Fired Clay Gandharan Head, 2nd/3rd C.Clay Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century Dimensions (height) 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Estimate by Auctionata Expert: $1,000-$2,000 The gentleman depicted here wears a cloth head covering cinched at the center front,See Sold Price
Fired Clay Gandharan Head, 2nd/3rd C.Clay Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century Dimensions (height) 8 in (20 cm) Fair condition This Gandharan figure is depicted wearing a cloth tied head covering, and was modeled with delicate features. The face beSee Sold Price
Fired Clay Gandharan Head, 2nd/3rd C.Clay Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century Dimensions (height) 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Fair condition The gentleman depicted here wears a cloth head covering cinched at the center front, with dark curly hair spillingSee Sold Price
Fired Clay Gandharan Head, 2nd/3rd C.Clay Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century Dimensions (height) 8 in (20 cm) Estimate by Auctionata Expert: $1,000-$2,000 This Gandharan figure is depicted wearing a cloth tied head covering, and was modeled withSee Sold Price
Ancient Lifesize Gandharan Stucco Buddha Head, 2nd/3rdAncient Lifesize Gandharan Stucco Buddha Head, 2nd/3rd century CE. Size: 9 by 9 inches (22.8 x 22.8 cm). Very rare and desirable pottery life-size head of Buddha. Wide face with tightly curled locksSee Sold Price
SoldVESSEL WITH DOUBLE HEAD - LAMBAYEQUE, PERUVESSEL WITH DOUBLE HEAD - LAMBAYEQUE, PERU, C. 1000-1200 AD Fired clay Lambayeque, Peru, c. 1000-1200 AD The foot is broad and with an incised geometric design. The spherical body offers on the frontSee Sold Price
SoldPalmyra, c. 2nd-3rd c. AD. Clay Tessera. Lot of twPalmyra, c. 2nd-3rd c. AD. Clay Tessera. Lot of two items. The largest one a clay ticket with the heads of three priests with stars between, Aramaic legend above and below. Two roses in each upper corSee Sold Price
SoldMUG IN THE SHAPE OF A HEAD - MOCHE CULTURE, PERUMUG IN THE SHAPE OF A HEAD – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 500 AD Fired clay Moche culture, Peru, c. 500 AD The mug dominated by a sculptural depicted face with sincere expression. The big ears protruSee Sold Price
SoldPACCHA IN THE FORM OF A LAMA HEAD - INCA EMPIRE, PERUPACCHA IN THE FORM OF A LAMA HEAD – INCA EMPIRE, PERU, C. 1200-1400 AD Painted fired clay Inca empire, Peru, c. 1200-1400 AD Realistically executed. Llamas played an important role in the Inca cSee Sold Price
SoldZeus with Eagle, Terracotta, Ptolemaic Period ofFired clay Egypt, Ptolemaic Period Head of a terracotta of the god Zeus with eagle, in Hellenistic style Dimensions: 11.2 x c. 7 x 3.5 cm (width x height x depth) Provenance: Private Collection BrunoSee Sold Price
SoldTL-TESTED HEAD - OLMEC CIVILIZATION, MEXICOTL-TESTED HEAD - OLMEC CIVILIZATION, MEXICO, C. 7TH CENTURY BC Fired clay Olmec civilization, Mexico, c. 7th century BC TL-test certificate no. 011222, dated February 2002, by the Kotalla laboratory iSee Sold Price
Vessel fired in shape of an aardvark headVessel fired in shape of an aardvark head, Chimu, Peru, 12th c., clay dark fired, nose inshape of a frog? humorous, minor dam. on the edge, 19.5 x 22.5 x 18 cmSee Sold Price
SoldTL-TESTED STIRRUP VESSEL WITH FOUR HEADS- MOCHE CULTURETL-TESTED STIRRUP VESSEL WITH FOUR HEADS – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 4TH CENTURY Painted fired clay Moche culture, Peru, c. 4th century TL-test certificate no. 069204, dated April 1992, by the KotSee Sold Price
SoldDEER'S HEAD VESSEL - INCA EMPIRE, PERU, C. 1400 ADDEER'S HEAD VESSEL – INCA EMPIRE, PERU, C. 1400 AD Black fired clay Inca empire, Peru, c. 1400 AD The deer´s neck works as a pedestal, the head shows a snout with a jagged smile, almond eyesSee Sold Price
MINIATURE LLAMA HEAD VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERUMINIATURE LLAMA HEAD VESSEL – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 200 AD Fired clay with painted decoration Moche culture, Peru, c. 200 AD A fine `portrait´ of a llama, from the top extends a vertical spSee Sold Price
SoldTL-TESTED HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERUTL-TESTED HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 8TH CENTURY Fired clay with painted decoration Moche culture, Peru, c. 8th century TL-test certificate no. 569205, dated October 1992, by the KotSee Sold Price
SoldMAN-SHAPED VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 500 ADMAN-SHAPED VESSEL – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 500 AD Fired clay Moche culture, Peru, c. 500 AD A human head with big nose forms the vessel´s neck. The lower body is voluminous, the hands are heSee Sold Price
TL-TESTED HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL - VICUS CULTURE, PERUTL-TESTED HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL - VICUS CULTURE, PERU, C. 1st CENTURY BC Fired clay Vicus culture, Peru, c. 1st Century BC TL-test certificate no. 659206, dated May 1992, by the Kotalla laboratory in GerSee Sold Price
TL-TESTED LARGE HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL-MOCHE CULTURE, PERUTL-TESTED LARGE HEAD-SHAPED VESSEL – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 11TH CENTURY Fired clay painted in shades of red and white Moche culture, Peru, c. 11th century TL-test certificate no. 63010911, datSee Sold Price
SoldMAN-SHAPED VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 600 ADMAN-SHAPED VESSEL – MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 600 AD Tan painted fired clay Moche culture, Peru, c. 600 AD A human head with big nose forms the vessel´s neck. The lower body with hands held inSee Sold Price
SoldTL TESTED HEAD SHAPE STIRRUP VESSEL-VICUS CULTURE, PERUTL TESTED HEAD SHAPE STIRRUP VESSEL – VICUS CULTURE, PERU, C. 3RD CENTURY BC Painted fired clay Vicus culture, Peru, c. 3rd century BC TL-test certificate no. 15791126, dated November 1979, by tSee Sold Price
SoldTL TESTED HEAD SHAPE STIRRUP VESSEL-MOCHE CULTURE, PERUTL TESTED HEAD SHAPE STIRRUP VESSEL - MOCHE CULTURE, PERU, C. 1ST CENTURY Fired clay with red color decoration Moche culture, Peru, c. 1st century TL-test certificate no. 282101, dated October 1982, bSee Sold Price
TL-TESTED HEAD OF A VENUS - VALDIVIA CULTURE, ECUADORTL-TESTED HEAD OF A VENUS – VALDIVIA CULTURE, ECUADOR, C. 2000 BC Painted fired clay Valdivia culture, Ecuador, c. 2000 BC TL-test certificate no. 06210410, dated April 2010, by the Kotalla laboSee Sold Price
TL-TESTED HEAD OF A VENUS - VALDIVIA CULTURE, ECUADORTL-TESTED HEAD OF A VENUS - VALDIVIA CULTURE, ECUADOR, C. 2000 BC Painted fired clay Valdivia culture, Ecuador, c. 2000 BC TL-test certificate no. 07210410, dated April 2010, by the Kotalla laboratorySee Sold Price
6/7th C. Korean Pensive Buddha of the Future. Head is MissingThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
17" Opium Pipe Wood Stem with Clay pipe Head, exceptional use wearHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ancient Greek Coins - Campania - Neapolis - AR DidrachmTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Sindh Red Ground Shawl (Small Flowers), Pakistan, Early/Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Ancient Bankoni Civilization Sculpture 15-16th CenturyTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Anthony Daniels-autographed Early C-3POPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Ancient Sokoto Head Fragment 500 BC African ArtifactTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
20th C. PNG Sepik River Woven Dance Costume - 5 ft!Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024