SoldRoman Eye and Melon Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of restrung glass beads, six oblate comprising: eight blue beads with applied blue and white pattern, and three pale blue melon beads; Roman or later. Property of a professSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye and Other Bead Group1st-3rd century AD and later. A mixed group of millefiori-decorated and other glass beads comprising: a black melon bead, a green melon bead, a blue spherical with three eyes, a biconvex black bead wiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye and Other Bead Group1st-3rd century AD and later. A mixed group of glass beads, comprising: a blue spherical with yellow pellets, a green irregular, two dark furnace-wound melon beads, three oblates red on black 'crumb'See Sold Price
SoldRoman Mixed Necklace Bead Group1st century AD and later. A mixed group of glass and stone beads comprising: seventeen plain glass beads of white, green blue and brown colour; one green melon bead; seven eye beads; one marble bead.See Sold Price
Roman Ceramic Bead and Gaming Piece Group1st-4th century AD. A large group of mixed items comprising: eleven glazed composition 'melon' beads; one glass 'eye' bead; one iridescent glass spindle whorl; four black glass domed gaming pieces; onSee Sold Price
Roman Ceramic Bead and Gaming Piece Group1st-4th century AD. A large group of mixed items comprising: eleven glazed composition 'melon' beads; one glass 'eye' bead; one iridescent glass spindle whorl; four black glass domed gaming pieces; onSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mixed Necklace Bead Group1st century AD and later. A mixed group of glass beads comprising: seventeen clear glass melon beads, five flush blue and white glass eye beads, and eleven horned glass eye beads. 57 grams total, 32cmSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mixed Necklace Bead Group1st century AD and later. A mixed group of glass beads comprising: sixteen plain pale blue and green beads; two melon beads; four trail-decorated beads; three blue and white eye beads; three poppy heaSee Sold Price
SoldRoman and Other Bead Group1st century AD and later. A restrung group of glass beads of globular, polyhedral, melon and irregular types, nine with marvered eye decoration. 78 grams, 33.5cm (13 1/4"). From a private collection;See Sold Price
SoldRoman and Later Necklace Bead Group1st-3rd century AD and later. A restrung necklace of glass beads including a pale green faience melon bead, clear facetted fusiform bead and some blue millefiori eye beads. 60 grams, 30cm (12"). PropeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mixed Glass Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. An assorted group of glass beads, mainly oblate, spherical or barrel-shaped, one folded glass, two melon-shaped, some with trailed designs including eyes and millefiori. 40 grams tSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A string of glass beads of various types, some decorated with white and yellow dots; Roman or later. Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 2011; formerly in a private collSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of rounded, square-section and spherical glass beads each with polychrome glass detailing; on a modern wire loop. 47 grams total, 10-11mm (1/2") Property of a professSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of restrung oblate glass beads with applied blue and white pattern; Roman or later. Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 2011; formerly in a private collection foSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of five glass beads comprising: two black with applied blue and white 'eyes'; two similar with the 'eyes' marvered; one yellow with similar 'eyes'. Property of a professionSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group restrung glass beads including eight blue and one oblate eye beads, and one plain blue oblate Hebron bead; Roman or later. Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 20See Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A group of five glass spherical beads each green glass with yellow eyes outlined in red, on a modern wire loop. 11 grams total, 9-12mm (1/4 - 1/2") Property of a professional gentlSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of glass beads comprising: four in blue with white spots; two in green with blue and white spots; one in white with blue and white spots; one in brown with blue and white sSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of oblate glass beads with applied white and blue pattern; Roman or later Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 2011; formerly in a private collection formed beforSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of oblate blue glass beads with applied blue and white pattern, and a large Hebron bead in the centre; Roman or later. Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 2011;See Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of irregular pale blue oblate glass beads with multiple applied eyes, modern wire loop. 14 grams total, 11-18mm (1/2 - 3/4") Property of a professional gentleman, acqSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of square-section and rounded glass beads, each with polychrome glass detailing, on a modern wire loop. 37 grams total, 7-11mm (1/4 - 1/2") Property of a professionalSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed glass bead group comprising: a oblate green millefiori eye bead, two oblate white millefiori eye beads with red and black mosaic panels; on modern wire loop. 11 grams totalSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of glass beads, comprising: two oblate brown and yellow millefiori eye beads with one blue oblate bead with trailed eyes; on a modern wire loop. 13 grams total, 15-17See Sold Price
Roman Mosaic and Other Glass Necklace Bead GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Mask - Beads, Cauris, Plant fibre, Wood - Ngaady A Waash Bushoong - Kuba - Congo (Copy)Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024