallSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, mid 18th century, maple. Carved yoke, molded stiles, Spanish feet and boldly turned front stretcher. Old refinishing with good color. Worn rush seat. 17 3/4See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, mid-late 18th century, mixed wood. Scalloped crest, vasiform splat, turned legs and stretchers. Later grain painting. 17"h. seat, 40 1/2"h. overall.See Sold Price
COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Old finelCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Old finely alligatored black paint with pad feet and a boldly turned front stretcher. Replaced paper rush seat. Pierced vase shaped back splat with tapered rear stiles aSee Sold Price
COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Hudson River Valley, 2nd half-18th century, maple. Dark, dry finish and rush seat. Yoke crest, vasiform splat and turned stiles, stretchers and well-formed front legs enSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, possibly Massachusetts, mid-late 18th century, mixed wood. Vasiform splat, turned legs and front stretcher. Spanish feet. Old black paint has appropriate weSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, mid-late 18th century, mixed woods. Vasiform splat and turned stretcher and legs, and pad feet. Stained finish. 17 1/2"h. seat, 39 3/4"h. overall.See Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, mid-late 18th century, maple and mixed woods. Vasiform splat, turned legs and stretchers, Spanish feet. Crazed black paint over traces of red. Minor imperfeSee Sold Price
SoldEUROPEAN COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Walnut witEUROPEAN COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. Walnut with an old finish. Baluster turned legs and stretchers with small wafer feet and a high back. Mortised construction. Early 20th Century upholstery is aSee Sold Price
SoldCOUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR.COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE SIDE CHAIR. New England, possibly Massachusetts, mid 18th century, maple. Vasiform splat and turned legs and stretchers. Distressed green paint over an earlier red. Minor imperfectiSee Sold Price
RARE MINIATURE QUEEN ANNE SLANT FRONT DESKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(393)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ELDRED WHEELER QUEEN ANNE TRAY FORM TABLEThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(393)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
QUEEN ANNE DOLL & HEAD and SHOULDER PLATEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(18th c) NORTH SHORE QUEEN ANNE ARMCHAIRJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(18th c) QUEEN ANNE BANNISTER BACK ARMCHAIRJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(18th c) QUEEN ANNE MAHOGANY DROP LEAF TABLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Set of Ten Eldred Wheeler Cherry Queen Anne Style Dining ChairsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(409)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Near Pair of Eldred Wheeler Cherry Queen Anne Style End TablesNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(409)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
18th C. QUEEN ANNE CHINOISERIE DRESSING MIRRORLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(527)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Period 18Th C. Queen Anne Bonnet Top Tiger Maple HighboyRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(236)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of Eight (8) Cups and Saucers Sets - Meissen - EnglandPremier Auction Galleries4.4(331)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024