SoldPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets, late 19th/early 20th c., h. 45 1/2 in., w. 11 in., d. 11 inSee Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets, late 19th/early 20th c., h. 45 1/2 in., w. 11 in., d. 11 inSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY WRITING DESK, English, cEDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY WRITING DESK, English, c. 1910. The rectangular double pedestal desk has a marble top, the kneehole front with frieze drawer and a pair of cabinet doors decorated with wood aSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets ca. 1900, in the Adam taste, each with a stepped square top above a case fitted with a fluted frieze over a single cupboard door, with corner carved ram'sSee Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany CabinetEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet , early 20th c., shaped backsplash terminating in bosses, banded top, frieze drawers, urn inlaid cabinet doors, reeded stiles, tapered feet, h. 49 1/2 in., w. 41 in.,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets late 19th century, in the Adam taste, each surmounted by a large urn knife box, and with a stepped hinged top and graduated square body to a waisted base,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsPair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets ca. 1900, in the Adam taste, each with a stepped square top above a case fitted with a fluted frieze over a single cupboard door, with corner carved ram'sSee Sold Price
Pair William IV Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsA Pair of William IV Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets, c. 1840, each stepped shaped top with an urn inlay, shaped drawer and cabinet below, bellflower inlaid stiles raised on reeded scrolled feet, caSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsA Pair of Regency Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets , c. 1830 and later, with rope moldings, lead lined bottle drawers with cupboards below, raised on associated paw feet , height 34 in., width 18 in.See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany CabinetEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet in the Adam Taste, late 19th c., pedimented cornice, two glazed doors, adjustable shelves, two drawers over doors, shelf interior, blocked legs, extensively inlaid, hSee Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on ChestAn Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on Chest , late 19th/early 20th c., in the Adams taste, stamped "Marsh, Jones, Cribb & Co., Furnishers, Leeds", the breakfronted superstructure with glazed and inlSee Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany CabinetEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet, early 20th c., shaped backsplash terminating in bosses, banded top over two drawers, urn inlaid cabinet doors, reeded stiles, tapered feet, h. 49 1/2 in., w. 41 in.,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany PedestalsA Pair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestals , late 19th c., in the Hepplewhite taste, the tops with banding and fan inlays, drawers and cupboards below on blocked bases , height 40 in., width 21 in.See Sold Price
An Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on Chest, HeigAn Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on Chest, of concave form, having two doors over three drawers. Height 76 x width 34 1/4 x depth 23 inches. Property from the Estate of Anne Scholl, Indian Wells,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany PedestalsA Pair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestals, c. 1900, square plinths, swagged molding, tulip inlaid door opening to shelves, blocked base, height 45 5/8 in., width 10 1/4 in., depth 10 1/4 inSee Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany CabinetLate 19th/early 20th century, raised back panel with applied shell and foliate carving over central bowed glass door, flanked each side by flat glass door, conforming case having inlaid Classical frieSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany PedestalsA Pair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Pedestals , cove-molded inlaid top, drawer and paneled door below, molded base, ogee bracket feet , height 42 in., width 18 in., depth 20 inSee Sold Price
SoldAn Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on Chest, HeigAn Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet on Chest, of concave form, having two doors over three drawers. Height 76 x width 34 1/4 x depth 23 inches. Property from the Estate of Anne Scholl, Indian Wells,See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany CabinetBritish, circa 1900, upper case with beveled glazed door with shelved interior over urn and anthemion inlaid cabinet door, lower case with beveled glass lift top at front, finely inlaid skirt and legsSee Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTALA PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTAL CABINETS, GEORGE IV (1936-1952) PERIOD,each reproduction in the George III taste, of Neoclassical sarcophagus form, the rectangular top centering curlySee Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTALA PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTAL CABINETS, GEORGE IV (1936-1952) PERIOD, each reproduction in the George III taste, of Neoclassical sarcophagus form, the rectangular top centering curlSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Late Regency Mahogany Pedestal CabinetsA Pair of Late Regency Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets , c. 1840, the raised tops above inlaid frieze drawers, Gothic paneled cupboards flanked by turned pilsters, on reeded saber legs , height 47 iSee Sold Price
SoldEDWARDIAN STRING INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTALEdwardian mahogany plant stand, early 20thc., having patterned contrasting inlay and stringwork, approx 40.5"h, 11"diam Start Price: $60.00See Sold Price
SoldEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Wall Cabinet, c. 1910,Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Wall Cabinet, c. 1910, the dentillated crown over double doors with parquetry and line inlay, with two shelves within, H.- 24 3/4 in., W.- 24 in., D.- 7 7/8 in.See Sold Price
Joseph Gerte (Boston) Regency Style Marquetry Inlaid Mahogany Bar CabinetNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Serving TrayMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A PAIR OF GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY SIDE CABINETS, C. 1770 the superstructure, with detachableAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY TWIN PEDESTAL DESK the rectangular top with tooled leather scriber, fittedAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SLOPEFRONT BUREAU the crossbanded fallfront section opening to revealAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SUTHERLAND TABLE with drop leaf sides, on trestle end supports joinedAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY TWO DOOR BOOKCASE, C.1900 the dentil cornice over twin glazed doors,Adam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY PEDESTAL DESKHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
AN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY INLAID BIJOUTERIE TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
An Art Nouveau mahogany cabinet with a shaped upstand and two leaded glass doors with floralClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An Edwardian mahogany display cabinet with a shaped and moulded upstand, a satinwood inlaid frameClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Two patera inlaid mahogany tables, 20th centuryAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Edwardian Flame Mahogany Corner CabinetBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
VERY GOOD EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY BOOKCASE BUREAUPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A FINE EDWARDIAN CARVED MAHOGANY TWO TIER PEDESTAL COMPORT in the Georgian style, formed with flutedHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Side Table 28 3/8" x 22" x 13 1/8".Lunds Auctioneers & Appraisers Ltd.4.6(555)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024