SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Wild Rose' Pitcher c. 1875.A George Jones Majolica 'Wild Rose' Pitcher c. 1875. The pink ground bark ground body folded with white wild roses with yellow centres, 5" Catalogued and curated by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones Majolica Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875,The turquoise body decorated with large wild roses and leaves, the handle formed of branch, 8". Curated and catalogued by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Large George Jones Majolica ‘Monkey’ pitcherA Rare Large George Jones Majolica ‘Monkey’ pitcher c.1875. The flat sided cobalt blue body decorated with wild roses and a monkey forming the handle, 7" Catalogued and curated by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Large George Jones Majolica "Monkey"™Pitcher c.1875 The flat sided cobalt blue body decorated with wild roses and a monkey forming the handle, 7" Curated and catalogued by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones ‘wild rose’ pitcher. c.1875, the pittedA George Jones ‘wild rose’ pitcher. c.1875, the pitted light brown body decorated with large wild roses and leaves with a branch handle and turquoise interior, 6 ¾” 'CURATED & CATALOGUED BY NICSee Sold Price
SoldA large George Jones Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875 TheA large George Jones Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875 The straight sided turquoise blue bark body decorated with bold green leaves and white and pink wild roses, the handle formed of branch, all with a pink iSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875The pitted green and brown mottled body decorated with large wild roses and leaves, with a large branch handle, 7". Donna and David Reis Collection Curated and catalogued by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica Wild Rose Demi Tasse cup andA George Jones Majolica Wild Rose Demi Tasse cup and saucer, c.1875 Pattern No.3365. The cup and saucer both decorated with a pitted earthy green and brown ground with trading wild rose stems, leaveSee Sold Price
SoldRare George Jones Majolica Wild Rose Bud Vasec.1875, the straight sided pitted brown and green mottled decorated with wild roses and leaves, an attached rose bud to the side, 5 1/4". Curated and catalogued by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge Jones majolica dog rosecheese keeper c.1875, the brown and green mottled body decorated with wild roses and leaves with branch handle, the base with a large green leaf across the center, painted model number 3573 and impresSee Sold Price
SoldTwo George Jones Majolica Tea Cups c.1875 Shape no.Two George Jones Majolica Tea Cups c.1875 Shape no. 3519. The cobalt blue body decorated with wild roses and leaves with a closed white blossom forming the handles. This design is part of the George JSee Sold Price
SoldA rare Majolica Spill Vase c.1875 after the GeorgeA rare Majolica Spill Vase c.1875 after the George Jones ‘Wild Rose’ pattern, designed as a straight sided branch with raised wild roses and a brightly glazed large butterfly, 5” 'CURATED & CATASee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Majolica Butterfly Posy Vase c.1875 After aA Rare Majolica Butterfly Posy Vase c.1875 After a George Jones original. Modeled as brown tree trunk decorated with a large butterfly and trailing wild rose with a turquoise interior, 5” After a GeSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica Pitcher c.1875 Pattern No.3409A George Jones Majolica Pitcher c.1875 Pattern No.3409 Registered design 8 December 1874. The Quatrefoil shaped turquoise body with panels of marshes and heron with a large conjoined bamboo handle,See Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica ‘Park’ pitcher c.1875 PatternA George Jones Majolica ‘Park’ pitcher c.1875 Pattern No. 3457. 26th June 1875. Modeled as tree trunk decorated with horse chestnut leaves and blossoms and frogs sitting in the grasses around thSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica Swallow Pitcher c.1875.A George Jones Majolica Swallow Pitcher c.1875. Design Registered 12th March 1875. Modeled as a turquoise nest with a swallow forming the handle c.1875. Design Registered 12th March 1875. ModeledSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Iris' Pitcher c.1875. ShapeA George Jones Majolica 'Iris' Pitcher c.1875. Shape no. 2509. The lilac ground body molded with Irises and water lilies, 5 1/2" Catalogued and curated by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica ‘Park’ pitcher c.1875, modelledA George Jones Majolica ‘Park’ pitcher c.1875, modelled as tree trunk with horse chesnut leaves and blossoms, with small frogs sitting in the grasses around the base. This design was registered bySee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Orchid' Pitcher c.1875A George Jones Majolica 'Orchid' Pitcher c.1875 Modelled as a straight sided pitcher decorated with a mottled green and brown bark ground decorated with green orchid leaves, white blossoms and a plumpSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES majolica wild rose rustic pitcher witGEORGE JONES majolica wild rose rustic pitcher with branch handle, great color, turquoise ground, 7", base chipSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES turquoise majolica wild rose pitcher,GEORGE JONES turquoise majolica wild rose pitcher, professional rim repair, nice color, 7"See Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Wheat' Pitcher c.1875 ShapeA George Jones Majolica 'Wheat' Pitcher c.1875 Shape no. 1806. The cobalt ground body molded with large green acanthus leaves and wheat, 8". Catalogued and curated by Nicolaus BostonSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Wheat' Pitcher c.1875. ShapeA George Jones Majolica 'Wheat' Pitcher c.1875. Shape no.1806.The straight sided pink ground body modelled with stiff green acanthus leaves and yellow rope twist forming the foot rim, top edge and bouSee Sold Price
SoldA George Jones Majolica 'Iris' Pitcher c.1875. ShapeA George Jones Majolica 'Iris' Pitcher c.1875. Shape no. 2509. The pink ground body molded with Irises and water lilies all within rope twist to the foot rim and top edge, the brown glazed handle bounSee Sold Price