A superb Yoruba ritual mortar by Olwowe of IseYoruba, Nigeria; H: 13 1/4"The inverted ritual mortar with classical and powerful face specific to this most famous of carvers. Exceptional variegated brown patina.Comments: This ritual mortar (“See Sold Price
Superb African Kuba Wooden Ritual MortarEarly 20th century from D.R.Congo, Central Africa. The pedestal foot vessel carved with guilloche patterns and images of pangolin (manis tricuspis). A deep, blackish brown patina covers the entire vesSee Sold Price
Ritual MortarYoruba, Nigeria, 17", ex Eric Robertson, NY, a weighty piece both physically and symbolically, this Ritual Shango Mortar depicts three distinct sculpural figures in high relief. Various pigments incluSee Sold Price
A Hemba or Kusu ritual mortarHemba/Kusu, D.R. Congo; Height: 12 1/4"Of unusual form, the bowl of the mortar deeply and roughly carved with fine signs of age and use. The well weathered handle terminating in a classical Hemba/KusuSee Sold Price
SoldThree spherical ritual stones and stone mortar - PapuaCults associated with sacred stones were once prevalent throughout the highlands. Sacred stones included oddly shaped river rocks or unearthed objects created by ancient highland cultures, such as morSee Sold Price
SoldRitual stone and stone mortar - Papua New Guinea -red and shiny indigo blue pigment, D: 15 cm (mortar); H: 7 cm, D: 5,9 inch; H: 2,8 inch Continent: OceaniaSee Sold Price
SoldDogon Ritual vesselDogon Ritual Vessel - Carved covered wooden mortar or pot standing on six figures with cover attributed to Dogon people of Mali 52 x 12"diameter age check in lidSee Sold Price
WESTERN ASIATIC BRONZE DECORATED BELLCa. 2000 BC. A wonderful, Rare example of a Bronze Age bell, possibly Indus Valley culture; decorated with Zebu bulls and coiled patterns; full with mortar, suggesting its burrial in a ritual context.See Sold Price
SoldWESTERN ASIATIC BRONZE DECORATED BELLCa. 2000 BC. A wonderful, rare example of a Bronze Age bell, possibly Indus Valley culture; decorated with Zebu bulls and coiled patterns; full with mortar, suggesting its burial in a ritual context.See Sold Price
WESTERN ASIATIC BRONZE DECORATED BELLCa. 2000 BC. A wonderful, Rare example of a Bronze Age bell, possibly Indus Valley culture; decorated with Zebu bulls and coiled patterns; full with mortar, suggesting its burrial in a ritual context.See Sold Price
Egyptian Old Kingdom Stone Mortar and PestleAncient Egypt, Old Kingdom, ca. 2400 to 2250 BCE. A marble mortar and limestone pestle, used for grinding ritual materials and cooking. The pestle is heavy, blunt-ended on one side, tapering to a coniSee Sold Price
Huge Chavin Incised Stone Mortar & PestlePre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Cupisnique Chavin, ca. 600 to 200 BCE. An enormous carved greenstone mortar and pestle created for grinding materials as part of the ritual ingestion of hallucinogenicSee Sold Price
Chavin Incised Stone Mortar - Jaguar HeadPre-Columbian, Peru, Chavin, Jequetepeque, ca. 1200 to 500 BCE. A stone mortar used for grinding materials as part of the ritual ingestion of hallucinogenic drugs. On the side are deeply incised motifSee Sold Price
Peru Chavin Small Stone Mortar - JaguarPre-Columbian, Peru, Chavin, 900 to 200 BCE. A fantastic object, charming and delightful, a mortar for grinding hallucinogenic drugs used in ritual in the form of a standing jaguar. The facial featureSee Sold Price
Peru Chavin Small Stone Mortar - JaguarPre-Columbian, Peru, Chavin, 900 to 200 BCE. A fantastic object, charming and delightful, a mortar for grinding hallucinogenic drugs used in ritual in the form of a standing jaguar. The facial featureSee Sold Price
Olmec Cinnabar Mortar & Pestle (1200-600 BC)Olmec Cinnabar Mortar & Pestle (1200-600 BC)Cinnabar was an important part of the Artistic and ritual aspects of the Olmec. This vessels lid provides a protrusion which was used as the pestle. - MesoASee Sold Price
Peru Chavin Small Stone Mortar - Jaguar**Originally Listed At $500** Pre-Columbian, Peru, Chavin, 900 to 200 BCE. A fantastic object, charming and delightful, a mortar for grinding hallucinogenic drugs used in ritual in the form of a standSee Sold Price
Kuba mortar / Mortier KubaKuba mortar / Mortier Kuba Thi small Kuba mortar is adorned by sumptuous engravings in relief. The decorations are different geometric shapes, ritual symbols and a very rare representation of a pangolSee Sold Price
SET/4 PRIMITIVE WOOD CANDLE STICKS & MORTARYou are bidding on a Set/4 Vintage Wood Candle Sticks & Mortar from Papa New Guinea. These were items used in ceremories or rituals. CIRCA: Mid 20th Century SIZE: 12"H; 8"H WEIGHT: 8LBS (SET) SHIPS VISee Sold Price
Mixtec Wooden Pestle w/ Incised Deity - ex-ButterfieldsPre-Columbian, Mexico, Mixtec culture, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A hand-carved wooden pestle, for use with a mortar, to grind hallucinogenic drugs as part of shamanic rituals. Incised on the body is an absSee Sold Price
TIMORESE CARVED WOOD BETEL NUT CRUSHERTIMORESE CARVED WOOD BETEL NUT CRUSHER A wooden carved betel nut crushing mortar from Timor which stands 12 inches in height with a 5 1/2 inch diameter. The betel nut crusher is used in rituals to welSee Sold Price
Mixtec Wooden Pestle w/ Incised Deity - ex-ButterfieldsPre-Columbian, Mexico, Mixtec culture, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A hand-carved wooden pestle, for use with a mortar, to grind hallucinogenic drugs as part of shamanic rituals. Incised on the body is an absSee Sold Price
TIMORESE CARVED WOOD BETEL NUT CRUSHERA wooden carved betel nut crushing mortar from the island of Timor which stands one foot tall with a 5 1/2 inch diameter. The betel nut crusher is used in rituals to welcome guests. This crusher depicSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Chinese Bronze Footed Mortar. Signed. WellAntique Chinese Bronze Footed Mortar. Signed. Well Used. Measures 2-5/8 Inches Tall and 4-1/2 Inches Wide at the Rim. Shipping $30.00See Sold Price
English Staffordshire Blue and White Mortar & PestleMid-Hudson Auction Galleries4.4(470)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Three Akan Tribal Brass African Containers Forowa Boxes and a Dan Snuff MortarArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
1880 DUNCAN's MASONIC RITUAL and MONITOR or GUIDE to the THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES of the ANCIENT YORKNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
A Disneyland Haunted Mansion Brick and Mortar Fragment.Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
LOT OF THREE BRONZE ARCHAIC RITUAL VESSELSLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Magnificent Old Dogon Ritual Oil Lamp Ex Kahan GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Chine bronze ritual food vessel "human mask" , rectangular DingBazaar of Persia4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
TWO PAINTED MORTAR & PESTLES, 1 BLUE & 1 OCHRECarlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Named WW2 WWII 84th Chemical Mortar Battallion Company A GroupingEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
RARE BRASS BETEL NUT MORTAR & PESTLEPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024