SoldUNIDENTIFIED RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPUNIDENTIFIED RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue, ball-form font with a five horizontal rib shoulder over multiple ribs, six-panel stem and ribbed foot, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period NoSee Sold Price
SoldUNIDENTIFIED RIBBED PATTERN KEROSENE STAND LAMPUNIDENTIFIED RIBBED PATTERN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font, cobalt blue base, Onion-style font raised on a swirled columnar stem and Baroque-style base, embossed to the underside "ESBERARO?", wafSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS PATTERN STAND LAMPS, LOT OF THREE, kerosenVARIOUS PATTERN STAND LAMPS, LOT OF THREE, kerosene period, colorless, consisting of a Princess Feather, a Bullseye Fine Detail, and an unidentified plain font with dotted foot and ribbed stem, firstSee Sold Price
SoldMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, mottled opaque white and opalescent glass globular-form font, translucent blue base with dark striations, base with short ribs over a long panels and a scalloped footSee Sold Price
SoldMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, opaque white/milk glass font, slightly mottled opaque blue base, No. 1 brass fine-line collar. Fitted with a No. 1 "E. MILLER" lip burner and a period opaque white/miSee Sold Price
SoldMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, opal globular font, mottled blue scalloped edge foot with upper ribs, No. 1 single-rib collar. Fitted with a period setup comprising a Holmes, Booth & Haydens No. 1 lSee Sold Price
SoldUNIDENTIFIED KEROSENE STAND LAMPUNIDENTIFIED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font, cobalt blue base, blown-molded font with thumbprint-in-square band flanked with panels, raised on a pressed panelled stem and hairpin domed foot, brasSee Sold Price
SoldMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, opaque white globular font, lightly mottled blue scalloped edge foot with upper ribs, No. 1 fine-line collar. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner. Third quarter 19See Sold Price
SoldMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, PAIRMELON RIBBED KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, PAIR, opaque white globular form fonts, lightly mottled blue scalloped edge foot with upper ribs, No. 1 fine-line collars. Fitted with a period No. 0 slip burner. ThSee Sold Price
SoldDUNCAN RIBBED BAND KEROSENE STAND LAMPDUNCAN RIBBED BAND KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless, No. 1 Atwood collar. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner and near-matching patterned slip chimney. Geo. Duncan & Sons. Fourth quarter 19th centurySee Sold Price
SoldDUNCAN RIBBED BAND KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF THREEDUNCAN RIBBED BAND KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF THREE, colorless, two with a No. 1 or No. 2 Atwood collar, other with a No. 2 Taplin-Brown collar. Two fitted with a period slip burner. Geo. Duncan & SSee Sold Price
SoldRIBBED RINGED EMBOSSED KEROSENE STAND LAMPRIBBED RINGED EMBOSSED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, ruby compressed globular-form font, opaque white Baroque base, brass connector, No. 3 collar with No. 2 adapter. Fitted with a No. 2 slip burner, shade ringSee Sold Price
SoldUNIDENTIFIED STAND LAMP, kerosene period, amber, dUNIDENTIFIED STAND LAMP, kerosene period, amber, drip-catcher font with arched thumbprint and fine-tooth panels, #1 Taplin-Brown collar, period burner and chimney. 8 3/4" h, 4 3/4" d baseSee Sold Price
SoldUNIDENTIFIED STAND LAMP, kerosene period, green foUNIDENTIFIED STAND LAMP, kerosene period, green font and amber base, both patterned with alternating narrow and wide ribs, copper screw connecter, lacking collar. Late 19th/early 20th century. 15" h,See Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL B-97 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL B-97 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, jade, ribbed font with side-refill feature, raised on a waisted and panelled standard and circular foot with later finish. Fitted with a Model-B burnerSee Sold Price
SoldDUNCAN RIBBED BAND STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colDUNCAN RIBBED BAND STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, No. clinch Atwood collar, Geo. Duncan & Sons. 8 1/2" h, 4 1/2" dia base.See Sold Price
SoldRIBBED BEEHIVE STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorlRIBBED BEEHIVE STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless font, opaque white base, brass connector, #1 fine line collar, 8 1/8" h, 3 5/8" sq base.See Sold Price
SoldDIAMOND-QUILT AIR-TRAP-MOTHER- OF-PEARL SATIN GLASSDIAMOND-QUILT AIR-TRAP-MOTHER- OF-PEARL SATIN GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue cased, ribbed globular-form font, brass base with ribbed stem and hexagonal foot, matching patterned shade with star-formSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL B-95 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL B-95 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, White Moonstone, ribbed font with side-refill feature and a scalloped edge, raised on a waisted and panelled standard and circular foot lacking finish,See Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL B-96 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL B-96 / QUEEN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, White Moonstone, ribbed font with side-refill feature and a scalloped edge, raised on a waisted and panelled standard and circular foot with original fiSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY MAGUIRE / RIBBED BELT STAND LAMP, kerosenATTERBURY MAGUIRE / RIBBED BELT STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless blown-molded font, opaque white Eureka base, Atterbury screw socket connector embossed with patent information, #1 fine line collSee Sold Price
SoldDAISY STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, ribDAISY STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, ribbed stem, #1 Taplin-Brown collar. Westmoreland Specialty Co. Fourth quarter 19th century. 9 1/4" h, 4 3/4" dia base. Provenance:Collection of Faith J.See Sold Price
SoldSMITH I, FIG. 69 MINIATURE STAND LAMP, kerosene peSMITH I, FIG. 69 MINIATURE STAND LAMP, kerosene period, brass, ribbed font with zig-zag to shoulder, with metal cut-out shade as Smith II, fig. 342, period burner, 7 1/4" h overall, 2 1/4" dia foot ovSee Sold Price
SoldONION / ILLUMINATOR KEROSENE STAND LAMPONION / ILLUMINATOR KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blown-molded vertical ribbed colorless font joined by an opaque white wafer to a matching patterned opaque white pressed base, No. 2 Taplin-Brown collar. FitteSee Sold Price
BRADLEY & HUBBARD KEROSENE LAMP BASEHartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Vintage Brass Tone Converted Kerosene LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Porcelain Night Stand LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Beautiful Victorian Hanging Hall Kerosene LampTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
E.S. Sorensen Brass Kerosene Lamp, from Copenhagen DenmarkCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(112)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024