SoldTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Pennytoy VehiclesTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Pennytoy Vehicles - Triang Minics comprise a repainted Vauxhall Coupe, a plastic/tinplate Bulldozer, together with a Brimtoy friction drive Ambulance. Pennytoys include 2 x VSee Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Pennytoy VehiclesTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Pennytoy Vehicles - Triang Minics comprise a repainted Vauxhall Coupe, a plastic/Tinplate Bulldozer, together with a Brimtoy friction drive Ambulance. Pennytoys include 2 x VSee Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic and Wells Brimtoy VehiclesTriang Minic and Wells Brimtoy Vehicles. Triang Minic Models comprise, (1) Forward Control Refuse Lorry - green cab, red body and plastic hubs - Good Plus, (2) Triang Minic Morris Van - blue plastic mSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Tinplate & Plastic CommercialsTinplate and plastic Commercial Vehicles a group of unboxed which includes Minaluxe Coach, Triang Minic clockwork Tractor, Brimtoy Breakdown Truck plus others - conditions are generally Fair to Good (See Sold Price
SoldBox containing a quantity of tin plate die-cast modelBox containing a quantity of tin plate die-cast model vehicles including Triang Minic, Crescent Military, Wells Brimtoy, Tom and Jerry etc.See Sold Price
SoldEARLY DINKY & TRI-ANG MINIC VEHICLESIncludes Dinky Rolls Royce and Royal Mail Truck. Plus Tri-Ang Minic Transport. All original Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
Sold3 Triang Minic VehiclesIncludes a tri-color tank truck, functional, C8; Nice box for a dust cart; Plastic sedan, functional , C7+; Road roller, missing traction tires, not functional with rough box. C5See Sold Price
SoldDINKY & TRI-ANG MINIC VEHICLESDinky Dublo 067 Austin Taxi, 073 Land Rover w/Horse Trailer, orig boxes minor wear, Minic M702 Queen Elizabeth & M704 United States Oceanliners, die cast & plastic, C7-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 Tri-Ang Minic Vehicles, Gas Truck & Police Car2 pieces. Includes BP Gas Truck, and Police Car with roof siren. Both in working condition. . Light wear to each. ExamineSee Sold Price
Sold5pc Tri-Ang Minic Vehicle LotIncludes a Steam Traction Engine with trailer; Road Roller, stack corroded; Farm Tractor & Minic Transport van. All mechanisms functioned at time of test with 1 original key. All would benefit from aSee Sold Price
2 Tri-Ang Minic Vehicles, Brewery Truck & US Jeep2 pieces. Includes Minic Brewery Truck, and US Army Jeep. Both in working condition. Light wear to each. ExamineSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5: Tri-Ang Minic Vehicles.Includes two double decker buses, also two London Transport buses, and a log hauling truck. Toys appear all original. Some wear and scratching throughout. All are tin wind-ups. Condition (Good - ExcelSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Triang Minic, Brimtoy & Vebe ModelsTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Vebe models - Triang Minic plastic Push'n'Go items include Sunbeam Alpine, Log Lorry (lacks front wheels), Crawler Tractor (lacks rear wheels) and a 4-wheel Log Trailer. AlsoSee Sold Price
SoldFour Triang Minic vehicles, a boxed southern regiFour Triang Minic vehicles, a boxed southern region single decker bus, a Shell BP fuel oil articulated truck, a boxed steamroller with plastic wheels (one box end flap missing), and a French made (undSee Sold Price
SoldFour Triang Minic vehicles, a double decker LondoFour Triang Minic vehicles, a double decker London transport bus, a Triang breakdown vehicle with long fronted bonnet, a short bonnet petrol tanker in Esso livery and a long bonneted British Rail deliSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Triang Minic, Brimtoy and Vebe ModelsTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Vebe models - Triang Minic plastic Push'n'Go items include Sunbeam Alpine, Log Lorry (lacks front wheels), Crawler Tractor (lacks rear wheels) and a 4-wheel Log Trailer. AlsoSee Sold Price
SoldFour Triang Minic vehicles, a boxed Minic DairiesFour Triang Minic vehicles, a boxed Minic Dairies articulated truck with flat front, a long fronted refuse wagon, a fire engine with bell and plastic ladder, and a steamroller (front roller loose)See Sold Price
SoldFour Triang Minic vehicles, a fire engine completFour Triang Minic vehicles, a fire engine complete with plastic ladders and bell, a Watneys Red Barrel promotional beer, a flat fronted builder's wagon with raised frontboard and a Minic transport flaSee Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic Vehicles & OthersTriang Minic Vehicles, Slot Cars and Hong Kong Trucks - Triang Minic Vehicles comprise Steam Roller, Crawler Tractor lacking its rubber tracks, large scale Armoured Car together with a Hornby O GaugeSee Sold Price
SoldFive Triang Minic vehicles, a Minic brewery wagonFive Triang Minic vehicles, a Minic brewery wagon, articulated truck with blue trailer, a flat fronted Minic breakdown truck, a flat fronted tipper, a flat fronted ambulance and a flat fronted boxed tSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 3 TRIANG Minic VehiclesAll litho tin w/working motors, Vauxhall Convertible, C7+; Tipper Lorry, C6; Tractor front, missing 1 tire, C7See Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic Vehicles for RestorationTriang Minic vehicles for restoration. Lot comprises prime mover with red standard cab, Jeep which lacks windscreen, British Railways Van with standard cab and a number of spare parts and damaged keysSee Sold Price
SoldTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Vebe modelsTriang Minic, Brimtoy and Vebe models - Triang Minic Plastic Push'n'Go items include Sunbeam Alpine, Log Lorry (lacks front wheels), Crawler Tractor, lacks rear wheels and a 4-wheel Log Trailer. AlsoSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Tri-Ang Minic Vehicle Toys.Description One is an Express Service Luton delivery van and other is a Short Bonnet shutter van, which is an ambulance. Beautiful labels on both sides. Includes original boxes. Condition (Near Mint).See Sold Price
Georg Fischer TIN PENNY TOY VEHICLES Made in Germany.SJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
MINIC RARE Windup Vehicle WORKS AND KEY INLCUDED! 1940 MADE IN ENGLANDSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024