SoldWax Over Papier-mache Slit-headed Shoulder DollWax over papier-mache slit-headed shoulder Doll, English, c.1840, painted features, black pupiless eyes, with wire mechanism at waist to open/close eyes, dark blond mohair wig, cloth body, left foot sSee Sold Price
SoldWax Over Papier-mache Slit-headed Shoulder DollWax over papier-mache slit-headed shoulder Doll, English, c.1840, painted features, black pupiless eyes, wire mechanism at waist to open/close eyes, dark blond mohair wig, cloth body, lower arms kid lSee Sold Price
SoldWax Over Papier-mache Slit-headed Shoulder DollWax over papier-mache slit-headed shoulder Doll, English, c.1840, painted features, black pupiless eyes, with wire mechanism at waist to open/close eyes, dark blond mohair wig, cloth body, left foot sSee Sold Price
Soldearly wax doll, c. 1870-75, wax papier mâché shoulderearly wax doll, c. 1870-75, wax papier mâché shoulder headed doll, "Society Ladys", German fashion doll, head is slightly bent to the side, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, unusual formedSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 42 cm,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 42 cm, mohair wig, fix inset blue glass eyes, fabric body, wax coated arms and legs, old clothes and underwear, cracks in face German Description WachsSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headedwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 34 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, mohair wig, jointed wood arms and legs, original clothes, original mohair wig German Description wachs&uumSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, slightlywax coated, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, slightly bent to the side , some cracks were closed, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, slightly added breasts, breast plate width: 11.5 cm, oriSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England, 1880, 52 cm, brown glass eyeswithout pupil , stucking sleepy eyes, mohair wig, fabric body, leather forearms, cracks in face, tip of the nose iSee Sold Price
Soldvery early wax coated papier mâché shoulder headedvery early wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, c. 1810, inset black glass eyes without pupil, , inset real hair, breast plate with slightly modelled breasts, fabric body with single stitchSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 62 cm,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 62 cm, fix inset without pupil, brown glass eyes, mohair wig, fabric body, leather forearms, original-clothes and underwear, wax with formation of crackSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, Englandwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England around1850/60, 56 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, cracks in the wax, mohair wig, fabric body, original clothes, partially caused of old age in woSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England, 72 cm, inset mohair, fabric body, wax coated mass arms and legs, cracks are caused of old age , nose is slightly worn with pull mechanism for eSee Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England, c. 1860, 40 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes without pupil , mohair-hair, fabric body, leather forearms, cracks in face, tip of the nose is worn,See Sold Price
Soldwax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 23.5 cm,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 23.5 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes without pupil, , fabric body, wooden arms and legs, up-painted boots, old clothes German Description Wachs überzogeSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 60 cm,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 60 cm, real hair wig, fix inset brown glass eyeswithout pupil, wax with formation of cracks, fabric body, mass arms and-legs, strongly modelled boots, oSee Sold Price
small wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 32small wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 32 cm, fix inset without pupil, brown glass eyes, fur hair wig, mass arms and legs, fabric body, up-painted boots, old clothes German DescriptionSee Sold Price
Soldladylike wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll,ladylike wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 40 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, face with worned places, fabric body, mass arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks German DescSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England, 46 cm, mohair-wig, fix inset glass eyes without pupil, closed mouth, cracks in face, fabric body, leather arms German Description Wachs überzoSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England,wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, England, 47 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, inset mohair, fabric body, leather forearms, minimally cracks in wax German Description Wachsüberzogene PapiSee Sold Price
wax coated papier mâché , simple shoulder headed doll,wax coated papier mâché , simple shoulder headed doll, c. 1875, wig, black glass eyes without pupil , fix inset , simple, stiff , gauze body, arms and legs are made of mass, simple original dress, oSee Sold Price
2 pieces, dolls, among it 1x early papier mâché wax shoulder headed doll, breast plate was2 pieces, dolls, among it 1x early papier mâché wax shoulder headed doll, breast plate was probably retouched, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, tip of the nose is worn, pierced ears, hair rinSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish papier mâché wax coated shoulder headed doll,English papier mâché wax coated shoulder headed doll, with big jointed eyes, by a pull wire, 75 cm, mohair wig, cracks in the wax, 1 arm is missing, old clothes, old underwear German Description EngSee Sold Price
Soldpapier mâché, wax coated shoulder headed doll, probablypapier mâché, wax coated shoulder headed doll, probably KESTNER, 60 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig, fabric body, mass arms, the cracks at the breast plate are caused of oSee Sold Price
Soldpapier mâché, wax coated shoulder headed doll, 55 cm,papier mâché, wax coated shoulder headed doll, 55 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, real hair wig, leather body, colorwise contrasting hands (intimitated gloves), old clothes and underweaSee Sold Price
(19th c) PAPIER MACHE BOX "AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE"John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
QUEEN ANNE DOLL & HEAD and SHOULDER PLATEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Set 3 Antique Wax Dolls Three Old People in Chairs Grandma & GrandpaLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th C. Mother of Pearl & Gilt Papier Mache ChairEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
French bulldog toy in papier-mache on wheel, circa 1930.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
RUSSIAN FOLK ART LAQUERED PAPIER MACHE EGG CASKETAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sculpture on Mixed media and Papier Mache signed MENDIVE and Dated 2012 with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of 3 Vintage Papier Mache Easter Bunny Candy ContainersMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAPIER MACHE MILLNER'S HEAD.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
PAPIER MACHE MILLNER'S HEAD.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
PAPIER MACHE MILLNER'S HEAD.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
AMERICAN COUPLE PAPIER MACHE ARTWORK BY MIKE LEAFAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Russian Easter egg "Resurrection of Christ". - Russia, manufacture of A.P. Lukutin, 19th cent. -ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024