SoldFOLLOWER OF GASPARD DUGHET, 18TH C.18th C. oil on canvas Italian painting having figures along a path with structures near a lake and Mount Sorreto in background; canvas 26"H 43"W overall 32"H 49"WSee Sold Price
SoldFollower of Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) Italian. FiguresFollower of Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) Italian. "Christ Entering Jerusalem", Figures in a Landscape by a Well, with Hilltop Buildings Beyond, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 36".See Sold Price
SoldPrint After Gaspard DughetAfter Gaspard Dughet (Italian, 1615 - 1675), Italian Landscape, etching, overall (with frame): 17.25"h x 19.5"wSee Sold Price
SoldGaspard Dughet (1615-1675) Original EngravingAn original copper plate engraving on laid paper by Italian artist Gaspard Dughet, (also known as Gaspard Poussin), (1615-1675) titled "Roman Campagna", C. 1645. The term "Campagna" means "any place nSee Sold Price
SoldManner of Gaspard Dughet(French, 1615-1675, called Gaspard Poussin), possibly 18th century, Landscape With Figures, unsigned, oil on canvas, inscription verso canvas "Gaspar Poussin Rome 1613-1675", 30-7/8 x 24-1/4 in.; giltSee Sold Price
SoldATT. TO GASPARD DUGHET (French, 1615-1675) LANDSCAPEATTRIBUTED TO GASPARD DUGHET (French, 1615-1675) LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES oil on canvas; 23 1/2 x 38 1/2 in. (31 x 45 in.) Notes: Accompanied by copy of the original invoice from Peter Class, London dSee Sold Price
Attr. to Gaspard Dughet; Gaspard Poussin, ca. 1650Romulus and Remus; birth of Rome. Gaspard Dughet (Gaspard Poussin), Dutch artist, known for painting landscapes, Royal Academy of Art, London (1835-1920). 19th century. Approx. 31" x 37" image, 41" xSee Sold Price
SoldManner of Gaspard Dughet (French, 1615-1675)Manner of Gaspard Dughet (French, 1615-1675) "Castellated Landscape Capriccio", oil on canvas, third quarter 18th century, 26" x 41-1/4". Presented in a later carved, gold-banded and dark verdigris-paSee Sold Price
SoldAfter Gaspard Dughet , aka Poussin, (France 18thAfter Gaspard Dughet , aka Poussin, (France 18th-19 C.), Classical Landscape with Shepherd & Sheep, oil/canvas, 16"x22 1/4", framed 23"x30", initialed GD on stoneSee Sold Price
SoldAttr. to Gaspard Dughet. Landscape, oil on canvas(French, 1615-1675). Landscape with Figures Among Ruins, handwritten attribution on verso, 28 3/4 x 38 1/2 in., giltwood frameSee Sold Price
SoldFollower of Gaspard Dughet (French 1615-1675), ,Follower of Gaspard Dughet (French 1615-1675) Travelers in an Extensive Landsape Oil on panel 11 3/4 x 15 1/2 in. (29.8 x 39.4cm) PROVENANCE: Collection of Dr. Morris V. Shelanski, Wynnewood, PennsylvSee Sold Price
SoldCIRCLE OF GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615 - 1675) -CIRCLE OF GASPARD DUGHET (Rome, 1615 - 1675) Landscapes with figures and architectures. Couple of paintings Oil on canvas laid down on panel, diameter cm. 17,5. Antique framesSee Sold Price
SoldCerchia di Gaspard Dughet (Roma 1615 – 1675)Paesaggio con la fuga in Egitto olio su tela, cm 34 x 42,5CIRCLE OF GASPARD DUGHET (ROME 1615 - 1675), LANDSCAPE WITH THE FLIGHT TO EGYPT, OIL ON CANVAS CM 34 x 42.5See Sold Price
SoldAfter Gaspard Dughet, 19th c. O/c landscapeAfter Gaspard Dughet (Italian, 1615-1675) oil on canvas titled 'Paysage Montagneux Romain' depicting a landscape with classical figures, mid 19th century, unsigned, 33"h x 45"w, overall size includingSee Sold Price
SoldAfter Gaspard Dughet (Gaspard Poussin)After Gaspard Dughet (Gaspard Poussin) After Gaspard Dughet (Gaspard Poussin) A set of eleven etchings of classical landscapes after paintings, mid-18th century, published by Knapton, Pond, and othersSee Sold Price
SoldGaspard Dughet, attributed to 17th Century 72x51 cm."Roman countryside with shepherds and herds" , oil on canvas, within a gilded wood frameSee Sold Price
SoldGASPARD DUGHET (attr. a)(Roma, 1615 - 1675) Paesaggio con figure Olio su tela, cm 49X63 Cognato di Nicolas Poussin, del quale fu allievo, Dughet è da considerarsi il pittore di paesaggio fra i più importanti del baroccSee Sold Price
SoldGASPARD DUGHET (seguace di)(Roma, 1615 - 1675) Paesaggio con Caino e Abele Tempera su carta, cm 19X26 Realizzata su carta, l'opera evoca assai bene la produzione a tempera di Gaspard Dughet, in modo particolare quelle composiziSee Sold Price
Figures In A Arcadian Landscape By Gaspard DughetA 17th century French School Oil Painting by French Old Master Gaspard Dughet (French, 1615-1675) (or the Circle of Gaspard Dughet), depicting figures in a riverside landscape | Oil on Canvas | ClassiSee Sold Price
After Gaspard Dughet, 19th c. O/c landscapeAfter Gaspard Dughet (Italian, 1615-1675) oil on canvas titled 'Paysage Montagneux Romain' depicting a landscape with classical figures, mid 19th century, unsigned, 33"h x 45"w, overall size includingSee Sold Price
Follower of Gaspard Dughet, Arcadian Landscape, c. 1800Oil on paper, laid down on cardboard Presumably Italy, around 1800 Follower of Gaspard Dughet (1615-1675) – French-Italian painter from Rome Golden frame Dimensions of cardboard: 29.3 x 39.2 cm ThisSee Sold Price
SoldGASPARD DUGHET(Roma, 1615-1675) Paesaggio con figure Olio su tela, cm 49X66 Provenienza: Roma, Galleria Gasparrini Bibliografia: L. Salerno, 'Pittori di paesaggio a Roma. 1600-1760', Roma 1977, p. 22, n. 35 Di origSee Sold Price
SoldGASPARD DUGHET (attr. a)(Roma, 1615 - 1675) Paesaggio con borgo fortificato, torrente e tratto di costa sullo sfondo Olio su tela, cm 97X135See Sold Price
SoldGASPARD DUGHET (attr. a)(Roma, 1615 - 1675) Paesaggio arcadico Olio su tela, cm 43X66 Cognato di Nicolas Poussin, del quale fu allievo, Dughet è da considerarsi il pittore di paesaggio fra i più importanti del baroccoSee Sold Price
19thc Engraving, Roman Classical Scene, Fabric MakingConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare Gaspard Cashard 18th century Succ. To Henry Tower Fuse Mantle ClockGalerie Du Louvre4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1973 Dave Campbell's Texas Football Magazine Glen Gaspard Longhorns 50700Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
After Gaspard Gresley, The Sleeping Spinner, Oil on Canvas PaintingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Kees Van Dongen and G. Mornay - Louis Jou : set of one menu and one lithographNCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Hon. Gaspard Fauteux. C. P. Lt. Governor of Quebec Medal 1950Gaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024